It’s Japanese folktales. I came to Japan. Of course I want to learn how to speak Japanese. I want
to learn how to read. I want to learn how to be a better person. I want to be able to interact.
When I was learning how to read it first, I wanted some heated gamma books. I got really interested in
them. I really enjoyed them. This is how I started learning some Japanese vocabulary that I didn’t know.
I thought folktales would give me a little insight into the culture. I wish I
hadn’t done that because the insight into the culture was absolutely terrifying.
Japanese folktales are just off the chain. They are just insane. The kid’s folktales traditionally are.
If you get the old original versions are always horrendous stuff. It’s always people getting torn in half.
I would say in the European tradition, the Western tradition that they are generally trying to teach you something. So, Hansel and Gretel is like, “Oh,
be your parents. Don’t go into the forest. Be careful of strangers.” A little red riding hood is like be cautious of strangers, that kind of stuff.
There is, despite the horror of the story itself, a lesson you’re
trying to impart upon children. Japanese fairy tales or folktales.
They go hard and I spent years trying to figure out what the actual moral of a lot of
these was. It turns out the moral of most of these seems to be revenge as in get some.
The first story I read was the crab in the monkey. I’m going to tell you the bridged
version of this. I started doing research on these, trying to learn more about these.
It turns out, you know, this is an oral tradition, so there’s multiple versions of the story. The interesting
one on this is what gets used in the final revenge plot, kind of changes depending on where you are.
I bet it’s actually just local stuff gets used so it’s more
familiar to the people who are actually hearing the story.
I’m going to tell you the story and then we can do a little
bit of analysis. I got three stories to tell you today.
If you find a rice ball, don’t eat that rice ball, that’s not good for you.
The monkey comes along and sees the crab with the rice ball.
Don’t eat the rice ball. Give me the rice ball and I’ll
give you this persimency, persimines are a fruit in Asia.
The crab’s like, that’s a bad deal. I got this one in the hand right now.
I can eat it and I’ll be satisfied. I don’t know if crab’s eat rice. Sure.
I’ll go with that crab’s eat rice. I think everything needs rice. If you have
a rice ball, I don’t use any animal that would actually refuse to eat it.
Okay. I got a knot tangent. This might be the hardest part for me. Discipline-wise.
The monkey convinces the crab says, I’m going to give you the seed.
You can grow the seed into a persimine tree.
The persimine tree, therefore, will provide you with persimines for a very long time.
It’s a much better deal. It does take patience and the crab’s like, you know what?
The crab’s just, you know, inherently patient animals. I will do the exchange. So gives him the rice ball, gives the monkey the rice ball,
takes the persimine seed, goes off and plants at the monkey’s like, aha, I got a rice ball, eats it right away, you know, disappears.
X amount of years later, I assume, they dose kind of just jump, cut, smash, cut to the
next part. The crab plants and grows the tree. It produces a lot of fruit, but it’s crab.
The crabs don’t have famously long arms and they’re not particularly good at climbing.
Don’t tangent. I can’t. I’ve seen videos online of giant crabs climbing up walls.
Okay. That’s not what’s happening here. This crab cannot climb. God, I’m going
to ruin this. It’s not like I was going to make it good in the first place.
This crab cannot climb the tree to get the persimines and the monkey is in the tree and he’s like, aha, he takes a persimine, he starts eating it and the crabs like, hey, dude, those
are my persimines. You can’t have them without my permission. You need to like, at least give me the persimines. You shouldn’t be eating my persimines. There’s a lot of argument there.
The monkey, being a little bit of prick, takes an unripe and persimines so
very hard and throws it down and kills the crab. This is straight up murder.
Now, there’s a couple of verses in this story. One is very graphic rate like cracks its carapace and then
the thing suffers for a long time and dies and then others is just throws it down and just kills the crab.
Now, this crab had babies. Again, they grew this tree for years.
I don’t know how old these babies are but I don’t know how long crabs live.
Crabs one of those animals that just lives forever until it dies, which I guess is
every animal. What I mean is there are like animals that have sort of a finite lifespan.
There are people who think that like lobsters are immortal, like something has to kill them
but basically they never get sick or anything. I don’t know if crabs are the same as that.
I know a couple people listen to this, it’s like double speed.
This might be very confusing for you. I’m sorry.
