When ChunkMcBeefChest and MrWarmHands fight

Okay, so open the screen. So this is an audio format, so we do have to be very clear about what we're saying. There is a chart, and on the chart it says, which animals could you beat in a fight? And I can hear my own voice off your screen. No, you can't. That's your own head. You're imagining it. 

The echo in my brain is so loud. It was just a brief moment of schizophrenia. You should get that checked out. Do you know in schizophrenia, so in North America, I think it would be the same for the UK. A lot of it's negative. Whereas in parts of Asia and India, people with schizophrenia, the voices are friendly. Oh, they're like, oh, hey buddy, how you doing? That's why there's less incidences of schizophrenic sort of breaks in Eastern, I don't know about India, Africa, but certainly in Eastern countries. The voices aren't negative, so it doesn't drive you to this sort of extreme behavior as much, which I found really interesting. Yeah. There's got to be some cultural reason to that. 

When I played Senua's Sacrifice and the voices would say nice things, I was like, oh, this isn't so bad. Yeah. And then they come, you scum. You die like the worthless maggots you are. I heard a bee sound before you cut yourself off. Yeah. That was nice. All right. So the chart on the screen, so we have to sort of read it out for the listeners. Which animals could you beat in a fight? And it says, which of the following animals, if any, do you think you could beat in a fight if you were unarmed? 

I think that is very important. Yeah. But we're not going to go down the list yet. No, no. Well, I want to- Introduce them one by one. Yeah. Yeah. And just say that this was a survey between Brits, British people, and Americans. I was going to say that. And then I want to read this stuff at the bottom. It says a survey of 2,082 GBs of Great Britain adults from 2021 and 1,224 US adults also conducted in April. That's the total amount of people in those countries that could read. The education system in England is much better. So there's a consistency in the chart though. And the consistency is that Americans skew to more, I could beat the animal in a fight every single time. 

The Americans have got those big hairy balls. Big American balls. Everything is in American. Yeah. And English people just have those tiny little tea bags. That's it. I just imagined it like- It's pathetic. Yeah. Fucking. Yeah. That's what we do. Now, the lowest is zero and the highest is 80, but nothing ever actually hits the 80%. So it looks like the highest one, which is the first one, I say tops out in America at 72. 72. Yeah, 72. Early 70s. Yeah. Okay. So it is the common rat, I assume. And it's one-on-one. One-on-one. 

Only 72% of Americans think they can be a rat. So this was a question to me of, do you understand what they mean? Because I guess people freak out. You were unarmed as well, right? So the point is you can be in a fight, but only with your hands. Well, so my first thought if I'm going to fight a rat is to stomp on it. Well, yeah. But I guess a lot of people are scared of rats, right? Oh, yeah. No, but that was my point. Like the almost 20 to some percent of people who say they can't, they're just panicking right away. They say they can't beat anything all the way down the list. Yeah. All those people would be like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. So what yourself? Have you ever fought a rat? No, no, neither of I've had a rat pet one. I had a pet rat too. What was yours called? Ricky. Oh, that's quite nice. Yeah. Ricky the rat. 

Mine was Dimitri Dimitri. Yeah. Rats Kolnikov from Crime and Punishment. Rats Kolnikov. Oh, I didn't do that. I wasn't smart enough. Oh, come on. It was right there. It was right there. And you still wait and you reacted like you still hadn't thought of it all these years later. 

I hadn't. Oh, my God. No, no, because I didn't name him to be clever in any way. I named him after the character of the book I just read. Oh. But now, so I wasn't. Now I'm double disappointed. I wasn't trying to make a pun. You would have been very disappointed with 15 year old. As so many people were in so many ways. I was about as disappointing as a teen could get. Oh, but you could have beaten a rat. Oh, yeah. So, yeah. I did have that North American big ball confidence. Yeah. I think if this included Canadians, there would be a lot more on the higher end. It depends certain animals. 

So I have it. This is interesting because there's the animals I've necessarily sort of encountered. Yeah. I haven't that are just almost mythological to me. The feeling is different for those. Myths of my. Come on. No, no, because like I've never encountered a gorilla in the wild. Yeah, like in any capacity other than a zoo where it's like not like it's not even real. It's in there. Yes, I know it's real, but there's no interaction. It's not like it could do anything to me. Yeah. So in a way, they're not real. Whereas a rat, I've come across a rat. I said, were you particularly excited that day? You couldn't wait until you got home. I've lost track of the conversation because my wife interrupted. Because you came across a rat. Oh, good Lord. Yeah. That's one hot rat. Oh, look at it. Oh, man. Mangy hair all knotted together. Oh, God. 

When I lived in Seoul in Korea, it was the late 90s and there were rats everywhere. That's that's racist. No, the rats were sort of okay. I wasn't. Ah, okay. I didn't say anything bad about the rats. It was clearly like there was a volume difference between other cities I'd been to. Yeah, no, I mean, big cities anywhere, right? The rats are going to be like, what's up, boys? And then the greatest rat movie ever, Ben. I've never seen or heard of until you mentioned before. I don't think you should see it. No, I'm not going to waste my precious time on this earth watching that movie. Ben, my only friend. Come on. All right. Number two on the list. Housecat. Yeah. I mean, what? 

I can't believe that people less people think they could be a house rat. House rat. I mean, basically house cat in a fight over a rat. Yeah. I mean, a feral cat jacked that number up a little bit. Yeah. But still, I think, again, an animal you can stomp on is not particularly threatening. Like I know they can do damage and it is scary. Yeah, but it's so superficial, right? Yeah. It's going to scratch you and stuff. What particularly amazed me about this one, looking at the chart, is that the drop from Americans is quite large, really. Like it's like 68, 69 compared to the 72, 73 for a rat. Whereas in the UK, it looks like a percent drop. Like one. It's consistent. 

Yeah. So everyone in the UK, the people who think they could beat a rat pretty much think they could beat a cat as well. Yeah. Whereas Americans like, oh, I don't know, it's way bigger than a rat. Cats are like two, three times larger. Oh, God. Cats are probably way more than that. Plus, if you've seen the way they look at you, fucking psycho. Because if it said cat, the house cat is domesticated. Yeah, it's domesticated. Yeah. Useless animals. Pretty much. Like if you didn't hand them food, they die. No idea what to do. 

They only hunt to toy with things. That is actually something I respect though. Did you hear about the, I read somewhere it was like a British thing where they're responsible for the deaths of like two and a half million birds a year. House cats. Yeah. And they don't kill them or anything. They just. No, they don't either. They just fucking kill them. Like toy with them while they die. It is awful. But I did see one of my cats when I was a kid jump up into the air and nail a bird out of the sky. It's impressive. 

Yeah. It's, you're just like, what I'm watching now is horrible, but that was awesome. It like basically back flipped up into it. It's like, and you've never seen a cat like your pet cat do anything. No, he's just like stroll around with his butt hole winking at you. So I think, I think this is more interesting one, the next one, because we have them and I have encountered them and they are scary. Well they're everywhere aren't they? And that's why they've had this horrible reputation. So the next one on the list for the listeners is a goose. So the Americans dropped down to just over 60, so maybe 61%. The British, they know what they're getting into. Yeah. Fuck that shit. It has dropped below 50%, 45%. Like this is a common problem in the UK. A goose. They're everywhere and they are territorial AF. Yes. And I didn't even know how bad it was until I saw a picture of inside of their beaks. Yeah. That is a horror show. So it's essentially barbs. I don't know how to describe it. Yeah. It's all barbed and serrated and just, Oh God, it's like, it's a war crime. It's designed to like, if you pull it would, you would tear your skin. 

Yeah. So the only way to actually do it properly is to push your arm in until it opens its beak more and then like wrench its mouth open. Yeah. Oh God, but they just come at you. Yeah. They have no fear. Such ferocity. No God. That's I think the thing that changes the attitude because like a rat, it's fighting for its life. It's scared. A cat probably would be similar. A goose is not afraid of you. Nope. A goose will come at you first. Yeah. Have you ever fought a goose? I have never fought a goose. No. I had a goose chase me away when I was a kid. I never, I didn't fight it. I can't take any, like I'm not, I'm not going to have any sort of fake bravado going on. I ran away. No, I think I would too. I was not a little kid either. I was a pretty big, like I wasn't full grown, but I was still young, but I took off. I ran away. Yeah. I was terrified. Absolutely. But okay. So now you're in a room and you got to fight the goose. What are you going to do? I'd go for the neck. Yeah. It's pretty big, obvious. Yeah. Yeah. I'd go for the neck and just keep it. 

I think it's the same with like a snake, right? Yeah. I don't know. I try and get it beneath its head. Yeah. And then I'd be like, okay, I can deal with it from here. Pretty good. Yeah. Yeah. You too. I have, yeah, there's no, I don't think there's another choice. You have to go for the neck and you just punch its face. But then I think you punch his face and then try to grab his neck. Yeah. And like it'll flap. Yeah. I remember hearing, oh, you know, their wings are so strong they could break your arms. I don't think that's true. I mean, I don't know. Like not all of them are that big. Maybe there's some breeds that are pretty. Probably some giant ones, but we're not, again, we're not dealing with those I don't think. I mean, they'd be in your neck as it would. Because if you go down two notches, I think that's what they're talking about. I don't want to after this. No. All right. So I'm pretty confident about goose to be honest. I wouldn't be happy about it. I wouldn't be happy about it. 

No, but I think I'd stand my ground now as an adult, but when I was younger, I think I'd probably be just running through the front and then run away. Just laughing. Yeah. Yeah. Not like terrified, but like, yeah. It's a goose. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So here's an interesting one. They chose this very specifically medium sized dog. So I'm trying to think of a breed. Like a cocker spaniel. I think medium. I think they're small. Nah, they're medium. I think it's a small labrador. Nah, labradors are big. They're bigger than spaniel. Like they're not terriers are small. A collie. Yeah, like a collie or a spaniel. Okay. Okay. So what do you think? Oh, the chart says that Americans were solid on 50%, maybe 49. And the Brits were dropping below 40. So we're in the 39% range. Yeah, a medium sized dog, I think is no big deal. I am actually very confident about beating a dog, even a large dog. See the thing is I've been attacked and bitten by three dogs. And they were all larger dogs. But I wasn't prepared for them. So I think this is also the second part. It sounds like beating a fight, it's almost like organized as formal. 

Yeah, this is like, promoters, ring girls, referee, everything. But yeah, I think the surprise attacks from these other dogs has just put some doubt in my mind. Even though I could probably do it, because I think it's very similar again, you just go for the head. Well, my understanding, and I think this is universal, is that a dog will basically attack the thing that's sticking out. So the strategy is you stick out your arm, and when it goes for the arm, you like sweep its legs or try to hit its neck and push it down on the ground. Once it's on his back, you're pretty much over. You're trying to kill it. This is not like, I'm trying to subdue the dog, you're trying to kill it. So you're in a really good shape there. Oh, and just in case Peter, like not you, P E T A is listening, this is all hypothetical and for self defense. We do not condone. Nope. We do not condone the murder of animals. I don't actually really like animals. Dave's sleeping in the background. Unless they're delicious. And they all are. Chicken. Human. What? Oh, the next one down is an eagle. Wait, do you not want to hear my dog story? Yeah. No, I thought, I thought, I didn't, I didn't want to trauma. You just, you skipped over them. Like they meant nothing to you. I'm really, I'm offended. I'm not going to tell you now. It's not for me. It's for the listener. Oh, okay. Well, I care about them. Yeah. You can go fuck yourself. 

Yep. Yep. I'll put my mic on mute now. You can go ahead. Yep. So one of them was this Dalmatian. I really liked this dog. I knew it. It was a friend's dog. And then just one day I was going around the friend's house. I opened the gate and the dog was outside in the yard, the back garden. And I closed the gate, started walking up and it just looked at me. It just ran at me and just bit into my thigh. Oh, like a territory thing. Yeah. I was like, what, 11? So an 11 year old kid with a Dalmatian, like they're pretty big. Yeah. That's, that's, that's the large end of a medium sized dog. Yeah. And I was totally freaked out cause like I knew that dog. Yeah. Cause you thought it was a friend. Yeah. I have no idea what happened. Another one was, uh, I can't remember the breed of it now, but I was in the park playing soccer football. I almost said soccer. I've lived in Japan too long. You son of a bitch. My English has been corrupted. I was playing football with some friends and I just felt the sharp pain in my butt cheek and a dog had bit me. It just run up and on my butt. I was like, what? Yeah. That's insane. Yeah. And just all this old lady was like, Oh no, he's got off his leash. And I was like, what? Cause they're useless about getting their dog under control. 

Yeah. My mother, we had a black lab that was overweight because my mother fed it and it had been sunny. So in a warm summer day. Yeah. It was super hot for the dog. Uh, and saw a squirrel or something, got up and ran and immediately fainted. Oh God. My mother lost her mind. And I'm like, you're useless. You're absolutely, if this was a real emergency, that thing would be dead. Cause you are, you are garbage. It, it was just so funny. Cause I was upstairs and all I hear is, and I'm like, that is not the appropriate reaction. You need to deal with the issue. And the dog was by that time already woken up and fine. Yeah. Cause the blood curdling scream woken up from its fat coma. Better than the smelling salts. And then the last dog that bit me was, uh, it was a Staffordshire Terrier, like fairly big muscular dog. Yeah. And, uh, it bit me on the ankle. That's like a kind of pre pit bull, isn't it? Yeah, it is. Yeah. Yeah. And this guy who lived on the, the same neighborhood as us, um, had, uh, three of them. And one of them just had jumped out of the yard. And again, just me happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. And this dog just bit my ankle like big old bite. Yeah. So, uh, I've got a few scars from, from dog teeth on my body, physical and emotional. I mean, I still love dogs. Yeah. That's good. It's good you haven't taken it personal. No, like I get it. Like sometimes dogs are just, they're having a bad day. They need to take care of someone. What was it? Uh, the Australian dude, he said, like, if you've got bit by a stinger, he's like, what's what they do. It's what they do. They're animals. Yeah. Like, you'd be angry at them for doing the thing that they do. Yeah. I mean, I guess you can to a point because like all of these dogs were clearly not normally like that. 

I mean, I was on the Dalmatian, the, the dupe, my friend's dad got it put down. I felt terrible. Because of that? Yeah. He put it down. He's like, no, he's like this, this dog lives with me and my son who's same age as like you. And he's like, it's unacceptable. Like this, he's never done this before. And where's it going? I can't trust this dog anymore. That's awful. Okay. I know like as an adult now, I fully understand what he was saying. Well, I understand what he did. Yeah. But I felt, I felt terrible as a kid. I'm like, it's my fault. I'm like, why? I did something. And he's like, no, no, you didn't. Don't think we never really hung out anymore after that. Cause I felt really bad that I killed his dog. Yeah. I felt like my got my friend's dog killed, but the dad was right. He's like, you know, why did he snap? I literally had done nothing. I just opened the gate to walk up to his door. Yeah. Anyway, what's next on the list, Peter? Is it something else that's bitten me? It is not. I hope not. I think it's an eagle. So the Americans put it at 30% and the Brits were at just under 20. So maybe 18 or 19. 

I think people don't really, I think eagles are another one. Like you said, mythical kind of. Yeah. I've never encountered, I've seen an eagle at a great distance, but I've never seen one of those. Yeah. Like I can't even picture how big they are. No. And I know they're probably massive. I don't think they're as big as that. Well, so eagles actually quite big cause I'm sure there's tons of eagles cause there's like the little ones that, you know, dive really fast. But let's just go with the American eagle that's on every picture from America. Yeah. Does not sound like what you think it sounds like. It actually sounds like a seagull. Yeah, no, I remember. I remember finding that out too. Yeah. I thought it was interesting. That noise is not an eagle. A different bird. I soundly at zero almost for me. I could not beat it because I have no idea what to do. I mean, it's coming down at you from the sky. It's got claws and talons. But again, it depends on the context. Like if this is where like in a room in a perfect situation where it's contained in an area, just get its feet or its wings and just hold its wings back. I don't think I, yeah, I don't know. I, this is, this is, you can see the difference. 

I'm just like, I have no idea what to do. I have no strategy. So like, I mean, I just thinking about bird, like what, what's a bird? A bird without its wings, right? Yeah. Like, and if you're behind it, like what the fuck is a bird going to do? It's a dinosaur. Well, yeah. I tell you what I wouldn't want to take on is a fucking cockerel. What's a cockerel? Oh, like a, like a parrot? Male chicken. Oh yeah. Yeah. Okay. No, no, no. I saw a video of a falcon or something and it was a, it was a hen with like three or four chicks. Yeah. The, the, the falcon type bird came down. It was just going to take one and fly away. This hen went ape shit. And yeah, if I know we, we sort of put our emotions on animals, but the look on this thing's face was like, this is not how this is supposed to go. Yeah. It's a bird. It's like, what the fuck is going on? I'm looking at the hen going, you are not supposed to be scaring me right now. I'm supposed to just take one and leave. This is not the deal. 

And it's just like, cause it's the hen can't really hurt it, but it's like, fuck me. This thing is going to, this is way out of hand. But if the hen could, those things can do some fucking damage man. When chickens go mad. But it'd be like, it's like chicken versus like higher, higher level predator. You just assume the chicken's going to lose. But it was just, it was an amazing video. Cause I was just sitting there going like, yeah, you're just going like, whoa, this is not what I was ready for. Like, I thought this was going to be an easy lunch. We're out. It's crazy. So I actually put my number for Eagle way, way down because I am just so unsure of how to handle the situation. I just think they go for your eyes too. I think that's like a thing. But I don't know what they would, I mean, what would they know what to do against a human? Yeah. That's what I mean. Just go for the eyes. I don't think it matters what animal. I think they just go for the eyes. 

Yeah, maybe. I think I just keep my arms out grabbing its wings. Like if I could just keep it away from my face, I'd be fine. I think. Okay. So your number is higher than mine. I'm not going to say an actual number, but it's no, but I'm more confident than you are on that one. Definitely. So I'm confident against medium sized dog. You're me too. I'm confident against medium size. The next one, however, yes, we have next one is large dog. Is it like 22 for Americans and we're down like 13, 14 for the Brits. No, I'm around there. No. Yep. I think I would just be like, no, your jaws are powerful. I think I'll just respectfully back away. My strategy stays the same though. That's what's like, that's because the way dogs think is the same throughout is why I have some confidence. Yeah. Unless they're trained differently, right? Like just a dog would be very predictable. 

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Since we went with house cat, I'm just going to go with regular dog, regular dog, regular domestic dog, not some fucking like army trained attack hound, which would like juke you to death and then rip your eyes out. Actually knows how to fake you out too. Yeah. All right. So we can move on to this one. Now, I think everyone who's answered this question has probably overestimated their abilities. I think so too. Okay, good. So it's a chimpanzee. The Americans were sort of high teens. So let's say 18 and the Brits are solid on 10%. Yeah. I think to beat a chimpanzee, you would have to get lucky. I don't think you could beat it. Because it's not a monkey. I think people like chimpanzee and then they just picture a little fucking spider monkey or something. Yeah. But chimpanzees are ripped. Like in the fact that they don't do anything and they're ripped. It's just this weird genetic thing. 

If anyone wants to really know how scary a chimpanzee is, just look up hairless chimpanzee. Welcome to your future nightmares. Oh God, yeah. And then there's just the story of that woman whose face got ripped off by a chimpanzee. And it was so famous because everyone's like, what? That oh, there you go. There's the picture I actually remember. Oh, fucking man. It's like a horror. Look at his shoulders. Like he has never worked out. Yeah. Look at those delts. Like imagine if like this is this was this next step for me. Imagine if a monkey worked out. Yeah. Holy shit. I'll check out that one. He's got like his his his triceps are bigger than mine and he's never never exercised. It's amazing. Yeah, that's a good one. That's good. Oh, God. No, he's just a British dude in a pub. Yeah. Yeah. Just a Saturday night. 

Yeah. Typical Saturday night. No. Yeah. No, I would not. I would not place myself very highly. I'm down under five percent, maybe again, if I got lucky. But what's this five percent like five percent chance of you winning winning? Oh, OK. Like I'm still thinking that's pretty generous. I know I give I give myself like because remember, we he might have the musk, but we've got the bulk like we got we got size on our side and length of limbs. So we do have advantages where he doesn't. So I don't know if I can five percent. I definitely would put him like higher odds than me. It's just it comes down. I think a lot of winning a fight in any situation comes down to confidence. Yeah. Confidence against a chimpanzee would be very low. That's true. Yeah. If you go in thinking fuck, then you probably lost already. Yeah. Yeah. That would be the biggest problem. Yeah. All right. So all right. We both are not very confident. 

I'm I'm way down on the chimpanzee scale. King Cobra is an interesting one. The Americans are still 17, 18. The Brits are sitting on 10 percent. Well, I think Americans are more confident because snakes are probably more prevalent there. Like we just have fucking like adders and shit like nothing, nothing to worry about. And so we're like, I have no idea how to deal with an aggressive, poisonous, venomous snake. So King Cobras don't spit. No, but they they bite. Right. And it's like, well, all snakes bite. Well, I guess constrictors sometimes don't. But if it's a biting snake, it's going to rear up and then it's going to lash out at you. So, yeah, this is where I would I'm actually way more confident because I understand how to sidestep. I'm not saying I could win, but it's way higher than the other animals. I don't know if I don't think I know I'm not confident at all about that. I don't trust my reaction speed. I think if it bit me, I could get it. But then the snakes already won. 

So I mean, there's no there's no like do we have side team? Do we have like a medical people? There's no criteria for how this this organization was laid out. Let's assume that this fight is in the middle of a jungle. OK, then the snakes already won in India. In India. And I would just call on my friend Beam who would charge out of the jungle. Oh, he carried me on his shoulders and give me some shotguns. Yeah. Oh, OK. All right. I know that's a triple R reference. I've not seen that movie to see that kangaroos an interesting one. So, yeah, Americans are about 15, 14. The British are we're getting down to five. Maybe. I mean, I've seen a few videos of Australian dudes punching and fighting kangaroos. So the kangaroos rear up and kick. And yeah, it can break your ribs. But I was like, yeah, a lot of things can break your ribs. Yeah, like falling in the basket, breaking your ribs, using really hard. It doesn't mean I'm not going to get in a bath. So I my confidence against a kangaroo is actually quite high. I think again, after watching some of these videos of these guys, I saw one where a kangaroo is attacking his dog and this this dude is like, fuck that. 

And he just went at the kangaroo and the kangaroo was like, what? That's the one where he walks up, punches it and then takes on like a boxing stance. Yeah. I love that video. And the kangaroo is so confused and just takes off. No. So again, I think I think it doesn't want to fight. So I think it wants to fight less than we do. Yeah. I think I think a kangaroo would be more likely to just like, fuck this, I'm out. Yeah. So my confidence is high. I think I feel more confident against kangaroo, too. Yeah. Then even more than a king cobra. Oh, way more than a king cobra. Again, I don't think they I don't think kangaroos bite. Like they can punch and kick and the kick is like their arms aren't that strong. No, but yeah, they can lean back on that tail, right? That big just like chunk of muscle that's a tail. Yeah. I think I think strategy wise, I'm again, I'm pretty confident. Yeah, no, I think we can move on from that one. Then we both sound fairly. 

Okay, wolf. Oh, God. So the British or the Americans were at just over 10% and the British are still sitting around four or five. Yeah, I'm with I'm with I'm with my my compatriots. I think I think the people who think they can beat a wolf in a fight have no idea how big a wolf is. Yeah, it's not a dog. It's not a dog. It's not it's not a husky either. It's so so much bigger. Like the biggest dog you've seen. It's probably that big. Like a maybe bigger again. I think the biggest dog you've seen plus maybe 20 30% for a lot of people, I think because the biggest dog let's say you've seen a Great Dane, but Great Danes aren't actually bulky. No, they're just tall. A wolf would be bulky. Yeah, wolves. Yeah, actually kind of terrifying. The wolves are scary. I want I read about this guy and they have wanted a wolf. It's probably for like a Jeep commercial or something like, Oh, we want to get it to do to bear its teeth. We want to go like that kind of thing. And then the guy's like, Okay, you have to clear the set. We can do this once. If you don't get the shot, we can't do it again. And they're like, What do you mean? He's like, because that's it. Like once you make a wolf that angry, we got to put it away for a couple of days. For a really long time. And I was like, Oh, man, I didn't know that. That made me think about like the nature of a wolf. Yeah. I'm just like, yeah, that day would fucking destroy me. There's no chance. No, I don't think I know. Not unarmed. Unarmed. No way. From this point on, except for the next one. 

My thinking is if you get its eyes by accident, you might have a chance. Almost all the rest of them. The next one's interesting, though. So I'm almost zero for wolf. Maybe I win by accident. Even then it would be a survive by accident. It wouldn't be with Yeah, maybe like a flail that accidentally knocked the wolf out or something. Yeah, I think you accidentally hit its eye and now it can't really see. Maybe I'd have Yeah, but I think even then just on primal instinct, it would take you Yeah. The next one, though, I think is interesting crocodile. So Americans are sitting just under 10. So maybe eight, 9% and the British are two or three. Yeah. What do you got with that? I'm actually pretty confident about a crocodile if I have some control over this situation. I see. I feel kind of the same as you. I've just seen so many things of people wrestling crocodiles. If you aren't taking it on from the front, I think you got a good shot. Like because they're big and powerful, but they're not like they have so many weak spots and blind spots. 

Yeah. They don't strategize. Yeah. I feel like if you can just get away from that jaw, you're kind of okay. I think you could get on top of it. Because when you talk about a wolf, a wolf will think and come up with, it's like, oh, it's doing this. I'm going to do something else. No, yeah, they're hunters. A chimpanzee would think to a degree. Crocodiles just like, oh, it's in my mouth. I'm going to bite now. Whereas if you can just like, I just keep going around to the side. My friend grew up in Florida and they learn you run serpentine because crocodiles are animals and alligators can't turn very fast. Whereas other animals, you just run straight away if you're going to run. 

In Canada, you'll learn the lighter the bear, the more dangerous it is. So black bear, there's this little song I don't remember, but there's a black bear will do a false charge. It'll charge at you. If you run away, it'll keep going. If you just stand there and go like, rah, it'll actually turn around and run away most of the time. Yeah. Because they're not that big, right? Black bears? Yeah. Yeah. The biggest black bear is probably my size. Yeah. And then the lighter the color, though, the more dangerous it is. So like the brown, like a grizzly? Brown bear. Yeah, brown bear. Yeah. A brown bear is more dangerous. So you just try to like make yourself big and make it so that like, I'm too much of a problem to fight. Just, I know. Yeah. It's not worth your time. Yeah. Yeah. Bears are generally relatively, they don't actually want to fight. Yeah. But like a Kodiak, which it is a lighter, they're bigger. They're going to be at like six, seven feet tall when they stand up. Oh. Yeah. They'll just, they're angry animals. Okay. And then like a polar bear just kills you for fun. 

Yeah. I heard about them that if you've seen it, then you're basically dead. If you have seen the bear, then it's already on its way. Yeah. It's on its way to you to kill you. And you just should just give up now. Yeah. I'm, my confidence with a crocodile is pretty high. Probably I overestimated my ability. No, I think I'm with you there too. I would be fucking oiling myself up, stripping to my pants going, come on. Tarzan. Yeah. Okay. A gorilla. Nope. Dead. I'm dead. Zero. Yeah. Okay. We're on the same page there. Yeah. There's no way. If I don't think I could be a chimpanzee. No. Come on, a gorilla. So I used to, I don't, I haven't checked my grip strength lately, but doing judo, you have really good grip strength and I used to be very proud of it. 

So I think over 50 was really strong. It's cause it's like pounds per square inch. Oh, okay. So there was a machine in the arcade and you squeeze it and I got like 60 something. I was like, Ooh, I'm really manly. Yeah. Basically I was like living off that for a couple of weeks. They threw, they put one of those machines in with a gorilla and it broke it. Like it just, it wasn't even trying though. Yeah. It was just like playing with it. Like, ah. The physical strength of a gorilla is one of something that we can't conceive of. No God. No, their muscles are way denser than ours too. Yeah. Crazy. Yeah. It's crazy how strong they are. So yeah, I just think it's zero. Like I could even like I could hit it as hard as I want. It wouldn't even notice. No, I like even if, even if like I could go somewhere and they'd be like, this gorilla is completely tame. You can go up to it. 

Yup, I'll stand very, very far away and look at it between me and a big barrier. Thank you very much. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Okay. God no. The next one is a lion. I'm also dead. Yep. Zero. Okay. I'm also dead. Anyone who's saying not zero, I'm concerned about. It's a lion. It's a lion. It's a lion. It's a one thing. It's a killing machine. Like if you give me a spear or a gun or something, I have a chance. But since I don't know how to use a spear or a gun, I mean, but you still have better odds than unarmed. That's what I mean. I would have a chance. Whereas without those, I have no chance. No chance at all. No. The next one is interesting. But do you think you could use judo moves against it? You know, like you use people's momentum. Like yeah, if like, cause a lion pounces and stuff, right? Like could you like roll and throw it? Theoretically, because the problem is how heavy is a lion? Actually, I don't know. 

Like there's got to be pretty hefty, right? Like 100 plus kilos. How heavy is a lion? Okay. The weight of a lion is 330 to 575 pounds. So 150 to 260 kilos. Yeah. Okay. Holy shit. So we're talking I'm 88 right now. Wait, but that was a female lion. Female lions are lighter than male lions. On average, female is between 265 to 375 pounds. So that's a big male lion is 575. A female lion would still fuck you up. Oh, yeah. Yeah. No question. Oh, they only live 14 years though. So maybe I could outlive it. Just keep running for 14 years. An interesting thing it was about what humans were designed to walk. So like we can't outrun a horse, but we can out walk a horse. Humans can out walk almost any animal on the planet. And so if you think about it, it's actually one of those terrifying like the animal runs away and it's exhausted and then the human like an hour later, it comes up over the horizon and it's just walking at a steady pace and then they run away again. But they can only run a little. They run less quickly because it's tired. Each time a human is still just like it's like we're the stalking animal. We're the terminator. We're Michael Myers. Yes. Just never stops. Never stop coming. 

I could walk briskly away from the lion for 14 years. It doesn't work the other way around. So yeah, I would love to find out what the people I don't think it would work. All of these people are from Florida. Yeah, they're all Florida man. That's that's all it is. The sheer weight and the power. Like again, if I if I could train up to it, maybe. But no, no, even then, like there's no amount of training. You start with the house cat. The house cat around. I've got this one. All right. Oh, wait. No, I know you could do call up call up beam. I'll get beam. I'm just holding a lion with just two tusses on actually. Yeah, I saw that. All right. The next one. Inconceivable to me because what are you doing? How are you taking this down unarmed? So the Americans, it's still not zero. 

So the Americans are sitting at again, eight, nine percent. I think maybe the British actually for these last four or five are all sitting at zero. It's not I mean, I guess it's not it's not on zero. It's like one or two percent. There's one guy in a pub for just one guy. Yeah. You take it. Yeah. How much have you had to drink today? Well, like 15 pints of cider. Enough to kill a fucking elephant. Yeah. So I was looking at this and I was like, OK, you would have a better chance of beating a gorilla, even though that zero because you could try to do something. I was like an elephant. It's inconceivable that you with your body could do anything is the way I think about it. There's no way I could hit or injure. 

I feel like I disagree there. Like I don't I think there's no way that you would have more chance to be a gorilla than an elephant. Well, OK, because a gorilla's face is within reach. Yeah, but you're never getting close. I know. I know. I agree. But an elephant is a big animal. And you've got some scope to like run around it. You think it's a Dark Souls boss? Well, kind of. That's where I'm going with it. You walk around and you just start slapping that booty. Punching him in the nuts. Punching him in the. Yeah. My understanding is they just stomp on you. Yeah, they stomp at you. They scoop you up with their tusks and slam you down. And I've seen I've seen an elephant like destroy an alligator. 

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because that's what rhinos do. Not rhinos, hippopotamus. Hippopotamus grab you, pull you into the water and then just stand on you until you drown. Or you either get crushed to death or drown. Probably both at the same time. I'm not saying that it's feasible. I think you could put up more of a fight against an elephant than a gorilla. I think you would still lose. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I'm agreeing with that part. You're going to lose either way. I'm like, again, it's like I'm thinking sort of like the eagle. If I could get his eyes, maybe I could do something like just the fact he's got arms. I know an elephant's eyes are kind of out of reach for an average human. I can't reach them to do anything. So what am I going to punch him in the tusks in the in the in the trunk? And it's just like hurt my hand. Yeah. I'll make that sound. Yeah. I mean, I would already be making that sound the second the fight started. Tell my family I love them. 

I find this last one very interesting. Grizzly bear. So yeah, again, the Americans, they're not at zero. They're like five percent and they have like one or two. The British haven't moved since we hit gorilla, I might add. Yeah. It's just the same. It's the same people all the way down. Or yeah, because it was it was it was two thousand British people. Yeah. And it's like two twenty. No, two. Two hundred. Two hundred. No, no. Twenty. Twenty. Like twenty. Twenty is one good pub. Yeah. Let's take twenty people that have all just gone. Yeah. No, I've done it. Yeah. Yeah. Did it. Did it last night. Yeah. Just came back from killing one. No, it was. What do you think it was the last one is grizzly bear. Now I again, I would put grizzly bear under gorilla and elephant even though I'm going to lose.

You know what I mean? Oh, as in. No, I don't know. Like I'm like there's a store in where I live that has a moose, like a life size model of a moose and a life size model of a grizzly. And every time I walk in there, I think, thank fuck, I've never seen one. Oh, because those things are terrifying. Yeah. Yeah. And I know if I saw one looming over me and I'm six four and I feel like a child next to that thing. So grizzly bears, though, again, they're very simple in the way they fight. So again, this might come from having even some semblance of understanding. Of course, it's not real. It's that they basically only do a couple of things and they sort of lumber at you and then they try to bite you. When they rear up, they're just trying to hit you with their paws and stuff. So they have claws, right? As well. Again, I'm still at zero, but I'm like, because I understand something, gives me that 1% of confidence. Gives you an edge, right? Yeah. I got an elephant and a gorilla, I got zero. Got nothing. I'd love to see a gorilla fight for real. Just to see what it does. Did you not watch that documentary where he fought that big, one fought that big lizard? Oh yeah, I did see that. That was really good. Yeah. I was impressed that they managed to capture that in the wild. What was amazing was Hong Kong. They just smashed the whole place and it was fine afterwards. 

Yeah. Was it Hong Kong? I think it was Hong Kong. I don't know. I was just too focused on the raw, primal action. So for you, what is the one that is again, the most mythical to beat? Because for me, it was pretty much elephant. No, I think it's gorilla. Ever since I saw that hairless chimpanzee. And then I just worked up to, well, gorillas are huge too. Yeah, they're bigger than that. Again, I think a gorilla would just grab you and squeeze and you're done. Yeah, it could do anything. It could pick me up and just overhead press me for days. It would never let go and I just die of dehydration. The scene in the measures where Hong Kong is smashing Loki into a ceiling. Oh, he smashes him into the floor, then picks him all the way up over his head and smashes him to the floor on the other side and he goes back and forth like three, four times. Yeah, a gorilla could do that to me. He could just pick me up and just smash me into the ceiling repeatedly. And just yawn. Yeah, it's not breaking. 

No, I can't even think about it. So you did mention moose. Moose is not on the list. I have seen moose multiple times in real life. They are- They're like the size of a truck. People don't understand. So this is it. People don't get moose, their legs are usually about six feet. So my height, like I could probably walk under a full grown like bull moose. And then they've got a tree on each side of their head. I think if a car hit them, everyone in the car is dead. And the moose goes, what the fuck, man? Because moose will get angry and they're angry animals because you got to imagine anything that lives in a forest with big things on its head is bumping into trees. He's pissed off. He's like, fuck man, why? Oh God, I hit a tree. Fuck. All the time. Yeah. So- That's like me, I bump my head every day and it puts me in a bad mood. And that's what a- I don't understand why that animal's in the forest. I really don't. They should be on planes and stuff. Because they look like trees. 