The earliest version of this is when the persimine hits the crab to kill it.
It actually gives birth in that moment and then dies.
So it was carrying babies inside or something
but all the versions the crab has babies.
Then the baby crabs are like let’s get some help and
they don’t really explain what the help is for yet.
It’s almost like a question of is there inherent knowledge that
the babies are going to go get revenge or is this like a reveal?
It’s actually something I should ask some Japanese people.
After learning every one of these stories, when I read these stories initially,
I went to some Japanese co-workers and I asked them questions about it.
They were always very befuddled because they couldn’t answer
any of my questions because they were like too nitpicky I guess.
So they go and they want to get to the Japanese folktale version of the A team.
We’re like we’re going to go get the best of the best.
So they get a chestnut, a B, and an Usu.
Now an Usu is usually a tree stump that’s been hollowed out and what they do
is they put rice in there and they get a big hammer and they pound the rice.
So you probably if you’ve watched any video on Japan, seen the guys, the guy hits it
with a giant hammer and then the other guy mixes it and then he hits it with a hammer.
And there’s a rhythm to it. So they want to go fast without
actually hitting the guy’s hands with a giant hammer.
So there is a rhythm kind of thing you can see if you want.
That’s not important. You got to know what it is.
It’s really, it looks like a giant heavy pestle. Heavy is the important word.
And a cow poop. So as a person listening to this story, I did have issue with the anthropomorphization
because before we were dealing with monkey and crap, both animals, they could talk to each other.
I’m accepting that. Okay, now it seems like the author, the creator of this folk tale, is just like,
well, what do I want in this story? I’ll anthropomorphize those, but not necessarily everything else.
Got to take a little deep break. See how many spins he does.
Three. Four. Come on, buddy. Five. Six.
Holy is a lot. Oh, he on the seventh one. He’s down. Okay. Good.
So I take a little Dave break there. Everyone enjoys a little Dave.
So my problem was, yeah, anthropomorphizing cow poop.
So the B makes sense. It’s in the animal kingdom, just like the crab in the monkey.
I’ll accept that. The chestnut, that’s pretty tough.
How do we have a single sentient chestnut? The Usoo is something carved from a tree. It seems like if you’re
going to anthropomorphize trees, when it’s an Usoo, the tree had to be cut down. It would be dead by now.
But we’re just going magic, but the poop was a bit of a stretch.
I was like, why do you have to do a poop?
And I’m like, oh, it’s Japan. Japan loves putting poop in stories.
Japan is, I believe, the culture that popularized the ice cream swirl poop.
And so now if you draw that, people think it’s poop and not necessarily ice cream.
So this group gets together. You have the crabs,
the chestnut, the B, the Usoo, and the poop.
And they’ve teamed up and they’re going to get that monkey.
They go to the monkey’s house. The chestnut gets in the fire.
The B hangs out around the water pail. The cow poop hides in the
dirt floor outside the building and the Usoo gets on the roof.
Now I explanation to how anything’s happened. The Usoo, since it’s
sentient somehow, could get on the roof, we’re just accepting it.
You can see what they’ve set up is a root Goldberg machine of death.
They’re creating a elaborate way to torture and kill the monkey.
Which, again, this is dark. Like when you actually
think about what’s happening, this is very, very dark.
So the monkey comes home and he goes to the fire
to warm himself after a hard day of monkeying.
And then the chestnut pops and the pop, you know, that little bit
of fire jumps out and hits him in the arm and it burns his arm.
So he runs outside and he puts his arm in the water bucket,
which is not sentient, which actually I just thought of just now.
He puts his arm in the water bucket and then the B stings him. And then he runs and
he slips in the dirt on the cow poop, which essentially would kill the cow poop.
I don’t know. I don’t know. They could have just had the crabs
bring the cow poop over. It didn’t have to be sentient, but it was.
It’s a character in the story. He slips on the cow poop and he
falls down and then the Usoo falls down on him and kills him.
So this is like home alone. This is like full on
construction of A to B to C to D to death. Now home alone.
I don’t believe they killed anybody, but that’s
because it was a kids movie. This is a kid’s story.
The imagine the large trunk of a tree falling and crushing
if not the whole monkey, at least enough of him to kill him.
I don’t really like how complicated the plan is.
I don’t think you should do overly complicated plans.
If you’re going to do murder and stuff, you’re going to do that.