They can disguise themselves as trees. To avoid what predator? I have no idea. A whole pack of wolves might take them down over time, but I bet half the wolves die. Just of old age. Yeah. It's like 14. So for me, moose would be interesting to put on the list because I bet the number would be really high because most people don't get how big a moose is. No, they're ridiculous. So what animal would you put on the list? I think I could be, or that I definitely couldn't. Just an animal to see what people would say. Yeah. Because I would like to add moose to the list to see what people say. Because I think every- this was like chimpanzee. I think everyone's wrong. Like you just don't know. You just don't know. Yeah. And again, I guess like, if are we fighting these animals? Let's say all of these fights take place in the animal's natural habitat. Yeah. And then it's an orca. Tuss threw in the chat, you can take on a whale. 

Wow. Like not if it's an orca. I don't- yeah. Like those things amaze me. They are psychopaths. And they hunt for fun. They hunt for fun. There's a bunch of animals that actually hunt just for entertainment and orcas are actually the ones- that's how they got the name killer whales because they would go around and just kill stuff and be like, huh. Huh. Killed it. Yeah. It was a good Friday night, lads. Yeah. Apparently they're all British too. That's weird. Rugby. Rugby lads on tour. Yeah. Cool. No. Well, that was an entertaining ride through a really weird poll run on it. That is one of the weirdest poll runs. Ugov website. Yeah. So, if anyone has comments, you can send to speakpipe.com slash chunkmcbeefchest or an email to chunkmcbeefchest.com at gmail.com. I would like- yeah, I fucked that up. That's okay. Yeah. Or if you want to know who'd win between me and Peter. Yeah. Yeah. It's not who you think. It's Dave. It's Dave. Fuck. It's Dave. It's Dave.

This has been done before

When you make stuff, people try to exploit you. And don’t listen to anyone.

  • So I wanted to talk about making stuff. So I think in the modern parlance it would be content creation. But this primarily goes back to last month I released Montana LD Ablow. I used to choose your own adventure in audio format, which was something I had to write🎙 00:00:00.00000:00:31.240
  • the book and then record the book and then post it online. And then I did about a month’s worth of promotion and it got… But a couple of thousand people downloaded it, which is pretty awesome. So I was really satisfied with that.🎙 00:00:31.24000:00:42.768
  • It was not a short process to get there. Like I’m not even like a massive success yet. But it took, you know, two years to write the book because I have a full time job and a family and stuff and then I got sick.🎙 00:00:42.76800:00:55.569
  • Last year and that was a month in the hospital and then all the recovery time, you know, a whole bunch of people thought I had just given up on it, which was interesting because that sort of reflects on what they think of me as a person that I would just give up on🎙 00:00:55.56900:01:09.489
  • stuff. Loren was very careful starting this incident to come back to me to take care. it and finish it. And I did and I was very proud of myself. One of the things I realized though, because you’ll talk about, I watch movies and stuff about artists and musicians🎙 00:01:09.48900:01:22.302
  • and things and they won’t talk about, especially writers maybe, they won’t talk about works in progress. And I never understood why, because of course, why wouldn’t you talk about the things you’re making? There’s actually two reasons. One of them is the psychological🎙 00:01:22.30200:01:35.942
  • reason. And the psychological reason is that when you talk about something, it gives you a false sense of progression. you’ve actually done something, which you have not done. So it’s important to not talk about it too much🎙 00:01:35.94200:01:49.385
  • because then you might spend so much time talking about it, you don’t actually spend your time doing it. So you gotta shut up, sit down, and actually put in some work. But that’s not something I suffer from too much.🎙 00:01:49.38500:02:02.265
  • Like again, I make things for fun. I am happy when I’m being productive. So that’s a big thing for me. The other reason is the people you talk to often will be discouraged. And it’s a question of whether they know they’re doing it or not.🎙 00:02:02.26500:02:20.590
  • But I feel like really, if you’re trying to do something or make something, a lot of other people who aren’t making something, their natural instinct is to try to diminish what you’re doing. And I’ve run across that a lot in my life and it’s become a point of contention for🎙 00:02:20.59000:02:37.150
  • me, if I’m being really honest, is when I say like, oh, I’m working on this new idea, I’m working on this new idea, and they just go, that’s not going to work. It’s a bad idea. They don’t say it, they never say it that bluntly.🎙 00:02:37.15000:02:46.350
  • The one phrase I’ve heard more than once is, that’s been done before. So I said, oh, I’m writing a choose your own adventure. Oh, well, that’s been done before. Now let’s follow that nugget of logic to its end conclusion would be, well, you shouldn’t🎙 00:02:46.38800:03:08.668
  • write a choose your own adventure because a choose your own adventure has been done before. Well, mine’s actually unique in that it’s written for adults and it’s comedic. Well, that’s been done before too.🎙 00:03:08.66800:03:17.268
  • So then I can’t write. Choose your own adventure By extension, then I can’t write a book so I make podcasts will podcast have been done before they’re actually at this point saturated There are millions and millions of podcasts, so you shouldn’t be making podcasts because they’ve been done before I can’t make music🎙 00:03:17.26800:03:36.294
  • Music’s certainly been done before any genre of music unless I come up with my own completely original one Which I can’t do because music’s been done before I can’t create art art has been done before🎙 00:03:36.29400:03:47.494
  • Basically anything people do has kind of been done before all you can do is maybe take a new variation on it, your take, your unique point of view. My idea of making a choose your own adventure that was comedic for adults,🎙 00:03:47.49400:04:03.498
  • putting it in audio format, putting it online so that you could listen to it through your podcast thing or you could stream it through the websites or whatever. That seemed like a slightly unique take.🎙 00:04:03.49800:04:14.738
  • I went out on the internet and looked and I hadn’t found any other choose your own adventures presented in the same format. So that seemed like an original aspect to the thing I was doing. Even if I…🎙 00:04:14.73800:04:24.578
  • cared? Because the thing is, even if I didn’t do an original thing, even if that had been done before, it’s still worth doing. It’s worth doing stuff literally just for the creation of stuff’s sake. Because you’re doing it kind of for yourself first. If it gets popular🎙 00:04:25.03800:04:41.138
  • great, if it doesn’t, well, I had a good time making it. I actually had a really good time making it. I would talk about it with some friends. And that’s where I say like the risk is. But the problem you run into the next problem you run into is that humans are social🎙 00:04:41.13800:04:54.878
  • samples. I am. maybe less social than other people, but I am still a human being. I’m still, I still crave human interaction and social interaction. And I do want support from people around me. So that’s something hard to find.🎙 00:04:54.87800:05:09.808
  • So I’ve realized what I have to do is like, I’ll talk about something and if the person isn’t supportive, just stop talking about it. And you will start to find a very, very small group. So of all the people I know,🎙 00:05:09.80800:05:22.688
  • there’s about three or four people who are legitimately excited and supportive about what I was trying to do with the Choose Your Own Adventure. Worth all of this stuff. on that. Talking to those people built me up. I would get more excited about the thing🎙 00:05:22.68800:05:35.588
  • I was doing when they would say, oh, that’s a funny idea. That’s a neat idea. Or you should think about this. Here’s some other ideas. They never tried to tear it down or say, oh, you know, that’s been done before. It’s a derivative. It’s funny that the people who🎙 00:05:35.58800:05:48.628
  • are, you know, being negative about this stuff never use the big words. So find the people who are legitimately excited and only talk to them about it. So these other people who are trying to tear you down basically. Again, I don’t think it’s that like.🎙 00:05:48.62800:06:02.068
  • intentional, but that is what’s happening. They will see you talking to other people and they’re excluded. And those kinds of people, they want to be included more than anything else. I’ve actually something I’ve kind of realized. They will either do one of two things to try to get into🎙 00:06:02.12700:06:16.847
  • that conversation. They will either change their opinion and suddenly become more supportive so that they can share in the attention that’s going around, or they will get like more abrasive. They’ll🎙 00:06:16.84700:06:31.087
  • sort of take their stance a little stronger and try to actually start. to argue with you and stuff. That’s actually a benefit. If they try to be fake supportive, you can just like, I understand what’s going on here. I will accept it and then just move on.🎙 00:06:31.08700:06:43.382
  • But at least you’re not being, you know, destructive with your attitude. But when they when they sort of like start getting like harsher, because I have actually seen that happen as well, what you get to do is you have the opportunity, you can either step out and just stop talking about it,🎙 00:06:43.38200:06:57.702
  • which is usually what I do. I usually just stop talking. I find that’s just an easier path. Or point out that they’re not being supportive. which is very demotivating for you and you don’t want that in your life.🎙 00:06:57.70200:07:09.301
  • And then they have a problem because then they have to either admit that’s what they’re doing or they have to justify their position. Now of course they never want to admit what they’re doing so they have to start justifying🎙 00:07:09.30100:07:18.301
  • their position and the best my favorite one is when they say I’m just trying to be realistic because they’re never really trying to be realistic. Being realistic if it was to be definitive about it would be how do we solve the problems🎙 00:07:18.30100:07:33.301
  • you’re going to be facing going forward. So you’re trying to write a book. Have you organized your time and when you’re going to write, is it a schedule you can stick to? I was going to record mine. Do I have everything in place, sounds, background music, stuff like that, that I’m going to use in it?🎙 00:07:33.30100:07:50.680
  • I had already decided I was just going to use my singular voice because I knew my limitations and I knew about time and money that I did not have. So I’d already decided that. When you put it online, have you figured that out? Those are realistic things, problems that need…🎙 00:07:50.68000:08:05.680
  • to be solved before you proceed to that thing. Have you thought about everything? Are you going to buy the domain name? Where are you going to post it online? Who are you going to try to show it to? That would be someone being critical in a realistic way, trying🎙 00:08:05.90500:08:20.585
  • to help you solve the problems. That to me is realistic. It’s been done before. There’s nothing realistic about that. It’s actually because it’s unrealistic to expect me to come up with something that has never been seen in the history of mankind. That is unrealistic.🎙 00:08:20.58500:08:36.145
  • So… As a piece of feedback, it’s been done before, serves no purpose and has no benefit. So that’s how you can actually deal with those people. This actually got me to how I was dealing with other people.🎙 00:08:36.14500:08:52.337
  • Right now, the way I record this is I stream on Twitch. I record the podcast. I take the video and I put the video, I edit it, and then I put that on YouTube, and then I take the audio and I put that on the podcast.🎙 00:08:52.33700:09:04.337
  • Here’s actually where most people listen. And I ran across a… a new kind of vulture in the Twitch environment, which was very interesting. And it’s the person who comes to you, I mean, there’s the graphic people,🎙 00:09:04.33700:09:20.736
  • and they’re not so bad, because they usually like, I make graphics, do you want graphics for your channel? I just don’t answer them, or I say no very politely. And then they don’t tend to bother you very much,🎙 00:09:20.73600:09:30.576
  • because they’re just, they’re actually just graphic designers trying to get their art into the world. I’m not offended by that, but I don’t have any money to put into this. I’m not. giving you any money. There are other people though and they come and they this🎙 00:09:30.57600:09:43.503
  • is the vultures and they talk about I can help you grow your channel and so what happens is you get someone subscribed to your channel usually say thank you and then you get some DMs later and so I’ve actually saved some that I🎙 00:09:43.50300:09:58.823
  • can read to you because I have to actually go on my Twitch page so I can see my own shit in the background. Okay so I got two recently that I dealt with. The most recent one. is, hello, how are you doing today?🎙 00:09:58.82300:10:14.611
  • I’m applied good, I’m just working on my podcasts. Wow, that’s cool. How is streaming anyway? So what they’re trying to get you to do is admit that what you want is to become a famous streamer. You’re trying to build your audience,🎙 00:10:15.61100:10:28.851
  • or they want you to say like, oh, I found this very frustrating that my audience is so small and I’m not growing. I already know this because I’ve had this experience multiple times, so now I know how to say it.🎙 00:10:28.85100:10:40.051
  • I don’t really stream some, oh sorry. Let’s get it so it’s really clear my reply. I don’t really stream for any purpose. I just use it to capture video. So it’s fine Really cool. Are you affiliated? I?🎙 00:10:40.05100:10:53.397
  • Am affiliated but only because my friends watch regularly not because I’m popular so you can see I’m already putting like little Tinks in the argument that they’re trying to throw out there I’m already saying I’m not popular. I only stream to my friends. I’m not using this to get famous on Twitch🎙 00:10:54.05700:11:09.937
  • I’m only using it to capture video Then comes the question really? What is the aim for your channel? And then I reply, no aim. I use it as a platform to record video. Really? This person put in really all the time.🎙 00:11:09.93700:11:22.991
  • Because what they’re actually still waiting for is like, I want to be super famous, I’m desperate for fame. Do you know the benefit of being an affiliate and partner give you? Do you know the benefit being an affiliate and partner give to you?🎙 00:11:22.99100:11:34.991
  • Yes, I just don’t care. That’s not why I’m streaming. Okay. Well, I’m a channel broadcaster. I can help you promote your channel to get you real followers and live viewers. There’s a lot of spelling mistakes.🎙 00:11:34.99100:12:14.991
  • to worry about those. And then I reply, thanks, but Twitch isn’t my focus. And this is really, this is undermining everything they want because they’re trying to sell you a way to get famous on Twitch. And what I’m trying to say is I don’t want to be famous on Twitch, which🎙 00:11:49.21200:12:03.372
  • they can’t understand. They can’t understand that because as far as their experience is, everyone gets on Twitch to get super famous so that they can stream full time. I know I’m not going to be streaming full time. So that’s fine with me. So I said, thanks, but Twitch isn’t🎙 00:12:03.37200:12:20.492
  • my focus. They can’t let that go. Then what’s your focus? Why make podcasts? Yeah, I can also help you build and grow up a community. And that way you can have more of a fan base. So then, and this is it, they’re saying like, you want to make your, your podcast bigger🎙 00:12:20.49200:12:36.127
  • if you have more of a fan base here on Twitch, that will build up your podcast. So I shoot that one down. I already have a very solid fan base with my podcasts. Thank you for your offer. And they didn’t respond after that.🎙 00:12:36.12700:12:47.687
  • Which was, that was a very polite interaction. I wasn’t being rude, but I was just each step of the way. I was shutting them down because this happens regularly because that was when did that one start that was October. Oh, this is actually the one🎙 00:12:47.68700:13:02.258
  • Previous to that was sort of bugged me. So I did a little research on to it. This person subscribed After I’d finished streaming they go hey buddy Don’t call me buddy. That’s actually the first thing is do not call me buddy. I’m a video games fan🎙 00:13:03.07800:13:17.798
  • I love watching different games and I see your video in the way you play you play perfectly and it’s lit fire emoji I like the content. Keep the good work up bro. Thumbs up emoji That actually implies to me that they did not watch my channel because the way I talk the way I interact is not🎙 00:13:17.79800:13:36.287
  • Does not match the way they’re speaking to me the way If they’d watched my gameplay they would know that my gameplay at best is mediocre. I’m not a great Streamer player if you would come to watch me you would come for the commentary the jokes or something that I would🎙 00:13:36.58700:13:56.127
  • Or me talking with my friends. That’s why you would come to watch this Okay, so I reply. Thanks. I really appreciate that. I just hang out with my friends and mess about. So there you go. So I’ve already said like, I’m only on here to goof off.🎙 00:13:56.12700:14:10.356
  • I’m only on here to have a good time. Then he says, oh, can I ask you one question? Sure. How come your channel haven’t expanded to get more public visibility and engagement and you know streaming without engagement is really frustrating?🎙 00:14:10.35600:14:24.596
  • What could be the reason buddy fucking called me buddy again. I like at this point I actually dislike this. person because the way they’re speaking to me is actually inappropriate. They clearly haven’t realized like I’m fucking 50 years old.🎙 00:14:24.59600:14:34.110
  • Um, he’s already set up his argument. He’s saying streaming to know people is frustrating. Aren’t you frustrated? Now the thing is, again, I know what he’s doing. So my response is I don’t really promote.🎙 00:14:35.43000:14:48.950
  • That’s what not. So I big truck going by. That’s not why I’m streaming. I started because I wanted to record my podcasts. They have a large audience in podcast format. So you can see I’m already pre-empting his like, I can get you a big audience.🎙 00:14:49.35000:15:03.110
  • I’m like, dude. I already have a big audience. It’s just not here. This isn’t why I’m here. And then I put also I live in Japan. So I tend to stream when English speakers are asleep. Twitch is primarily a recording platform for me. I make some game videos as well.🎙 00:15:03.11000:15:17.224
  • I think most people come on here to get famous and make it their dream job. I just found it a convenient way to capture video. So I have preemptively shot down all the arguments he’s going to try to make. I got you man. Most people say most people you are saying they come🎙 00:15:17.22400:15:34.344
  • here to become famous at that. somewhere, a thousand miles start with this whole thing. Okay, let me read this really slowly. I got you, man. Must people you are saying they come here to become a famous that somewhere? 1000 of🎙 00:15:34.34400:15:48.642
  • miles start with a step. So maybe not a native English speaker or maybe just typing too fast. But what he’s I think he hasn’t read anything I wrote because I wrote too much. And I’m saying most other people come here to be famous. I did not come here🎙 00:15:48.64200:16:02.402
  • to be famous. And he’s like, yeah, but that becoming famous, I can help you get there. There’s something I would love to show you. And if you can try to get this done, it will really helps you a lot and your channel will be growing.🎙 00:16:02.40200:16:13.856
  • My friends and I just hang out and chat with people who drop in. It’s a way smaller group, but it’s also more fun. I got you, man. See, this is it. Like, he’s just ignoring everything I say. I’ve actually run into this. I actually had a thing with an investment company, which, if I can remember to say at the end, I’ll talk about that as well.🎙 00:16:14.85600:16:31.856
  • But it’s the same thing where you say stuff. They just blow past that altogether and don’t take it into account at all so they can just continue with. their sales pitch, which is exactly what this is.🎙 00:16:31.85600:16:44.697
  • I got you. Will you like to see what I’m talking about? It’s really effective and organic. As I said before, if you can get it done, it will help you a lot. So I’m like, I actually want to see what bullshit this guy’s up with.🎙 00:16:44.69700:16:57.257
  • So, sure, my plan works by expanding your channel to reach your targeted audience that are interested in the game you stream. First problem is I don’t stream one game. I’m very much a variety streamer.🎙 00:16:57.25700:17:07.377
  • I stream whatever I want to do in the moment. And again, I’m mostly not streaming games. I’m actually mostly streaming podcasts. This extra boost your channel engagement like this is all caps active followers serious live stream viewer long time subscribers and also your channel will gain viral exposure by distributing your content through placing of converting ads to grammar community. I think gamer blog posting constant channel checks and all this are manual and organic so🎙 00:17:07.37700:17:37.713
  • I’m not going to trust someone who barely makes sense in their sense and with their statements like so what he said so far doesn’t actually make any sense. Because all you said is like we’re going to take your stuff and spread it out and then you’ll get lots of🎙 00:17:37.71300:17:53.023
  • viewers and followers But there’s actually no Thing in there that’s in any way different from stuff. I wouldn’t have done myself And it’s a hundred percent real and legitimate and it’s working for my present clients. So I can tell you it’s a hundred percent guaranteed🎙 00:17:54.02300:18:08.263
  • Which is if someone says a hundred percent guaranteed to get famous on twitch or something. That’s bullshit So, okay, who are your present clients? So I wanted to see check your Instagram inbox Let me show you some proof.🎙 00:18:08.26300:18:20.619
  • So let me go over to my Instagram and get that chat up. So he’s actually sent me a series of screenshots. Now those screenshots, as far as I know, have been manipulated. I don’t know if they’re real, but he sent me the account🎙 00:18:20.61900:18:37.019
  • and the account started with 309 followers. This is when I started working with him and then he circles. It’s 506 followers. That’s probably like the next day. This is where we are. This is where we are at and we are still moving.🎙 00:18:37.01900:18:52.484
  • And then it’s like a little interaction. That sounds interesting, but first I need to set up the affiliate. I just hit it last night. Crazy amount of viewership and commentators boosted my channel and then there’s like the email🎙 00:18:54.76400:19:09.244
  • that you get when you become affiliate. Law, whenever I tell you something, just believe it. So now you see how mighty my service are and I’m not capping. Check your Twitch. Last video did has insane number of viewers.🎙 00:19:09.24400:19:22.204
  • I see it has almost 300 views. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. That’s crazy as hell not gonna lie. I never saw myself matter of fact. I was. growing this quick in a matter of hours. So this is supposed to be a real conversation🎙 00:19:22.20400:19:34.414
  • between him and one of his clients. And then he says, check the feedback of my servants service. What do you think about it? Hey, buddy, that’s like the next day. Cause I didn’t answer. I didn’t answer because I went to the account that he was supposedly representing. And I🎙 00:19:34.41400:19:48.694
  • looked at it. And the last video he had that person was more than six months ago with only three views. So they had either manipulated that conversation. which I doubt. I bet they actually did some fake thing to get fake viewers up over the course of🎙 00:19:48.69400:20:06.076
  • a day. That person got affiliate. I bet that was all real, but it wasn’t sustainable. And what I’m doing is very sustainable because all I’m doing is working on projects that I enjoy. If people come🎙 00:20:06.07600:20:16.316
  • in and they want to join in and they want to participate and they want to see the same kind of stuff, they’re welcome to my growth on everything has been very slow. My growth on the podcasts has been incredibly slow, but it has been consistent. And I’m never going to be huge. I’m never going🎙 00:20:16.31600:20:31.836
  • to make millions. off it and that’s fine because I’m not really doing it for that. I’m doing it because it’s fun to send these messages out and have people respond and talk to those people. But what I actually am hoping to do with this podcast today, if🎙 00:20:31.83600:20:45.220
  • you’re making podcasts or you’re making Twitch or your streaming, yeah, or if you’re streaming on Twitch or you’re making anything, you’re gonna run into people who are negative and then you’re gonna run into people who are gonna try🎙 00:20:45.22000:20:55.540
  • to manipulate you. This will at least give you hopefully the awareness that you know what you’re going into. If you start talking to someone and they get negative, You know what’s going on? They’re trying to tear you down because your🎙 00:20:55.54000:21:07.000
  • Productivity makes them feel like less than they should Fine, let them feel that way just walk away from it or call them out and see what they do You can play with people but you have to be in a very confident position to actually play with other people like that🎙 00:21:08.18000:21:20.300
  • If you’re gonna be on something like twitch and be streaming These vultures will come in and try to manipulate you What you can do is like follow my argument logic and start preemptively saying I do not want the service you’re selling and they’ll keep trying to sell it to you.

Speed Dating with MrWarmHands

  • Look at that. Hey, like and subscribe. Drive time radio. I would love to do some drive time radio. Wob, wob, wob, wob, wob, wah. That’s right, Peter, Peter and the, the, the, the warm and the chunk.🎙 00:00:00.00000:00:14.780
  • All way to work. The warm, the warm chunk is down your ear. I was just about to say, feel the warm chunks on your prime time drive. There’s to be somewhere disgusting there, like on your person. Feel the warm chunks wash all over you.🎙 00:00:14.78000:00:32.420
  • Yeah, Do they have? Drive time radio in England. They must yeah, yeah So is it the same is it the same like cheesy bullshit they make fun of it? It’s less Now than it was why I actually haven’t listened to it. So it might be exactly the same, but it was not ridiculous🎙 00:00:32.42000:00:48.246
  • Ridiculous North America, but it was getting less when I left This is essentially a new segment on the podcast and it is going to be you and I having conversations and we thought it would be a good idea to🎙 00:00:48.24600:01:17.961
  • introduce ourselves. So we found some you look, you suggested speed dating questions and then I they were all dog shit. So I went and found some other ones. You went and found some other ones. That’s a matter of opinion.🎙 00:01:17.96100:01:31.601
  • Yeah my opinion. Sometimes opinions are wrong. Well sometimes they’re right. But I found a list and the first it has subsections the first subsection is creative. funny questions to ask. Now, here’s the most creative funny question because it’s number one on the list.🎙 00:01:31.60100:01:52.994
  • What’s the weirdest movie you’ve ever seen? Which does not seem particularly weird or creative. No. That is a general theme with all of these questions. No matter what adjective you put before, like, question, they’re all the same questions.🎙 00:01:52.99400:02:06.994
  • And they’re all super vanilla. I have realized, maybe, that the world is so bland. That it’s like, I was trying to imagine someone like, ah shit, I gotta go to a party. I’ve never been to a party before because I’m a loser and lonely.🎙 00:02:06.99400:02:23.994
  • And I’m going to my first… I gotta be really charming. Okay, I’m online now. This is gonna be great. Okay. What’s oh, what’s the weirdest movie you’ve ever seen? I never would have thought of asking that question. Oh my god. No one’s ever asked me that before and then just like blowing🎙 00:02:23.99400:02:37.632
  • The mind. Okay, would you like number two? We’re not gonna answer these? No, no. What was the first question again? I forgot that’s how good it was. Yeah, what was it? What’s the weirdest movie you’ve ever seen?🎙 00:02:37.63200:02:47.252
  • The weirdest movie I’ve ever seen and I’ll stand by this. I’m sure there’s weirder ones. Pie by Darren Aronoski. The first ones. Lion in the boat, the tiger in a boat? No, no, no. That’s life of pie. Oh, this is this is mathematical pie.🎙 00:02:47.25200:03:05.252
  • I don’t think I’ve seen that. It’s all in black and white and it’s just bizarre. Like I can’t even… really describe it. A mathematician kind of thinks he hears the voice of God through numbers. Yeah, it’s… Nothing weird about that. Yeah, I think it’s his best movie. Like, I tried to🎙 00:03:05.25200:03:26.392
  • people gush about the other one, the drugs one, with Heath Ledger. The drugs one. Yeah, because it’s all about drugs. Like, I know what it’s called. People do love their drug movies. But I didn’t… Well, this one’s not like… Like, um, what’s the Matthew McConney? Like,🎙 00:03:26.39200:03:42.792
  • he’d be like, cool if you did that one. I don’t know. It’s all about dope and being like a high schooler. Oh, I actually think I know what you mean. days and confused. Yeah, people love that movie. I because it’s but it’s not like that this that🎙 00:03:42.79200:03:59.097
  • money is all about masturbation. It’s no because so there’s people who do drugs make media about doing drugs. Like the people who smoke marijuana everything they do events write a book or something about marijuana. I’ve also found that there’s authors and they write there’s two more categories🎙 00:03:59.09700:04:15.657
  • that works is authors who write books about authors and then movie creators so a director let’s say who makes a movie about making a movie and I’m like you’re just you’re just jerking yourself off at this point.🎙 00:04:15.65700:04:29.253
  • Okay, a bit too meta for you. Well, it’s, but it’s not. It’s actually so direct line. Just self indulgence. Yeah, it’s like, if it was meta, it would be like unrelated to your life somehow, but this is like, oh, I’m going to say how hard it is🎙 00:04:29.25300:04:44.973
  • to be an auteur because I consider myself an auteur. Okay. I’m going to talk about the trials and tribulations of being a movie director and how hard it is and no one understands it. No, no, no.🎙 00:04:44.97300:05:16.213
  • And then he’s doing that as he’s pulling his pants down. Oh, God. No one understands me. I’m going to make a movie about how hard it. Yeah. No, that’s just, that’s, I hate that. So my first question to you, my, my potential future life partner,🎙 00:04:58.14100:05:15.101
  • what’s your spirit animal? A raccoon. OK, elaborate. No, I think I’ve told you this. No, I’d like to. No, I’ve finished. Fuck off. That would be the best speed dating. Answer the question and then just go, no.🎙 00:05:16.50100:05:34.911
  • I will not explain it. I’m not that’s it. Look, the timer went off. It’s time to switch questions. Hey, you didn’t say it. You had to, what is it? You have to fucking interpret it yourself. There’s no way I can explain this to you.🎙 00:05:34.91100:05:44.951
  • I had the experience in university. I got wicked, wicked drunk. And I think we were drinking on the university golf course. And I do believe I tried to put my penis in a golf hole. I think you could just say bull for a second.🎙 00:05:44.95100:05:59.151
  • I was like, no, no. I think I basically tried to have sex with a guy. of course. And then on the walk home and you know that like seven hour drinking session walk? Like you are going so slow. You can you struggle to to move and pulling your legs.🎙 00:05:59.15100:06:21.157
  • Yeah, your your basis is so I so I’m still on the university campus and the one I went to was huge. Like it was like a 15 20 minute walk across campus and that’s not including like extra stuff. So in the middle I was just like I.🎙 00:06:21.15700:06:32.677
  • I gotta sit down and I, there was, this is the potential of where you fall asleep. When I sat down and I was just like, doing that drunk breathing like, oh, oh. I think that you’re breathing right now.🎙 00:06:32.97700:06:44.257
  • Yeah. Oh, it wasn’t. Okay. It wasn’t picking up. I was doing that drunk breathing like dead silence. Like, oh, she’s dead. But I do know people that drunk breathe like that. There’s two, there’s two kinds of drunk breathing.🎙 00:06:44.25700:06:56.897
  • There’s, I’m so exhausted because my body’s still processing alcohol and it shouldn’t be. And I’m about to throw up. Because I was on the train because it’s deep. Oh, it’s yeah, because they do deep breaths when they’re trying to stave it off.🎙 00:06:56.89700:07:10.988
  • But then when your body like sort of is ramping up to it, I was on the train and there was these cute drunk guys gone on the train and they had just they gone out buying shoes and then got drunk, which is a weird combination.🎙 00:07:10.98800:07:20.828
  • And then one guy started doing the, and I’m like, oh, he’s going to puke. He’s going to puke. And then I was like, he’s going to puke somewhere on the train. We’re not making it to like the door open.🎙 00:07:20.82800:07:30.068
  • He puked into the bag where his new shoes were. And these were sneaker heads. This is like clearly what they had done that day specifically was to go out and buy shoes. Imagine how much money those sneakers probably cause.🎙 00:07:30.06800:07:43.627
  • Easily, yeah, cause you know, if you’re a sneaker fan, you’re buying 120 bucks is the minimum. Minimum. That’s like fucking nothing, yeah. Yeah. So anyways, I was doing that exhausted drunk breathing🎙 00:07:43.62700:07:56.987
  • and just like trying to regain enough energy so that I could actually make it to my dorm or I think I lived in a dorm at that time. This is all after humping the golf course. Oh, that had to be peak drunk.🎙 00:07:56.98700:08:08.507
  • Okay. Pre or post. You were out on the top of the… but the mountain of drunkenness. Yeah, no, no, I think the only way I would try to have sex with a golf course is when I was like, this is a great idea.🎙 00:08:08.50700:08:18.996
  • And then like 10 minutes before or 10 minutes later, you realize it’s not a good idea. Yeah. So how far after the next week? This would have been been an hour or two hours later. An hour, okay. Because the walk’s gonna be 30 minutes.🎙 00:08:18.99600:08:32.076
  • Okay, you were like just barreling down into the valley of fear. Yeah, my body is shutting down. And so I was sitting on this stair. and a raccoon came up and sat down next to me and started looking at me and I was drunk enough to realize that🎙 00:08:32.07600:08:48.814
  • It’s a wild animal, but I shouldn’t touch it and then I started talking to it I was like this is again. This is drunk logic. I was like I’ll tell it my problems And like my my my wishes and desires in life and I talked for like in my head🎙 00:08:49.29400:09:03.914
  • It was like ten minutes. I think it might have been like five to ten minutes And then and then two hours it could have been two hours, but it did sit there I don’t think that wild animals gonna sit there for two hours and then🎙 00:09:03.91400:09:14.054
  • I mean it wasn’t really well, so this is this is actually the second part is so I so I tell him all my problems and he listens Yeah, now everyone’s like you do this thing to you. I was like no. No. I’m not saying he understood🎙 00:09:14.18700:09:27.047
  • he listened and Then the raccoon got up and touched me on the shoulder and went away No, no, I was sitting on the I was sitting on the ground. I’m sitting on basically stairs going down somewhere They just gotta fun its hind legs got how unlike and put his little paws on my shoulder and kind of like🎙 00:09:27.70700:09:47.227
  • and then left. Yeah, basically. And like, everyone’s like, that didn’t happen. So I was like, no, no, I’m not saying like, it understood or it meant something. I’m saying, this is what happened.🎙 00:09:47.99400:09:57.914
  • Even in my drunk state of mind, I’m like, that’s not like him talking to me. And people really, really doubt that story, which I find weird. And then I went home and I, and. And you were like, I’m drunk, not a fucking lunatic.🎙 00:09:57.91400:10:09.114
  • Yeah. Yeah. So that was, that was my spirit animal. Yeah, you realize right there and then that you were connected to me. I’m connected to raccoons. At some level with the raccoons. Yeah. I was gonna say with spirits, which is the whole other.🎙 00:10:09.11400:10:25.061
  • I’m tempted to just do my list, but I should go through the list and find the good ones. But creative, funny questions to ask. What’s that question? No, I don’t know. I’m gonna I’m gonna read text missing.🎙 00:10:25.06100:10:38.181
  • I’m gonna read it to reiterate the title so that people know how bad these questions are. Ritten, who wrote this? I’m now going to find out it’s actually yourself. Nataline Mejia sucks. Okay. Oh, sorry.🎙 00:10:39.38100:10:53.301
  • Creative, funny questions to ask. Number two, what’s a pizza topping? most people hate, but you secretly love. And I would tack onto that. Why are you keeping this a secret? Yeah, why, what? Who are you?🎙 00:10:53.30100:11:07.142
  • I don’t think that’s a question. There’s like a guilty pleasure kind of thing, which I don’t agree with as a concept. Yes. I don’t, yeah, I think, I think a guilty, who gives a fuck? Yep. If you like something like it.🎙 00:11:07.14200:11:21.382
  • Yep, people go, you just go, you’re a shallow minded bull bag. We’re gonna have to come up with a list of things that we use on the podcast. I have run into people judging my food, and now I take great offense at it,🎙 00:11:21.38200:11:39.934
  • and it’s Japanese people. Because eating in the staff room at work, I would go by lunch, and then I used to be addicted to caffeine really badly, so I used to have a Coke every day. And then I bought sushi and a Coke,🎙 00:11:39.93400:11:54.854
  • and my Japanese coworker was like, you can’t eat those together. Continental sin. And I was just looking early going. Yes, I can. She’s like, well, no, no, but they don’t go together. And I’m like, well, if I put them both in my mouth, they do.🎙 00:11:54.85400:12:08.919
  • Yeah. The argument was just like, this is what I want. This is what I want to eat. So fuck off. And she got super judgmental. I was like, I was like, what is it about Coke that doesn’t match? And she’s like, well, you should drink tea.🎙 00:12:08.91900:12:20.559
  • I’m like, but you people drink beer. She’s like, oh, beer’s okay. I’m like, well, why is beer okay? And not this? She was like, well, this is- It’s carbonated. Yeah, but she was like, this is traditional.🎙 00:12:20.55900:12:27.839
  • I’m like, beer’s only been in Japan. Like eight weeks, what are you talking about? Like, so I got, I now get really, really pissy about that. I know. a fan of that. What would you say is the weirdest food or the most unusual food🎙 00:12:27.83900:12:44.553
  • you like? The most unusual food. Yeah, because the secret part is the part I actually disagree with. I don’t know. Do you take a hard stance on any food? No, not really. Yeah, me too. I’ll try anything once. I figure you should eat🎙 00:12:44.55300:13:01.213
  • what you like. Yeah, just eat what you like and it’s not weird. Like, I mean, again, I think as a middle-aged, white, western man, I should look at the world and think pretty much anything that any other country eats is weird.🎙 00:13:01.21300:13:28.233
  • Yeah. But I think it’s great, you know. I’m happy that the world develops all kinds of different things to eat. And I want to go around and experience it. Yeah. Yeah. Food is the best. Food’s amazing, man.🎙 00:13:17.73400:13:35.294
  • Have you ever tried something that was just absolutely horrendous? Uh, yeah. I tried like a Chinese duck head. Uh, things with faces I struggle with. Well, it was like… kind of it’s weird because I think you’re supposed to eat the brain but the texture🎙 00:13:35.29400:13:53.313
  • was gross and then I just like sucked on the beak a bit and was like I mean I’m glad I tried it but never again yeah yeah I because that’s I don’t like Natto which is a very common thing but it’s not even a taste or the smell for🎙 00:13:53.31300:14:08.693
  • me it’s actually the texture yep same yeah I actually find I can deal with the taste is actually kind of nice like I like it it’s okay that texture just like the like it gets to like the back of my throat I’ve realized I don’t like🎙 00:14:08.69300:14:22.093
  • anything slimy it just feels like a massive booger in your mouth, to me. So my image though, because when they mix it and then they like lift it up and put it down and it’s like the strings they’re expanding and contracting the strings.🎙 00:14:22.09300:14:36.012
  • I always think of like an alien, their mouths ooze, clearly. I was like, an alien baby birding you. That’s how I think of what I think of that though, which is why I can’t eat it anymore. You can eat it, yep.🎙 00:14:36.01200:14:50.072
  • Okay. All right, my next question. Yep. What’s expensive but worth it? It’s actually a lot of things. Shoes? Yeah. I mean, you should pay more for shoes because you walk way more than you think.🎙 00:14:50.07200:15:11.074
  • Wow, you sound like my mum. Well, you should buy good shoes and a good bed because if you’re not in one, you’re in the other. Oh, actually that’s pretty good advice. Yeah. Shoes is pretty good advice.🎙 00:15:11.07400:15:23.314