It has to be simple and direct so you know it’s going to be effective.
This relies on lock if you hadn’t fallen in the right place.
If the burn hadn’t been strong enough, the plan fell apart right there.
So the plan was overly complicated.
I think this is supposed to be the entertaining aspect of
the story for the kids, the complicated nature of the plan.
But then if you’re going to do that, make it way longer. Maybe that’s some of the other stories that I didn’t
read is that it is way longer and that is actually the entertainment is how stupidly complicated the plan is.
But every element of the plan furthers torture the monkey
before his death. That’s something to keep in mind.
So I, when I read this story the first time, went to my
Japanese coworkers and I said what is the moral of this story?
And most of them could not really explain it because it’s not forgiveness.
It is clearly and exclusively, you killed my parents, I’m going to kill you and I’m not just
going to kill you, I’m going to make it painful and maybe even last as long as possible.
Now, someone else in Japanese society kind of came to a similar realization as me.
There was a guy named Ryunosuke Akutakawa.
He rewrote the end of the story so that the crab
children were all arrested and given the death penalty.
So this guy thought ah, there is a moral lacking in this
story where the baby crabs get revenge for their parents.
They need to be punished by the law because they’ve committed a murder.
So I’m going to give them all the death penalty so no one survives.
I mean, they actually make it sound in that way that the
poop and the Usu and the bee are irrelevant in the chestnut.
Maybe the chestnut, because it’s in the fire, like it would be dead, right?
The bee, one of bee’s things, you hit dies.
The Usu is the only thing that technically could have survived
this whole process because the poop, you slip in the poop.
Yeah, anthropomorphizing those was a bad idea because you have to
hurt them or kill them to get them to participate in this plan.
And somehow they agreed to it.
No Japanese person I met could ever explain to me the actual moral of that.
It was like don’t do bad things. Like the monkey did a bad thing.
And that’s why revenge wasn’t acted upon him
so the monkey shouldn’t have done bad things.
So don’t be bad.
But I was like, is not a complicated murder also a bad thing?
And that’s where they ran into problems because it is hard to
deny that the murder torture saw a movie at the end of this story.
This story is an acceptable way to behave.
I do like that the guy who rewrote the end
actually also gave everyone the death penalty.
Like that’s not actually better. There’s no reconciliation.
There’s no anyone becoming a better person out of this story.
It’s just death and murder.
Which brings us to our second story, which is the rabbit and the Tanuki.
The Tanuki is a raccoon style animal in Japan.
You probably know that. I don’t want to make any
assumptions about what people do and don’t know.
But Tanuki’s are famous in Japan as shapeshifters.
There’s the War of the Tanuki, which is like humans are encroaching on.
It’s like a jibbly movie or something.
Humans are encroaching on their land.
There’s one scene where they use their testicle sacks
as they stretch them out and use them as parachutes.
Other cultures are wonderful and exciting to learn about.
I did enjoy that. It was very funny. It was very funny to me because it was so weird.
This is apparently just part of the Tanuki mythology.
Anyways, let’s get into it.
There was a Tanuki stealing food from a farmer.
Pretty normal thing for an animal to do.
The farmer caught him and tied him to a tree, the Tanuki.
He says, “I’m going to come back later and I’m going to kill you.
” The Tanuki starts to cry, so we all feel bad.
The farmer’s wife comes back and she feels bad.
And the Tanuki apologizes and says, “I won’t do it again.
I’m not going to steal anymore foods.
” So the old lady in her kindness unties the Tanuki.
So what does the Tanuki do?
If you haven’t already gotten sort of the theme of what’s been going on so far,
the Tanuki then murders the old lady and shapeshifts into her.
So when people come back, they’re going to see
the old lady, but it’s actually the Tanuki.
The Tanuki takes the old lady and brings her
into the house so no one can see the body.
He then cuts her up and prepares her in a meal for the farmer when he comes back.
I’m just going to let that one sit for a bit.
Everyone makes a big deal about the South Park episode
where he feeds the kid his own parents or something.
This way, way back.
Hundreds of years ago, the Japanese were like, “Yep, this is what’s going to happen.
We’re going to have a man do unknown cannibalism
as part of our folk tale to teach kids morals.
” Again, it’s just a revenge story, bud.