  • Especially if you’re anything where you walk or stand a lot. You need good shoes. Because it affects your back, it affects your, like, shoes are important. I know people who buy cheap shoes and they’re falling apart during the day🎙 00:15:23.31400:15:34.659
  • and they’re like, dude, you look like an idiot. And then by default, I have to buy expensive shoes because of size on feet. Look here in Japan, I know. Yeah. So how do you get shoes? Because I order from England.🎙 00:15:34.65900:15:48.219
  • Yeah, online. Sometimes they get lucky in stores and they have sneakers discounted because they’ve randomly got big size on soon. But it’s pretty rare. Because I buy solo ver, which is the original makers of Doc Martens.🎙 00:15:49.61900:16:20.219
  • the Doc Martin company got bought out and then they started making their shoes. So these are more Doc Martin than modern Doc Martens, which is interesting. Say Doc Martin again. Doc Martin. And again?🎙 00:16:05.35400:16:17.674
  • Doc Martin. And again. Doc Martin. No, say it twice. Doc Martin, Doc Martin. I love it. Why? Never stop. I don’t know. There’s like a weird like glottal stop between your Doc. Ah, that is the North American flap T because I don’t actually say T sounds.🎙 00:16:17.67400:16:33.354
  • Yeah. I don’t know. I just, it’s sexy to be. It’s also my name. Doc Martin. Doc Martin, Doc Martin, Doc Martin. Doc Martin. Doc Martin, I should go to the Irish with it. You’re going to get her some Doc Martin.🎙 00:16:33.35400:16:50.307
  • What? The card? The card? No, I don’t know what the fuck I’m just talking. Cling on now. I’ve also, I hold on. That’s what Cling on is. It’s a super strong Irish accent. I would go more expensive.🎙 00:16:50.30700:17:07.907
  • So I bought a cheap microphone. Like, it depends what you’re doing. So things you use all the time, it’s better to buy a better quality. So I had a microphone when I started the podcast and I got a cheap one.🎙 00:17:07.90700:17:19.221
  • And then it wasn’t really designed for the computer and this and that. And I was like, and it had problems. Whereas as soon as I bought the mic, I’m using now the hyper X solo cast. Should you want to sponsor the show?🎙 00:17:19.54100:17:29.601
  • Zero problems since. So like that just saved me trying to like, Oh, I’ll try to take that sound out in post or I’ll try to do this. And I was just like, no, I just record it and I go now, which is amazing.🎙 00:17:32.02100:17:42.001
  • So like if you’re on the computer as much as you and I. You should buy mid-tier computer parts. I actually think high-end is usually ripping you off. I mean, but you and I both become fans of Razer.🎙 00:17:42.00100:17:56.797
  • Yeah, and I think Razer is mid to high, but I don’t buy the high-end stuff. I buy their mid stuff, and it’s great. Yeah, I’m really happy with what they provide. I actually think you should not go cheap on most things because the problem is it all wears out and explodes on you when you’re not ready.🎙 00:17:57.19700:18:14.897
  • I’m looking around my room going like, no, everything’s… I don’t I don’t I don’t spend extra money, but I’ll spend money on trying to get a good one Like for example, I love listening to music right and I buy🎙 00:18:14.89700:18:27.486
  • reasonably like expensive headphones for like for me like family man. Yeah, I don’t have massive amount of Expendable income, but I like to buy nice headphones. Hmm Yeah, it always just lasts like a year to 18 months and then all of like the🎙 00:18:28.20600:18:46.406
  • The fabric covering on like the cushioning starts to come off. I And then they slowly just disintegrate Yeah, and it doesn’t seem to matter how much I spend I Would what kind do you getting like overhead? Yeah overhead? Yeah, it’s a cans because I I was buying headphones🎙 00:18:47.00600:19:04.796
  • Yeah, a pair every year and I was slowly creeping up in price and I was like I’m still I’m spending like five thousand yen and still it’s only lasting a year and then I got the bows Bluetooth Headphones that are I spent like three years now. Maybe more and they’re not like disintegrating🎙 00:19:04.99600:19:21.676
  • The pads Dave to them. So I, but I went online and just replaced them. Yeah. So it was just the pads. It’s not like the issues. I thought the battery was dying, but I think just the charging thing I was🎙 00:19:21.67600:19:34.963
  • using wasn’t very good. So the batteries find like three years later, the batteries still find everything. Yeah, I love those. But they’re expensive. They’ve cheering them. They never know. Centigrade. No, I think it’s because they use better🎙 00:19:34.96300:19:45.203
  • materials. I think because I’m buying like look like I spent like 12, 12,000 yen on my headphones this time, which is not cheap, but it’s all. So not high end. Yeah. And I think they’re just still cutting back on costs in the fabric.🎙 00:19:45.20300:20:01.822
  • So maybe I’ll just buy some. I’m going to try buying slightly more expensive ones next time. Because these these the most ones I have, they’re like 25,000. Yeah, it was my birthday present for my wife.🎙 00:20:01.82200:20:14.362
  • I think they’re more than that. I maybe she got him at Costco though. Oh, OK. Because yeah, I don’t think I’ve seen both or anything under three. Oh, she she didn’t pay that much. I guarantee. But the guarantee.🎙 00:20:14.72200:20:27.148
  • No, no, no, no, no, because… Shh. No, no, no, no, because I was looking at them and like, ah, I think I might buy these. I think I might buy these. But I was thinking of buying them because they were at Costco and they were like 25,000🎙 00:20:27.14800:20:40.068
  • yet. But again, now that’s three years, one or two more years and they’ve paid themselves off. I would have spent that much on replacing other ones anyways. Yeah, every year. So that’s what I want.🎙 00:20:40.06800:20:52.708
  • I don’t want to keep replacing them. Yeah. So… I finished. I’m satisfied with your answer. I’ll be fine. Alright. Wow. Oh yeah. Cool. Alright. Cool. Yeah. Alright. Finished. I’m satisfied with your answer.🎙 00:20:52.70800:21:09.468
  • Oh, good. Alright. Wow. Alright. Cool. Oh yeah. Cool. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Alright. More people to see, come on. Oh, okay. I’ve gone a shit. We really fucked up speed dating, man. Fun icebreaker questions is a separate list.🎙 00:21:09.46800:21:12.135
  • Oh, yeah. So I thought this was- Oh, is that your question? No, no, I’m just trying to give you the content so that we can make fun of how about these questions? I’m not insulating at the end. Fun icebreaker questions is a separate list.🎙 00:21:12.13500:21:22.375
  • I’m Canadian. Okay. The Canadian question is something you should start researching because you’re not gonna be able to communicate. If you want, I’ll start doing the fun. Icebreaker questions, eh?🎙 00:21:22.37500:21:33.055
  • haha Okay? because that’s the problem is because they say a as an I said starting a list there and then the next would be be yeah so the the name of this list is fun icebreaker questions the first one is🎙 00:21:33.05500:21:46.587
  • one of the least fun icebreaker questions I’ve ever seen so I want to do the first two okay because the first one’s not going anywhere I can pretty much guarantee are there any interesting things your name spells with the letters🎙 00:21:46.58700:21:59.007
  • rearranged my head I take no I know my first response was no no to me or you. No, no, is there anything my name spells with the letters rearranged that’s interesting? You’re thinking about your name?🎙 00:21:59.00700:22:18.641
  • Yeah. The answer’s no. Who are you asking yourself? I’m asking you now. Oh, okay. I guess ATM. That’s it. Other than that, yeah. Yeah, no, absolutely dog shit. Who wrote the real short shit names?🎙 00:22:18.64100:22:34.121
  • Who wrote the short shit names? I can’t think of many people whose names were. Heather Harper, get your shit together. Occupational psychologist from the University of Manchester. clearly a wasted degree. If you think that is a fun icebreaker question, you are a boring, sad🎙 00:22:34.12100:22:49.085
  • individual. I really hope you don’t see this in your feelings. The second question though, in the fun icebreaker questions, if you are a potato, what way would you like to be cooked? Actually, maybe influenced by living in this country, but I’d like to be dropped in a deep fat🎙 00:22:49.08500:23:07.485
  • fryer hole. So, my… Okay, really? I don’t know, just because I live here and people say, like, fried potato and now I… I think that’s hilarious. Mm-hmm. It’s like, because who else is gonna say that?🎙 00:23:07.48500:23:23.916
  • Yeah, just drop me in a deep breath, right, a hole. Don’t cut me nothing. Maybe my problem is I’m too literal. You asked me that question I immediately went, I would rather not be cooked, because it’s like murder.🎙 00:23:23.91600:23:33.316
  • I would rather be left in the ground to live my life as a happy potato. I think both of us basically give answers that women would go, oh. Oh, for fuck sake. Oh, for fuck sake. Fuck sake. Yeah.🎙 00:23:34.35600:23:48.356
  • Oh. This game is shitty, but it does. You’re fucking wise. Let’s just drop. me in whole what the fuck you on about oh leave you in the ground yeah you fucking troglodyte get away from okay so any way you prepare potato you have to skin it🎙 00:23:48.35600:24:02.443
  • I do not want to be skinned and then you like slice it up I’m like no I don’t want to be dismembered and then you deep fry it well hopefully by that time I’m dead but see I think a potato if it had a consciousness yes would not exist🎙 00:24:02.44300:24:15.363
  • within the particular confines of the potato I think it would be like whoa attached above so it would be experiencing it even post-death well I don’t think it would feel pain I think it just experiences things.🎙 00:24:15.36300:24:31.615
  • So when the potato is cut up, is it then split consciousness? Or is it one consciousness now spread out amongst several? Because let’s say you cut the potato in half and I give you half the potato🎙 00:24:31.61500:24:41.735
  • and you go back to Fukushima. Does the potato, is it aware of where the plant is? It’s now quantied. The entangled. But it’s separated, yes. It’s separated and quantied me entangled. So if I wanple my potato and punch it,🎙 00:24:41.73500:24:55.415
  • then maybe your one will just start wobbling. And brought back violently too. Have you ever read about starfish? And you cut the starfish in half and then you separate? and you wiggle one arm, because they grow back, yeah?🎙 00:24:55.41500:25:11.082
  • But you wiggle one arm. How do they? Like sponges. Yeah, I think if you cut, I think you have to be careful. I think you could kill them. Oh, wait, because they grow back. Yeah, yeah, they grow like, so if you can cut one in half,🎙 00:25:11.08200:25:22.082
  • you’ll get two starfish, eventually. Oh, that’s cool. But if you wiggle one, you wiggle one leg, the other leg will move, supposedly. I don’t know if that’s true. That’s the thing I read. I mean, yeah, scientists on an off day.🎙 00:25:22.08200:25:35.722
  • It’s internet information, so I’m always a bit weary. But what are you saying about sponges? Like sponges, you can blend up two or three of them in a cup and just leave it to sit at the contents afterwards.🎙 00:25:35.72200:25:48.682
  • and they will separate into their the three original parts and reform really? Yep, yeah, sponges are metal as fuck. Yeah, they know. That’s actually pretty cool. Yeah, that’s terrifying. It’s also terrifying, like if they become sentient and decide to take over🎙 00:25:48.63300:26:08.553
  • or someone harnesses that technology. Yeah. That power because yeah, you can blend them. And they will reform. That’s what. Yeah. Anyway, let’s move on before my mind. Your drips out my nose. I just realized we’re actually doing the Joe Rogan experience.🎙 00:26:09.35300:26:42.553
  • Oh, are we? Yeah, we’ve got to talk about apes now. Oh, do we? So he has a couple of… It’s how apes are crazy and evolutionary, and then he talks about ayahuasca or some drug or microdosing, and then he talks about MMA.🎙 00:26:29.80400:26:48.284
  • That’s the formula. But we’re really close to bordering that right now. I mean, not really. It was just a side topic. Yeah, we got to do it for two and a half hours. And then we’re doing the drill broken.🎙 00:26:48.28400:27:00.604
  • I think your turn. Yes, I did. I did. I did. I did. Yeah. Your turn. Yeah. Okay. What title would you give your biography? I’ve just ruined this be dating because I can’t answer. Yeah. It’s a biography. I’m writing it.🎙 00:27:00.60400:27:23.261
  • It’s not. It’s an autobiography or it’s a biography written by someone else. And I’m titling it. That’s already confusing. I’m a bit pedantic for these questions. I would not do well speed dating.🎙 00:27:23.26100:27:54.261
  • Yeah, sit the parameters. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Come on. Let me know. I need to know. If it’s an autobiography, then I would naturally make fun of myself. If someone else wrote it, they might be more complimentary or derogatory.🎙 00:27:34.36900:27:51.489
  • I would say something relatively serious and then make fun of it. So it would be chunk McBeef chest, a life in dire straits. Sort of. I’d make something. stupidly long title that was actually off-putting it so that it didn’t sell.🎙 00:27:51.48900:28:10.393
  • I can’t, yeah, that’s really hard because I’d have to actually, I think you’d have to go through and get the stories and is there a common theme other than just I’m in it, like struggle or something and then you’d pull the title from that.🎙 00:28:13.59300:28:27.753
  • I think I called my Matt Gibson from G to Ibsen. That’s actually pretty good. That’s snappy because you came up with Seamik. I was like chunk of each s let’s add 10 more words to make it so that people never can search for it🎙 00:28:29.51300:28:46.933
  • And you’re like no, I was like no it has to be simple has to be simple I always do this wrong has to be simple and then you were like just don’t say the whole fucking word now I was way better. I Never would have thought of that I see me when I struggle. I always start adding🎙 00:28:47.27300:29:02.653
  • And making fun. Yeah, but making fun of the other thing. I just did Yeah Alright, I like you go sure if you wrote an autobiography we do would you be complimentary to yourself do you think I I know my my my last sentence would be like at the end at the🎙 00:29:03.23300:29:25.247
  • end of the day he was a piece of shit yeah my might be at least he tried yeah at least he tried is pretty good I don’t know I think I’d be generally complimentary I think I’d just be honest and then within that honesty I’d🎙 00:29:25.24700:29:43.747
  • probably be a little brutal so yeah I don’t know. Ah, there you go. So now we’re making better questions. You got some? No, there was my phone telling me to work out. Okay. Because normally I do.🎙 00:29:43.74700:30:01.466
  • Um, I had a question there and it’s gone now. But we’re making better questions, right? Well no, I immediately started thinking of better questions. Like, like, yeah, summarize your autobiography or the final line or something would be a🎙 00:30:01.46600:30:14.646
  • slightly better. I see your embarrassing list has the funniest thing you’ve done while drunk. But I think you’ve already answered that. Oh, I’m sure I’ve done worse. Yeah. Trying to have sex with an entire golf course is pretty epic though.🎙 00:30:14.64600:30:28.218
  • And then like speak to a raccoon like it’s my dad. You’re a dad not my dad. I’d be way more open with your dad than I would be with my dad. Yeah, yeah. So this is the second. So these are broken up into bits which I quite like.🎙 00:30:28.21800:30:45.258
  • So this is we’re back to what’s her face. Nataline. This is her second set of questions, is embarrassingly funny questions to ask. But I mean… In fact, we are more fun. Then these aren’t bad if Heather sucks🎙 00:30:45.25800:30:59.650
  • Maybe that’s on her list. Do you suck at us? Email me Do you have an embarrassing nickname? What’s the funniest thing you’ve done? Yeah, what’s the funniest thing you’ve done? Well, drunk is pretty good. What’s that? Well, we you could do yours now. What’s the funniest thing you’ve done? Well drunk or just I mean I can’t know🎙 00:31:02.29000:31:19.090
  • I’m literally can’t say for legal reasons. How about embarrassing nickname do that? I’ve never had people give me a nickname Unfortunately, I have. Oh, really? What do you think? All right, so I guess this kind of ties into being drunk.🎙 00:31:19.09000:31:35.939
  • It was all drunk with my friends while we were too young. And we kind of drank a lot and then fell asleep in my friend’s garage. It’s the best place to fall asleep. Yeah. And I start having a very vocal dream.🎙 00:31:35.93900:31:55.699
  • Oh, wow. Yeah, well, I was telling Mr. Magoo, the detective mole, to get on with the case. Oh, wow. And if he needed anything to come back and see me. So you were like the chief? Yeah, I was like the chief for Mr. Magoo,🎙 00:31:56.81900:32:11.139
  • the detective mole. My friends, this is before. Account. Cell phones or anything right yeah, so there’s no video evidence. I’m so glad I grew up in that fucking day I can I just say oh no no me too because fuck me I🎙 00:32:11.13900:32:24.776
  • I don’t think I would have been anything anymore Yeah, I don’t think I would have been like is I either I would be like a tik-tok star because I’d done so much dumb shit Or yeah, I would be a social pariah🎙 00:32:26.31600:32:36.236
  • There’s no in between though like you don’t get in between it’s either You’re awesome because you do this stuff or everyone’s I can hate you because you do this There’s no there’s no middle ground. So what was the nickname that came up it though?🎙 00:32:37.25600:32:48.127
  • Yeah, mr. Magoo. Oh, just mr. Magoo. Yeah, so then my friends just called me Magoo forever And I I kind of hated it, but I so don’t mind it. I I had some weird ones of my friends. It was Julio Smolio🎙 00:32:48.44700:33:02.407
  • Carlito spoon toe staco one eye Jesus and captain Huh? Captain’s all right. Yeah, is any because his dick was always wet. That’s all right. All right, yeah. Make sure you mark this as adult.🎙 00:33:03.24700:33:31.400
  • I mean, it always has been. I mean, the last episode probably was me talking about with the astronaut, like the gun. That’s on here. That’s on here number 12. What’s the best, uh, no, no, no, no.🎙 00:33:31.40000:33:45.000
  • What’s, what’s, where’s the meme on? Oh I mean, I did see that on the previous one. What’s the most obscure meme? Yeah, what’s your favorite kind of obscure meme? I struggle with what a meme is though.🎙 00:33:45.00000:33:55.341
  • It’s a picture. I know, I know. It’s a picture. But then like everything’s a meme now, I think. Everything’s a meme now, yeah. So like what’s your favorite thing on the internet? Yeah, basically the internet is for memes.🎙 00:33:56.34100:34:12.141
  • That song has now changed from porn to memes. Mm-hmm. The internet is for… Awkward funny questions to ask. The first one is very awkward. Oh yeah? Do you like standing up or something? I don’t know if I want to know.🎙 00:34:12.14100:34:26.020
  • Really? Go on, answer. Me, I bidet, this shit out of myself. But you don’t wipe at all. Oh no, no, no, no, it’s still wet, so you got to wipe. And then you got to check you got it all. But I am usually just pat drying, basically.🎙 00:34:26.02000:34:40.300
  • But it sits down. Yeah, because you’re not standing up getting bideted, right? No, no. The bidet in my house is so powerful. I actually have to go into the next room or it will shoot me into the next room as the people.🎙 00:34:41.22000:34:51.940
  • I want to grip onto the walls. I’m gripping the door. And I’m just trying my hardest to stay in position so that I don’t get blown into the other room. Biday is like the best thing in the world. And so like you do have to like check that you got it all🎙 00:34:51.94000:35:09.258
  • and dry yourself. You don’t want like a sopping wet butt before you pull your pants up. That’s gross. I don’t like it. Yeah, I get it. Yeah. Honestly. I just, I neither want it to go inside me.🎙 00:35:09.25800:35:25.718
  • Just whoa. I see you. Nothing at all. I don’t know. Like maybe we’ve opened up a whole lot of years. You can like really stretch your butt cheeks apart and get it up there. It comes out your nose.🎙 00:35:25.71800:35:36.986
  • I have a really runny nose today. I don’t know. Me too. I have been dating too hard. Yeah, yeah, God. It just went all the way through. It got up into my sinuses, but I mean, I’m starting to breathe really well now🎙 00:35:36.98600:35:49.746
  • since I’ve been bedaying. Like while we’ve been talking. Yeah, actually this chair. What is this? The blouse hood. It’s just pumping right in. Yeah, I actually just have like a rose. I know it’s yeah.🎙 00:35:49.74600:36:04.401
  • It’s not even bidet anymore. Have you ever been enemod? No. OK. I kind of want to, though. I want to get a coffee. I had to, oh, that’s too much for me. I had the enemod, but I think I’ve told that story🎙 00:36:04.40100:36:18.121
  • like a million times. Yes. Awkward funny. Yes, that is actually awkward to start with. Have you ever blamed a fart on someone else? Constantly. I have children. Yeah, it was literally the reason I had children. I didn’t have children. I get a dog🎙 00:36:18.12100:36:34.468
  • I mean, I’ve only heard Dave fart once and I’ve I blame him for every fart in the house He’s got some of the worst there they are he he’s really quiet. He’s goes like but I fart and he starts barking🎙 00:36:34.46800:36:47.268
  • and then He was like what the fuck is that and then the The other night I was editing a video and he was barking in the background of the video and he started barking at him barking It was like this weird inception🎙 00:36:48.54800:37:02.228
  • Hmm, oh this list now, I’m gonna ask you some of them. Okay I can see him because my list is basically done. I think most of them are not crap Would you rather pee every time you laugh or shot every time you sneeze?🎙 00:37:02.22800:37:16.036
  • I Would choose the shart only because I laugh a lot more than I sneeze. Yeah, I would go the same logic man But is the shark this again? I can’t do I can’t answer the question without setting the parameter🎙 00:37:17.07600:37:30.956
  • So I understand it fully like when they say shart is it like you fart in a tiny bit of poop comes out Or you like literally shit yourself the entire time Yeah, yeah, I guess. Because if it’s like a massive, like, I sneeze and then I like blow my pants off because I’ve🎙 00:37:30.95600:37:44.869
  • shat so much, that’s a problem. And then P, is it like a little P or a lot? Because if it’s just like a tiny, like… If it’s P though, you could wear an adult diaper and just get a cutie day. Or wear a tampon.🎙 00:37:44.86900:37:59.109
  • No, tampon. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Take the tampon and just stretch it over the top of your penis. You’d have to be like rock hard all day to keep it on though. See, I went the other way. Oh, stick it in there.🎙 00:37:59.10900:38:12.509
  • Okay. I actually, I did condom covering. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I think… I feel as if it’d be a better… Oh god. This is literally just a question of poly… That’s what I meant. No, no, no. We just…🎙 00:38:12.50900:38:27.046
  • You need volume before you can answer that question. If I laugh and a drop of P comes out, I wouldn’t even notice. If I sneeze and I like poo is running down my leg, I would notice. Yeah. I might sneeze some more.🎙 00:38:27.04600:38:45.046
  • Awkward text you once sent to the… wrong person. We were in an office chat and I was complaining about my co-worker and because we were complaining about my co-worker I’d clicked on her name. I was literally just sending her🎙 00:38:45.04600:38:56.723
  • the shit I was unhappy about. And she’s sitting across from me just reading the chat. She knows this is not going to her. And I’m just like, are you sure you’re not getting these messages? She’s such a f***ing… And then about about 10 messages in I realized what I’d done. And then I was like,🎙 00:38:56.72300:39:13.043
  • look, okay, I was like, I was like, okay, I can save it. I was like, okay, done venting. I really have a serious conversation about, you know… and just adjusting attitude. And everything was fine.🎙 00:39:13.04300:39:23.963
  • Uh, yeah. She never had a problem ever again. Yeah, she quit that year. No, it wasn’t better for all of us. Yeah. Okay. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever smelled? Oh, cause you know you’ve smelled stuff🎙 00:39:23.96300:39:40.443
  • and it makes you like choke vomit. I’m trying to think though. Cause I feel like regular answers, the stuff like other vomit poop. Yeah, cause I pick up. I pick up dog shit and so every now and then you get a really strong dog shit you oh🎙 00:39:40.44300:39:57.036
  • You get one of those I don’t know. I’m kind of immune to it. Oh now. I’m just saying like Sometimes yeah, it’s pretty rare now, but it has happened like I remember when I was a kid And I had to like clean up the yard🎙 00:39:57.65600:40:10.056
  • It was just like ten things of dog shit and it was like number eight was fine and then number nine You’re like oh, oh, oh, oh, like I don’t know what happened that day, but I Yeah, and like vomit. I’m okay with🎙 00:40:10.05600:40:22.036
  • I’m alright with my family’s vomit. I think knowing where it came from. This is also you’ve had kids know Your relationship to poop and vomit changes when you have a baby. It so does. Because I basically poop doesn’t bug me anymore at all.🎙 00:40:22.03600:40:37.549
  • I’ve had it all over my hands. Yeah, under my fingernails. I remember the first time I got under my fingernails. I was like, oh, I did the third time. He just like, oh, yeah, I got to clean that.🎙 00:40:37.54900:40:47.549
  • Some mushrooms smell really bad. You know I love mushrooms. Yes. Now everyone else does too. Some of them smell. Whoo! Deepish funny questions. We’ve actually done 40 minutes. We’ll do a little more.🎙 00:40:47.54900:41:03.549
  • Oh, holy shit, really? Yeah, it goes pretty fast. How long would you survive? Seriously though? How long do you think you would survive in his zombie apocalypse? I think I would survive reasonably well because I know how to survive in the wild.🎙 00:41:03.54900:41:20.990
  • Oh okay. I was a very good boy scout. Very good. My dad was in the forces. He always took his out in the wilderness. He taught me how to catch his skin rabbits, how to fish and cook. This is Joe Rogan.🎙 00:41:21.71000:41:48.190
  • Yeah, okay. He’s a big bow hunter. Oh, okay. I listened to Joe Rogan before he went completely off the rails. For like two years he was really good. And then I still only listened to the people I was interested in, but because they are🎙 00:41:41.28900:41:58.109
  • like two, three hours long. Then he just got like his podcast and Conan O’Brien got into they stopped being interviewers and now it’s just a platform for them to speak. Just, okay. He talks more than the guests sometimes where it used to be he was like, I understand I🎙 00:41:58.10900:42:14.029
  • don’t know as much as you do. So I’m going to ask you questions. And then by interviewing lots of people he thinks he’s related knowledge. Yes. But he was an anti-vaxxer and shit. So. Which makes me think he’s a fucking one.🎙 00:42:14.02900:42:27.106
  • I sell something I talk about a lot actually though because like my family never want to go camping the way I want to go camping. Yeah they don’t understand. Like I mean I want us to have fun camping but I kind of want to teach them how to do🎙 00:42:27.10600:42:41.946
  • stuff. How to do stuff. Yeah. Yeah. How to be like I don’t have this thing and then how to make it or do it or get it. So I think I do alright. How about you? I think over confidence would be my downfall.🎙 00:42:41.94600:43:00.346
  • If It’s okay. I can’t see and that’s always going to be the problem if I lose my glasses my glasses break or my eyes deteriorate Oh shit. I’m fucked. Yeah Because I actually had a friend said like in a post-apocalyptic world🎙 00:43:00.34600:43:16.152
  • Peter would do really well if you could get his hands on things Because I know I can kill stuff with my hands really really well But I have to but then if you think about the process of getting something in your hands. I can’t do it🎙 00:43:17.03200:43:28.672
  • No, and it’s risky. Yeah, and there’s zombies around so zombies. I Actually think I think I would think I’m gonna do good and then get fucked pretty early on. I think I’d be one of the zombies pretty fast because I probably try to fight🎙 00:43:28.67200:43:42.661
  • them in some premise. Yeah, maybe even like to be noble. Yeah, but seriously, I probably would. And then zombies get up and then there’s yeah. And then another one bites me from behind because I’ve never fought like eight guys at the same time. So I think my overconfidence🎙 00:43:42.66100:43:57.501
  • would be my downfall. And so actually, I think I would do really well. And then I would die in the second or third day with confidence. I would die with confidence. you could come and stay with me.🎙 00:43:57.50100:44:10.938
  • Oh, yay. So you can trap stuff and then I’ll kill it with my hands. Nice. Ah, we keep them around. Number six, let’s do number six and then we’ll finish. Okay. Yeah. Oh, shit. This is the same.🎙 00:44:10.93800:44:27.738
  • I, okay. So the question is what funny saying would be written on your tombstone to describe your life, the life you lived. I again, I’m going to ruin the question. So you go first. On my tombstone.🎙 00:44:27.73800:44:59.418
  • I think I think uh, no, I want to have some kind of pun and now I can’t think of anything That one that went anything boring like like here lies Loving father and husband better fuck that shit maybe just something like like🎙 00:44:41.45100:44:58.731
  • Like inhale. It’s always a heavy battle party I Don’t want a tombstone. I kind of want to be for don’t want a tombstone either Yeah, I don’t want to be buried and have like a specific place that people feel like they have to come to🎙 00:44:59.45100:45:14.411
  • Creamate and throw it away. Yeah, like, but if I read me with a new tree, oh, that’s nice. Yeah, something if I had a tombstone. I Would want to have some side a gimmick on it like says something relatively serious, but it has a flap you can lift up🎙 00:45:14.41100:45:29.638
  • Or like an LED screen. So but no, no, but something something’s like I actually weirdly would want to make it interactive Like oh wait, there’s something you can do and then it’s like ends up or make a gamer🎙 00:45:30.57800:45:39.898
  • Like I don’t know I would want to make it so that it looks really boring But if you take the time to look at it, there’s something really cool there. So like one of those sliding puzzle things. Oh yeah, like that or a door and then🎙 00:45:39.89800:45:52.673
  • door like a door you open the door. Yeah, something. I think that that’s that actually sums me up. Like I would I would want looking on the outside but but if you go in there, got some shit, it’s great.🎙 00:45:53.31300:46:08.673
  • Right. Okay, yes, we will stop there. So I’m in the stream. Yeah, now you know all about us. You know exactly what kind of people we are. And then from this point forward, we’ll do topics. We made some topics.🎙 00:46:08.67300:46:40.433
  • Yeah. We would appreciate more. Yeah. If anyone’s listening, anyone, anyone, please help me. Send some time. Send topics. Yeah. That’s like, send nudes. But send topic. Send nudes. No, let’s not take that off the table.🎙 00:46:24.14100:46:44.381
  • Send nudes. Men or women, I’m just, I just want to be, I just want to say I got nudes. Yeah. I don’t even want to look at them. That’s what I say I got. If you’re a raccoon, listening. Send nudes. You have to fuck an animal. Go.🎙 00:46:44.38100:47:01.735
  • Three, two, you can’t, you’re taking too long already. No, open. Oh. Same answer. Yeah. So mate. Okay. That’s a perfect place to stop. Alright, God. You

Fantastic Poops

  • Music CMcB is an examination and so what I like to do is to sort of find a topic and issue and get deeper into it and what we’re going to get deeper into today is superhero butt holes. You might not have thought that’s where that sentence was going but that’s why.🎙 00:00:00.00000:00:30.600
  • You see me? be as always a magical rainbow of joy, because you’ll never know what’s coming at the end of any sentence, poop. See? And this was weird because we, I started talking to some friends about the Fantastic Four,🎙 00:00:30.60000:00:47.631
  • which is a comic I never read, and I actually know very little about the Fantastic Four, except for the characters therein, who they are. I used to read Spider-Man, the comics, and the Fantastic Four lived in the same city.🎙 00:00:47.63100:01:02.751
  • and there was only one I remember and it’s because Spider-Man encountered a space fire oriented hero, anti-hero, and he couldn’t beat him. And so it was a three comic arc where Spider-Man was running away🎙 00:01:02.73800:01:20.098
  • from this, I think it was Fire Star, but the idea was that he needed to not engage with him so that Fire Star wouldn’t hurt innocent civilians and he tried to get them to this area. He lured him into a building and then collapsed the building, but it didn’t🎙 00:01:21.21800:01:38.103
  • kill him and he knew he’d just like power level wise he couldn’t beat him. And then in a final act of desperation, Spider-Man just like literally just starts physically punching him beating the shit out of him. Firestar never having actually been punched in the face before🎙 00:01:38.10300:01:54.083
  • couldn’t take it. And Spider-Man puts him down and then the fantastic four show up. So I think it’s some earlier point he’d called them for help. That’s that’s all I know about the fantastic four is their kind of friends with Spider-Man.🎙 00:01:54.08300:02:04.643
  • man. I mean, that’s that’s literally it. So there’s the thing. Now, the thing is covered in rocks. Now, I don’t know much about that. I think he has like enhanced strength. I don’t know if it’s because of the rocks. That’s that’s actually a question, but he’s very tough exterior because🎙 00:02:04.64100:02:25.041
  • his exterior is now covered in orange rocks. I don’t know what those orange rocks are made of. He’s not happy about his life. I know that that he doesn’t want to be covered in rocks. And it’s it’s made his life more difficult. And I think.🎙 00:02:25.04100:02:38.001
  • one of the ways he’s made his life more difficult. And this is what set off this conversation is he has to poop. He still is a human inside. He has to eat and he has to poop. But if I have a dog that I clean up his poop🎙 00:02:37.67600:02:51.356
  • and you pick up the poop off the rock, it’s usually concrete or cement. We’re on the road, let’s say. It’s very easy to pick up. You don’t wipe. Now there are two possibilities here. One is that.🎙 00:02:51.35600:03:08.316
  • his butt is covered in pebbles or rocks or something. And that means it’s relatively smooth and the poop would come out without much trouble. So you wouldn’t have to wipe that much. But more logically speaking,🎙 00:03:08.69900:03:25.459
  • because if you have to squeeze poop out as we all do, he would have to clean up afterwards. Now, this would imply to me that the thing does not wipe. He must bidet. Now, if you’ve ever bideted, it’s not particularly powerful.🎙 00:03:25.45900:03:42.059
  • It’s designed to be comfortable for a human butthole, but again, this is a human who’s covered in orange rocks, or in this case, maybe smooth pebbles. So I’m wondering if a bidet would be strong enough.🎙 00:03:41.17300:03:56.013
  • We know the absolute minimum, the thing must bidet. But realistically speaking, to really get sort of all the crevices and whatnot, he probably has to power wash, which would mean either he has a uniquely created bathroom which Mr.🎙 00:03:56.01300:04:12.613
  • Fantastic could say. He’d set up, he’d been being a genius inventor and scientist. He could create a bidet that was powerful enough to clean up the things but, or he has a jet set up in our special room that’s sort of just like a shower room where he can like🎙 00:04:12.61300:04:31.736
  • kind of position himself and just set it off. Or he has a very friendly associate who is willing to do this for him and actually just power sprays his butt hole. There is another alternative. There is another possibility is that the things digestive system has been changed.🎙 00:04:31.73600:05:09.876
  • So again, not knowing enough about the characters. I don’t know what he eats. So maybe he eats rocks and poop dust or pebbles Which would be very easy to clean up then. I don’t know Maybe he eats rock and then with the pressure of🎙 00:04:50.00800:05:06.848
  • The things powerful digestive system that is now rock oriented Poops diamonds And that is actually a very real possibility So this is something this is something that again and when you watch superhero movies🎙 00:05:07.32800:05:19.788
  • stuff. You follow your favorite Marvel heroes. Do they poop? How do they poop? So Spider Man is just a kid. He’s gained super powers. He poops completely normally, I assume. Daredevil, just a guy, has like echolocation of sorts. Poops normally. Now the Fantastic🎙 00:05:20.08400:05:42.644
  • Four also has a character called the Flame. I don’t actually know if that’s his name. I know he has fire based powers. This was interesting because really if you think about it, you are… flame and you poop.🎙 00:05:42.64400:05:58.138
  • You don’t have to wipe. So he’s in human form. He goes to the toilet and then he just goes, flame on. I know that’s the only thing I know. He says flame on. Flame on and then he would burn any poop particulate away🎙 00:05:58.13800:06:12.278
  • because it’s outside his body. It doesn’t explain what happens internally which leads me to an interesting secondary question because let’s say the flame gets coronavirus or a flu or something. A fever is designed to kill the…🎙 00:06:12.27800:06:56.798
  • virus in your body. If he flames on, does that immediately kill all the virus within his body? Is he’s not immune? He can catch it, but he can catch it every single day. Flame on. He’s burned it. He’s killed all the virus in his body because we don’t know anything about his internal temperature🎙 00:06:31.01300:06:51.933
  • because logically speaking, if his internal temperature gets that high, it should actually like burn his heart. So his heart and all his internal organs must be somehow immune. to this incredibly high temperature.🎙 00:06:51.93300:07:03.836
  • So it would say to me that he cannot get a fever because his body’s immune to high temperatures, but he does have the ability to flame on, turn his body into a human torch. Oh, it’s the human torch, not flame.🎙 00:07:03.83600:07:22.396
  • I would like to point out that I did not do a significant amount of research before I did this. You think if I had done any sort of research, I would know the names of the character. factors, which I do not. I did look up one, and it was the laziest name I’ve ever come🎙 00:07:24.15600:07:39.932
  • across in all of history. But the human torch must be immune internally to high temperatures, which means he can’t get a fever to fight the virus, but he could flame on and then burn it out. I know that there’s an interesting thing if you get syphilis. What you can do🎙 00:07:39.93200:08:01.332
  • is get malaria, and the fever from the malaria is so hot. it actually kills the syphilis. And then hopefully you survive the malaria. You can go off and get syphilis again. I don’t know why it’s a weird loop. When I learned about🎙 00:08:01.33200:08:15.970
  • that fact, it was a weird loop that stuck in my head that if you get syphilis, go get malaria and then you can go get syphilis again. You just loop that forever. And no problem. So do all firepower people, people with firepower have this ability? Or there is the second🎙 00:08:15.97000:08:34.710
  • dairy alternative. that once the virus, if it’s strong enough to get into the human torch’s body, that because he cannot generate a fever physically, that he’s actually really, really susceptible to diseases,🎙 00:08:34.71000:08:51.728
  • which I would be very surprised by. So that’s something to take into account when you think of the human torch. Then we move on to Mr. Fantastic. No, Mr. Fantastic. Stretchy powers. Let’s look okay in comics.🎙 00:08:51.72800:09:08.689
  • I’ve actually never been impressed by stretchy as a power. So we have Mr. Fantastic and then the wife from The Incredibles. A Last a Girl, I believe is the name. Again no research done at all before him.🎙 00:09:08.68900:09:22.689
  • But our poop themed questions. The last of persons, the last of people, Mr. Fantastic has the ability to stretch his body in all kinds of almost magical way. So stretches arms really far stretch really wide and block bullets🎙 00:09:22.68900:09:42.694
  • Become incredibly flexible. I assume we also become rigid Which almost makes me not want to talk about when mistering fantastic poops He’s able to there’s two choices again. I came up with Able to flex the internal organs and body in such a way that it could come out in an incredibly🎙 00:09:43.41400:10:07.974
  • fast single powerful move that maybe there’s no wiping needed necessary. No wipes needed. Or, and this was to me the grosser one, could descend to such a degree that the fecal matter would just drop out and no🎙 00:10:07.97400:10:29.574
  • wiping would be necessary. Once I started thinking about this, this is the problem is once you have the thought, I started thinking about the things poop, wiping, and how problematic that would be. It then led me to extrapolate on every character in that team and then of course expand into🎙 00:10:29.57400:10:48.202
  • the greater superhero pantheon. I hate stretchy abilities. I actually, as soon as you start thinking about what they can and cannot do, it’s really gross. Everything they do is kind of gross. And I know they’re in planning a new Fantastic Four movie, but stretchy powers just don’t🎙 00:10:48.20200:11:07.242
  • look cool. And that’s a problem with Mr. Fantastic is even if Mr. Fantastic is. is a cool character, stretchy powers don’t look good. Now we get to the final member of the Fantastic Four, the fourth member, Invisible Woman, which I actually looked up to check, because I🎙 00:11:07.24200:11:24.457
  • was like invisibility girl or something. It’s Invisible Woman, which is the laziest name. So you have the thing, the human torch, Mr. Fantastic, and Invisible Woman, which is like an afterthought. So I feel really bad calling her Invisible Woman. We need a better name. Even like…🎙 00:11:24.45700:11:43.897
  • invisibility girl. No, that’s still pretty lazy. I think when you put woman and girl in it, it’s a bit. Yeah, the thing, human torch, Mr. Fantastic. You could have a Mrs. something. That would be better. I feel like the writers dropped it on this one.🎙 00:11:44.18800:12:04.988
  • So perfectly normal human being can turn invisible. When they poop is the poop invisible. It’s really the question, the only question. We think all the other functions must be normal. You got a YAP.🎙 00:12:06.02800:12:33.708
  • you got a bidet, you want to do whatever you want. So we actually don’t have to talk about that, which is weirdly good, but I had an extended conversation with my friend, Mr. Warmhands, about would the poop remain invisible🎙 00:12:19.45600:12:35.496
  • or would as the poop left the body become visible as it left the body if an invisible woman decided to be invisible while she was pooping? Now I realized really quickly. Invisible woman doesn’t have to take off all her clothes to become invisible.🎙 00:12:36.61600:12:55.558
  • She can wear those clothes, which means that the invisibility isn’t limited to the skin of the person with the power. It’s not the only person to have invisibility powers. But it does mean that it’s a surface level thing that you almost generate a field around🎙 00:12:55.55800:13:15.198
  • you that creates invisibility. So it’s like I’m wearing my clothes. the bubble goes around my clothes. So I think of it as a bubble that goes around you, that creates invisibility, which would mean🎙 00:13:15.19800:13:29.219
  • that the poop is invisible until it leaves the bubble. Now that could mean, again, so let’s say, if you just look at the, well, again, you know, in a video, this is a podcast. I can’t talk about it like on video.🎙 00:13:30.11900:13:41.399
  • But right now I’m wearing a t-shirt and a jacket, and a very light jacket, but it has a hood. Now I don’t want the jacket to be invisible and the hood visible. So, the bubble must encompass everything around me that is in contact with my body completely.🎙 00:13:41.39900:13:59.281
  • I’m wearing glasses. I don’t want when I go invisible just my glasses are floating in the air. So, anything that’s in contact with my body, which would actually just be the sort of horns in the nose bit, but these edge bits still need to be invisible.🎙 00:13:59.28100:14:13.001
  • So, the bubble has to be almost aware enough to cover the entirety of my glasses, the entirety of my t-shirt and jacket. I don’t want just a jacket because if it has to be touching my body, t- Technically, my jacket right now, if I’m wearing a long-sleeve shirt, isn’t touching my body,🎙 00:14:13.00100:14:28.741
  • you would just have a jacket floating in the air. So the bubble, I don’t know if I would be conscious of it as the user or if it’s just an intelligent bubble that covers anything that is on my body, which would mean the poop🎙 00:14:28.74100:14:42.361
  • remains invisible until it disconnects from the body and in this case falls away. So then it would become suddenly visible when it’s in the air. and no longer connected. So that would be like, I’m invisible🎙 00:14:42.36100:14:58.098
  • until I take off my jacket and I throw my jacket away. As soon as I let go of my jacket, the jacket would become visible, I think is what we’re talking about in this situation. Now I started extending the pantheon a little bit🎙 00:14:58.09800:15:10.458
  • and talking about it, thinking about other people. And Superman is the ideal superhero. I find him very boring because of that. Superman technically is powered by the sun. It’s almost like a form of photosynthesis.🎙 00:15:10.45800:15:26.298
  • Photosynthesis is very… efficient, there is no sort of waste matter connected to photosynthesis. But I have actually never seen Superman eat, like canonically. So does Superman eat? So does Superman have any waste products?🎙 00:15:26.29800:15:44.267
  • Is actually the first question. There is the possibility that Superman eats, but his body is so efficient, because again, that’s supposed to be sort of a God super level person, that there is no waste matter🎙 00:15:44.26700:15:59.427
  • every bit gets used. But because the primary source of energy is the sun, it would actually lead us to the question, does Superman have a butthole? Because it’s completely unnecessary. And we also know that when something is unnecessary, generally evolutionary speaking, it sorta🎙 00:15:59.42700:16:19.314
  • disappears. So Superman, by extension, I believe does not have a butthole. Now, I did watch, I have a comic I read once, and it was Superman. It was sorta to play on the idea that Superman is an alien.🎙 00:16:19.31400:16:57.754
  • and it was the first time Superman and Lois Lane were going to have a sexual intercourse. And he takes off his shirt, he has the perfect chest and body and Lois Lane’s like, ooh, she takes off some of her clothes and then he takes off his pants and then she reels back in shock🎙 00:16:34.53000:16:48.770
  • and says, why does it have pincers? And he says in response to grab you because of course Superman is an alien and therefore his genitalia, his physiology is all very different. But we do know that Superman’s species reproduces.🎙 00:16:48.77000:17:09.463
  • We didn’t don’t know exactly how. We’ve never seen it like a sex scene from Krypton. But because everything else is human-esque, there is an implication that Superman has a penis and could reproduce that way.🎙 00:17:09.46300:17:21.943
  • So let’s just give him that. But if he’s powered by the sun, there’s actually no reason for him to have a butthole because he doesn’t expel any feces because there’s no feces to expel. I did like the idea, though.🎙 00:17:21.94300:18:07.503
  • He’s so efficient, he doesn’t poop. So he eats a pizza. Every bit of the pizza is used perfectly within the body system, but then that also would imply that there is no poop. That actually offsets old theory I did🎙 00:17:38.76600:17:58.406
  • in the old podcast, Velocipodcast, is how does Superman fly? And one of my theories that it was that you’d need something pushing away from the body, a jet stream. which I think would be an extended super fart.🎙 00:17:58.40600:18:12.549
  • Now, I could just be a single system where Superman opens his mouth or brings Aaron through his nose, goes straight through his body and pushes it out. So it’s not like a stinky fart because it’s not sort of fermenting in the body at all.🎙 00:18:13.74900:18:27.309
  • But that’s actually how Superman would fly. He pushes himself through the air on a jet stream that comes out his butt. That’s why he flies in that way. Like you always see him. He does float like he hovers like a.🎙 00:18:27.30900:18:41.709
  • Osprey, but that just means his butt is aimed downward. And he’s always got his legs in a sort of odd position, and that’s to make sure that he can be like, but of course Superman being Superman doesn’t make fart sounds.🎙 00:18:41.62200:18:55.742
  • It’s just a perfect jet stream shooting down. And then you notice when Superman takes off, there’s always like a away from his feet. Something’s creating that force. No, it’s not a jump. Jumps don’t do that.🎙 00:18:55.74200:19:11.142
  • There’s just be some sort of jet and that jet, there’s only one thing in that area, and that’s his butt hole. That means the fart actually makes a lot of sense. But then it sort of contravenes what I just talked about where he would have no butthole.🎙 00:19:11.14200:19:23.891
  • But he could have a butthole just for flying because that is again evolutionary, very useful thing for someone to have. If you would like me to talk about the buttholes of any of your favorite superheroes, feel free to send me a message. You can send an email to chumpoficechest at gmail.com🎙 00:19:23.89100:19:45.331
  • or you can send a message. I do prefer this system because I get to hear your lovely voice. type.com slash Trump and beef chest. Leave a message. Do you believe your favorite superheroes have buttholes? Would you like those buttholes examined because let’s face it at C. McBe🎙 00:19:45.33100:20:04.332
  • Podcasts, I am more than happy to take a deep look into your favorite superheroes butts.

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The #bollywood movie RRR helped me define what I am looking for in films, and a lot of stuff out there is really lacking by comparison.

  • I had planned on talking about this maybe two months ago, but then the whole COVID thing happened and then I went to Canada and I ended up taking a month off. I have spent, I don’t evangelize many things.🎙 00:00:00.00000:00:27.560
  • I, okay, let’s be honest, I’ve had an afternoon come. cocktail. So my normally fairly well planned out and yet still somehow messy podcast is going to be messy and planned out, but I’m going to ignore that because of my afternoon🎙 00:00:27.56000:00:43.523
  • cocktail. Why did I do that? I don’t know. New Jersey, Japan this morning was a bit rushed. I don’t know why I had a steak and a rum and coke. That was my lunch. Oh, and some kimchi because I’m a very international kind of person. But🎙 00:00:43.52300:01:01.483
  • None of that matters because I’m here to talk about a Bollywood movie. And again, I’ve been evangelizing this film for months now. Basically, if you are a close friend of mine, I have insisted that you watch it.🎙 00:01:01.89900:01:19.899
  • And probably if you’re a close friend of mine, you’re like, Peter, I’ve heard you talk about movies in the past. You watch a lot of dog shit primarily to analyze why it is dog shit. Like I’ll watch 70s Kung Fu movies.🎙 00:01:19.89900:01:33.939
  • and look at like what they can and cannot do. I will look at cheap films and think about like did they achieve what they wanted to achieve? Did they do the thing they wanted to set out to do? I like to watch movies, even bad ones. I don’t necessarily watch the bad ones because I find🎙 00:01:34.00500:01:50.485
  • them amusing. I want to watch the bad ones because I’m like this is a failure. What made it a failure? There is a Netflix movie with Ryan Reynolds. I think it’s Underground 6. There’s Underground number.🎙 00:01:50.48500:02:22.805
  • It is to me the single worst film ever made and it’s because they had the money They had the talent they had the ability they had the time they had everything they needed to make a good movie and yet somehow fucked up every step the🎙 00:02:07.38200:02:24.462
  • Michael Bay Camera work it does look good but It does not help this movie the throwaway lines and characters and lack of depth Ruins the film because you don’t feel connected to anyone in the film by the end of it. I think if I was going to run a movie,🎙 00:02:25.22200:02:45.297
  • like a media film study class, one of the first movies we would watch is Underground 6, so that we could analyze all the things that went wrong with Underground 6. So that if you were to make your movie, you would not make those same mistakes. So for a lot of the bad movies I watch,🎙 00:02:46.01700:03:04.657
  • it’s analytical. And I enjoy the analysis. It’s not necessarily that I enjoy the film. I enjoy the analysis. that I get to do while watching the film. So I watch a lot of movies that no one else would watch.🎙 00:03:04.65700:03:15.505
  • This takes me out into strange paths. I recently watched a movie that happens at Taipei, so a Chinese film. It’s a zombie movie called The Sadness. And it was cheap, but gross. And the thing is, it was, the gross doesn’t bother me.🎙 00:03:15.50500:03:33.185
  • Often I’ll quite enjoy gross, like Ricky O, The Story of Ricky, is one of my favorite films because the grossness is humorous in this. It was just gross and it was almost like gore porn and it did nothing for me.🎙 00:03:33.18500:03:48.642
  • There’s a horror movie called The Hostile. Plot wise, it’s a very good movie. The gore porn held there within actually diminishes the film itself. It makes it less of an enjoyable film. There is a limit.🎙 00:03:48.64200:04:01.682
  • I actually think implied gore, implied violence, implied things are more effective because your imagination fills it in and makes it more powerful. That said, we’re here to talk about one of the greatest films that was ever made.🎙 00:04:01.68200:04:34.142
  • It is a film from Bollywood and I don’t watch a lot of Bollywood films because I don’t enjoy the dancing song sort of bits But they have these over Overly dramatic action scenes that are super fake and they’re not fun. They’re funny as clips on the internet almost like his gifts🎙 00:04:15.26400:04:31.684
  • But they’re not funny as films. So I don’t tend to watch that many RRR rise roar revolt So I’m gonna refer to it as triple R for the rest of the podcast because that’s what I’ve been calling it It’s just easy to hear🎙 00:04:32.60400:05:03.904
  • to say than RRR because the R sound is too hard to say three times in a row and the title itself is too long. Triple R is one of the greatest movie going experiences I have had in years. It is pure enjoyment and adulation and I’m not sarcastic. So what I was going🎙 00:04:46.12100:05:08.121
  • to say before my alcohol riddle brain kicked in was like I’ve made every close friend I know watched this and they’ve all been hesitant at the beginning because they think Oh Peter is trying to force a bad shitty🎙 00:05:08.12100:05:47.161
  • weird, Bollywood film on me, I don’t want to watch it. And then I have to explain to them, no, I sincerely enjoy this film and I sincerely think you will too. Every single person who’s watched it, who’s come back afterwards, has said to me,🎙 00:05:20.58600:05:33.386
  • this is one of the greatest movies they’ve ever seen. This is one of the most enjoyable films they’ve seen in years. This is a fun movie experience. And so the analytical part of my brain would not let it go. I’ve seen the movie in total🎙 00:05:33.38600:05:46.866
  • three times now. I’ve watched parts multiple times. I’ve had very set complaints about media in recent years. And one of those complaints is that every character, this actually started sort of the mid,🎙 00:05:46.86600:06:00.909
  • sort of early 2000s, mid 2000s in video games. And it was primarily that men didn’t seem to be capable of writing women characters as strong women. Because what they did was they took every female character🎙 00:06:00.90900:06:14.909
  • and they made them sarcastic and kind of mean and bitchy. And these were supposed to be the tough, strong women. And this is how they showed it was by making them be really awful every time someone spoke🎙 00:06:14.90900:06:26.372
  • to them. I know strong women and they don’t talk like that. They just talk like normal people. In fact, strong characters tend to be poorly written overall. The strongest, most powerful, confident men and women I’ve met are super chill because🎙 00:06:26.37200:06:46.092
  • they can be because things don’t threaten them because, you know, stuff comes at them and they’re like, I can handle this because I’m a strong, capable human. being male or female. The strongest dudes I know have this quiet confidence and it just🎙 00:06:46.09200:07:03.475
  • exudes from them and it makes you not want to mess with them. The boisterous ones are the ones I was like, ah, you just get him all riled up and he won’t be able to do things properly. You get him all riled up and he won’t be able to be effective. So I have a🎙 00:07:03.47500:07:19.195
  • very direct idea of what a strong man is. So the writing of these characters. is problematic because I think the writers are not the character. I actually did an old Velocipod cast maybe three, four years ago and it was how that writers struggle to write🎙 00:07:19.19500:07:35.498
  • geniuses because the writer themselves is not a genius. So they’ll create a situation, create a solution and then have the genius figure it out or they’ll imply genius without actually demonstrating any sort of genius attributes because they can’t come up with themselves🎙 00:07:35.49800:07:48.538
  • because they’re not a genius. So that’s problematic. I think that also falls into the saying that they are probably not strong. confident men or women. Therefore, they struggle to write strong, confident men or women effectively.🎙 00:07:48.53800:08:03.376
  • So they just make them sarcastic. They always have something to say back. The strongest, most confident men I know, you say something to them and they would just look at you and go, that response is so belittling. It’s just like almost like your attack on them isn’t worth their🎙 00:08:03.37600:08:18.896
  • time. And so I’ve struggled with in recent media, everyone is shitty and no one supports each other. So you have like a military. unit and everyone in the unit is Addy Chasar’s throats, but that’s going to be an ineffective🎙 00:08:18.89600:08:34.116
  • military unit. They’re not going to come together and solve a problem. A truly effective unit of any sort is going to be a group of people that likes and supports each other. Yes, there can be some ribbing, but the ribbing would primarily come from one or two characters,🎙 00:08:34.11600:08:49.036
  • not all of them. And I think that is maybe where the first mistake is made. Making every character sarcastic and shitty means that there is no such thing as not sarcastic and shitty. means there is no love behind the teasing or jibing or anything like that.🎙 00:08:49.03600:09:04.552
  • So there’s a sincere lack of positivity in modern characterization of lead characters because they wanted to be strong. Therefore they write them as kind of shitty assholes. This is sort of the Rick and Morty Rick paradox where Rick is the bad guy.🎙 00:09:04.55200:09:23.032
  • He’s broken. But because he always has as a quip, he always has something he can say back to people. He always has a sarcastic remark. People admire that and they want to aspire towards that where he is.🎙 00:09:23.03200:09:59.352
  • for all intents and purposes, the bad guy of that show. He’s broken. He’s trying to get his shit together and he can’t actually do it. Whereas if you have a character come in and they’re soft and quiet and yet still strong and weirdly I’m thinking, Birdman, that’s the good guy. That’s🎙 00:09:33.19500:09:50.715
  • the strong character and we need to emulate that. We need to see more of that. We don’t see that in Western media. So Bollywood being a different culture has a whole different take on this. And that’s why it was so refreshing for me as a Western viewer.🎙 00:09:50.71500:10:04.555
  • The two main characters, now the thing is the first problem is they actually have to end up like having three or four names throughout the film because there’s their real name, there’s their cover name, then there’s kind of their like nickname.🎙 00:10:04.18100:10:18.181
  • So I’m going to call one of them beam because I think that’s his real name and the other one the Raj, which I actually think is short form of Raj something else. I watched it in Tamil. It was it was Hindi over dubbed in Tamil with.🎙 00:10:18.18100:10:34.181
  • subtitles. So there was a lot of maybe subtleties or confusion and like names and stuff like that. Because they start out, they’re both kind of undercover. So they’re using fake names and then they switch names part way through. And then they introduce what they’re🎙 00:10:34.68100:10:45.761
  • full names. And then I kind of got lost with the name. So I have the names, it’s beam and Raj. These two men love each other like no two men have ever loved each other in the past. Now it’s a bromance. It’s it’s a purely platonic love. And this is something that’s🎙 00:10:45.76100:11:02.561
  • also problematic because platonic love, sincere love between two is something that’s very difficult to depict on the screen. Because there’s a weird thing now where all love has a sexual undertone.🎙 00:11:02.56100:11:19.376
  • And we’ve lost the idea of platonic love as a real thing that happens. And it’s probably because of toxic masculinity. It’s probably because men have trouble showing it. But these two men, there is a friendship montage.🎙 00:11:21.05600:11:36.416
  • So they meet each other, they hang out for a bit. And the friendship montage is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen, but it’s because it’s pure, magical, unadulterated joy. There’s part of it is, Beam gets radged up on his shoulders🎙 00:11:36.41600:11:50.265
  • and starts doing squats. They start doing chin ups. They’re just exercising together. They’re running out in fields. They go to return a goat to a shepherd, but then the shepherd starts chasing them away🎙 00:11:50.26500:12:00.425
  • for attacking the goat and they run away, laughing and having a good time. One is very modern. It’s a dichotomy. He’s actually from a tribe out in the forest, but he’s the one he f- fixes motorcycles and rides motorcycles where Raj is the modern man and he’s undercover🎙 00:12:00.42500:12:18.568
  • as a police officer and yet he’s the one who rides a horse. So they kind of put all this stuff together but it’s the yin-yang aspect where they like the opposite things in every moment but at the same time they compliment each other.🎙 00:12:18.56800:12:33.608
  • Which is, I would say it’s very difficult to do but RRR did it so well and so quickly. They establish that these guys love each other and then one scene for some reason really stands out where beam walks up to Raj and goes like what are you doing?🎙 00:12:33.60800:12:47.168
  • I’m writing a letter to… my girlfriend. He’s like, Oh, you have a girlfriend. She must be wonderful. And he’s super supportive. He never says a shitty thing. And I think it’s been years and years and years that I’ve seen a film🎙 00:12:47.16800:13:00.542
  • where a character walks up to a character and talks about a love relationship or any kind of relationship and doesn’t say something shitty. And so just this like, Oh my God, you’re amazing. Your girlfriend also must be amazing. She’s lucky to have you. You’re lucky to have her. I hope this🎙 00:13:00.54200:13:16.062
  • is the best relationship that ever happens. And then Raj is helping beam. Like with how to hit on another girl, how to how I like set up a situation where he could actually spend time with and talk to another girl and it’s beautiful.🎙 00:13:16.06200:13:29.269
  • Because it’s completely self sacrificial. I will spend my time. I will spend my energy. I will help you achieve your goal. And this leads us to the very first dance off in the film. So there’s a couple of songs and all the songs are good. They slap.🎙 00:13:29.26900:13:45.269
  • There’s a thematic thing that repeats that I’m going to talk about in a minute. But they do a dance off and it’s beam and Raj versus all the white people. And the white people do not get a good take it.🎙 00:13:45.26900:14:13.269
  • this but it’s awesome. It is so disparaging of the British and their occupation of India but it is so fictional that it’s awesome. Like I would put on a British accent just so I could go in there and get beat up or shot by Raj or beam or whatever. It doesn’t matter. I would have loved🎙 00:13:55.05900:14:12.739
  • to be the bad guy in this movie just so I could be in and amongst this story but they do this dance-off and the dance-off the woman that beam is in love with is watching and then it gets down to all the white guys have fallen to the side.🎙 00:14:12.73900:14:40.979
  • They just can’t keep up. Beaman Raj are doing the final two person dance off. And what does Raj do? He sees that the girl that Beam likes is watching, she’s watching Beaman wants him to win. So he fakes losing, even though maybe he could have win, he probably could have because he’s🎙 00:14:27.35700:14:43.017
  • kind of more, he’s more of the physically capable character in many ways. He’s presented that way. To the point where, and then he falls and then that means, Beam gets to win. So he sacrifices his loss.🎙 00:14:43.01700:14:57.397
  • He takes a loss so that his friend can win just so his friend can look good in front of his girl It’s just awesome, and it’s just such a beautiful thing and that becomes the crux of the story because🎙 00:14:57.39100:15:10.031
  • their goals For the most part of the film are antithetical Raj is trying to catch beam. He doesn’t know it’s beam yet beam is trying to kidnap or re-kidnap So a little girl is kidnapped at the beginning film beam is trying to get her back🎙 00:15:10.03100:15:25.191
  • So it’s like an undoing of a kidnapping and then Raj’s task to stop him Raj has an ulterior motion that, but he has to complete this task to achieve his ulterior motive. And this becomes the conflict between the two characters because they both need to achieve🎙 00:15:25.19100:15:42.752
  • their goals, their greater goals, goals bigger than themselves. But how can they achieve their goals? Are their goals worth achieving if they have to portray the only, like their best friend, the only person in this world they truly love in a pure and kind way?🎙 00:15:42.75200:15:57.872
  • I mean, you can say that the love relationships between the men and the women are pure at their entire spirit. I don’t believe it. I think it’s uh, these the the the man love here is the purest You could ever see on film🎙 00:15:57.87200:16:09.231
  • So that’s the bromance and it’s all very positive and then you get to the there’s there’s the music which I mentioned before so i’m going to talk about it now the music is exquisite It’s but it’s also thematically connected because the first half of the film it’s a three hour film by the way🎙 00:16:09.39100:16:27.711
  • So if you’re gonna sit down you really want to plan this out The first half of the film they’re seeing this song about what happens when these two guys meet opposites, they have opposite goals. The line that stuck out to me the most is🎙 00:16:27.79100:16:40.321
  • what happens when a volcano meets a storm. Surely this can only end a betrayal. Surely this can only end in violence. And it’s setting up the second part of the film where do they betray each other? Do they end up fighting each🎙 00:16:40.32100:16:54.301
  • other? And it’s amazing because the movie is planned out so well that the song is leading you to the like inevitable conflict. It’s predicting it and that makes the inevitable conflict even that more powerful because you know it’s🎙 00:16:54.30100:17:09.181
  • coming because the song has been telling you it’s been coming. the whole time. The themes throughout. So beam is represented by water and Raj is represented by fire. So again, there are opposites but complementary. There’s a🎙 00:17:09.18100:17:23.543
  • scene where I showed it to my friend and he goes, why are these guys walking underwater to shake hands? So they’re underwater, they’re shaking hands, but a tanker from a train that is caught on fire has sunk down in the background. So🎙 00:17:23.54300:17:36.543
  • it’s actually the moment when fire and water come together, the fire is in the water. It’s coming up from the gas. flames in the background, but they’re underwater and they come together in Shaeh Kansan. This is showing the connection between the characters is🎙 00:17:36.54300:17:48.791
  • inevitable and it is the greatest thing. And that thematic consistency is throughout the film. So anytime you get a really you know strong shot of Raj there’s probably fire in the background or his that the screen is encircled in🎙 00:17:48.79100:18:03.071
  • fire and then when they have battles and stuff there’s water around beam or he’s very wet and sweaty and then there’s one where he smashes a fountain in the fountain that’s fountain spraying behind him. This is also when you get to one of🎙 00:18:03.07100:18:14.591
  • the bigger action scenes of the film. Now, one thing I have complained about primarily like superhero movies is the inconsistency of powers. So powers in, let’s say the Marvel universe, it’s very hard to tell what a character can🎙 00:18:14.59100:18:31.708
  • and can’t do. So Thor and the Hulk are the ones that come to mind first because in one moment, they will be able to do something in the next scene, like five minutes later, they’re not able to do something that’s actually much easier than the thing they did previously.🎙 00:18:31.70800:18:45.948
  • And then at the end of the movie, when it’s necessary, they can do something. something. And that actually really bothers me because well, I should have a sense of danger because I know that Thor or I know that Hulk isn’t strong enough to do this thing.🎙 00:18:45.94800:18:57.360
  • Boobies are actually making it so that they have whatever power they need at the time for dramatic purposes. But actually that needs to be established at the beginning what they can and cannot do. And either they overcome it and succeed or they, you know, do something to achieve🎙 00:18:58.56000:19:13.920
  • the goal, which is beyond their powers. It was the Star Wars Obi-Wan TV show where most of the show he has very basic. He hasn’t been using the force. He has very basic, very limited force capabilities.🎙 00:19:13.92000:19:30.012
  • But then in the very last one where he fights Darth Vader, he suddenly lifts up a bunch of rocks. And I’m like, that really took me out in the moment because I’m like, I don’t think he should be able to do that🎙 00:19:30.01200:19:38.812
  • just because he hasn’t been able to do anything even close to that. That is like a double 10 times stronger than he was 15 minutes ago or every other episode of the show. R-R does the exact same thing.🎙 00:19:38.81200:19:51.492
  • Triple R does the exact. same thing and that their power is whatever they need to be in the moment. But why is it in this movie it’s okay? And I realized that this movie is the cumulation of all Kung Fu films mixed with Bollywood.🎙 00:19:51.49200:20:07.716
  • Because it’s so open and honest about what it is, because it’s so clearly gold towards one thing, they have to be able to do whatever they need to be able to do in the moment because all we really care about is that they look cool or look interesting or it looks funny or it looks fun.🎙 00:20:07.71600:20:23.416
  • They’ve proven these guys are strong. but they haven’t made them super superhuman strong and yet they have kind of established it. Beam at the beginning catches a tiger in um like a trap and he’s holding two ropes together to🎙 00:20:23.41600:20:35.922
  • catch the tiger. He’s physically stronger than the tiger which is an impossibility. The tiger is probably like six, seven, ten times stronger than a human being. This would have been very easy for the tiger to get out of. There’s a scene probably one of my favorite scenes where Beam catches a🎙 00:20:35.92200:20:49.042
  • motorcycle, picks it up and then hits two guys with it and you would honestly go why is he able to suddenly pick up a motorcycle and it’s a And it’d be literally the answer to me would be because he needs to do that in that moment🎙 00:20:49.04200:21:00.355
  • to be able to do that scene. So there’s a sincerity to the silliness they’re willing to engage with. And because that’s consistent throughout the movie, they’re super powered and then normal people and then super powered and then normal people, they just are capable of doing🎙 00:21:00.35500:21:17.155
  • whatever they have to do no matter what. But it’s to the singular goal of entertainment, whereas in a movie like any of the Marvel film or any of the… Star Wars movies where they’re trying to set up a narrative as being a serious thing,🎙 00:21:17.15500:21:31.116
  • it now doesn’t make sense because it’s not serious if suddenly my power multiplies by ten when I just happened to need it and it’s convenient for the plot. But I think maybe more than anything else, honestly anything else was this may be cultural🎙 00:21:31.11600:21:46.356
  • is that by the end of the film, throughout the film, I could never guess what was going to happen next. And maybe that to me was the best part. I was consistently surprised by whatever was going to happen.🎙 00:21:46.35600:21:59.716
  • So it could have been serious, it could have been silly. It could have been dramatic. It could have been entertainment. Just just pure entertainment. I couldn’t guess what was coming next because they mixed everything in so well.🎙 00:21:59.71600:22:09.350
  • So I didn’t I honestly by the end of the film could not tell if they were actually going to end up in conflict I kind of knew they were gonna end up being friends and resolve that issue because that’s the best way to end a film🎙 00:22:10.03000:22:21.190
  • It’s a happy film. So it’s going to end on a positive note So the only way to end on a positive note is everything works out in the end and all the British die because the end of any good Story all the British die, but I think maybe the last part I need to mention🎙 00:22:21.19000:22:34.510
  • is that this is perhaps the first film in my entire life. So I’m 50. I’ve watched movies, tons and tons of movies. This is maybe the first time I’ve actually ever watched a film and thought, why did these men still have their shirts on?🎙 00:22:34.49200:22:47.992
  • They’re doing fights, they’re doing action scenes, take their shirts off. I’m all for gratuitous sexuality, for, you know, have tight pants and women wearing bikinis and stuff. But these guys were so awesome. I just wanted more of them.🎙 00:22:47.99200:23:04.572
  • and the clothes were just getting in the way. So there’s a couple scenes, but it seems very early on, they do some high candy and it’s great. Like even as again, a heterosexual male, I had feelings and I was like,🎙 00:23:04.59500:23:15.835
  • God damn, Raj should never have a shirt on and beams looking pretty good too. And they do another nice thing. Raj is completely, you know, smooth and beam has a lot of hair on his chest. So they even got like one for each sort of taste.🎙 00:23:15.83500:23:27.075
  • No matter what you like, it’s in there for you. So I am sincerely recommending to anyone who listens to Seamik Bee. If you have three hours and Netflix because it’s on Netflix. I know that but if you have to type pirate it,🎙 00:23:27.07500:23:39.189
  • it’s hard. It’s hard to find a copy without with English subtitles. But if there’s any way, spend some time and try to get a copy of Triple R and just sit down for three hours and watch it. I guarantee you’re gonna have one of the🎙 00:23:39.18900:23:53.389
  • best experiences. Cinematically, you’ve had in years and years and years because of the purity of the emotion held therein, which a lot of movies, because I think maybe they’re done to committee or there’s too many people involved. They lose🎙 00:23:53.38900:24:06.829
  • some of that purity of emotion. that we’re seeing again like Avengers films and Star Wars films. Those are supposed to be emotional stories but quite often things happen you’re like, well, I mean they got 50 characters on screen, who cares?🎙 00:24:06.82900:24:19.488
  • You should absolutely try to get this film sit down and watch it. I’ve recommended to everyone, I recommend it to you. And I think if you stand and watch it, you’ll realize that I’ve just done you one of the biggest favors you’ll have had of this year.🎙 00:24:19.48800:24:32.288