So the farmer comes back and he sits down and eats
dinner and they don’t say whether he enjoys it or not,
but I’m going to go ahead and assume he thinks this
is a great dinner because that just makes it worse.
Then the Tanuki sort of does the big reveal and says, “Haha,
you’ve just eaten your own wife and then books it out of there.
” Man, yeah, I don’t know where to go from there.
There was forced cannibalism as part of this
story if you really stop down thinking it.
The farmer is understandably upset.
His friend, the rabbit comes by and goes, “Hey buddy, what happened?
” He goes, “Well, I just ate my wife.
” The rabbit vows revenge on the farmer’s behalf.
There’s a few versions of this story, but I’ll share the common element.
So I’m only going to use the common elements
of this story when I am telling it to you now.
Like the previous story, the different versions, really all
they do is add more elements of torture to lengthen the story.
So I’m going to give you the base version and understand that every other version you could
hear has more aspects or elements of torture in it before the actual death at the end.
The rabbit befriends the Tanuki.
Then, while they’re one day while they’re out in the
forest, the rabbit drops a beehive on the Tanuki’s head.
And then the Tanuki, of course, gets stings all over his head.
So the rabbit treats the stings with pepper to make it hurt more.
The Tanuki is carrying kindling, so this must be on another day.
He’s carrying kindling on the way back, and they’re walking by.
This story is actually called kachi kachi yama, which is kachi kachi mountain.
And he’s carrying kindling, and he’s walking along, and the rabbit’s behind
me and lights the kindling on fire, setting the Tanuki on fire from behind.
And as soon as he’s like, “Hey, do you hear that sound?
” Sounds like kachi kachi kachi kachi is the sound of fire.
And then the rabbit looks and goes, “Yes, that is
because we are walking close to kachi kachi yama.
Kachi kachi yama is kachi kachi kachi mountain, I guess.
” And that’s why you — famously, you can hear the kachi
kachi sound of fire when you are close to this mountain.
Of course, it burns his back. It burns the Tanuki’s back, but it doesn’t kill him.
But that’s when the Tanuki realizes the rabbit isn’t really his friend.
So then, he challenges the rabbit to a contest.
I don’t really get this part.
He says, “Let’s race across the lake, so we’re going to build our own boats.
We’re going to race across the lake.
” The rabbit carves a boat out of a tree trunk, so would.
The Tanuki makes his boat out of mud.
I think you can see a flaw in the Tanuki’s plan.
As they start going across the lake, the Tanuki’s boat starts to dissolve.
He starts to drown, and the rabbit hits him on the head with an ore.
This is the weird part of this revenge, because the revenge part of this —
if you had just left the Tanuki to his own devices, he would have killed himself.
Like, he wouldn’t — you wouldn’t actually have to commit murder.
Like, some of the other attempts could have been considered murder attempts.
This one, he challenged you to a race.
He built an inferior boat.
That inferior boat started to sink.
He went down with it.
He couldn’t swim very well.
You could just let him drown, and then claim a certain amount of innocence.
But, the rabbit takes it always that step further.
Like, this is it, the protagonist, or the hero.
These stories always takes it that step further
to make sure that they actually kill the thing.
So the killing blow is the — or hitting the Tanuki in the head.
Then the rabbit goes back to the farmer and tells the
tale of his revenge, and I guess everyone satisfied.
And this is not an eye for an eye.
So, like, you killed my wife, I’m going to kill you.
That would be an eye for an eye, I think.
This is always — there’s another element of
I’m going to torture you before I murder you.
So, it’s an eye for an eye, plus more.
It’s almost like your enemies must suffer.
And then I asked some Japanese people about this story,
and their version of the moral was don’t do bad things.
And then when you come back to them and say,
“Well, is not torturing someone also a bad thing.
” They’re like, “But that’s as a result of your actions.
” So, if you hadn’t committed those actions, you
wouldn’t have been tortured in the second place.
So, that’s one of the weird issues of these stories.
We have one more story.
Now, this one is not about torture and murder.
Those two shared a theme.
And I read them very close to each other, and
when I asked my Japanese friends about them,
I never got a satisfactory moral to this story.
Essentially, they would just say, “Don’t do bad things.
” But I’m like, “But the result of you doing a bad
thing was a very complicated, awful, evil revenge.
” The last story I’m going to do, though, is called the Boy and the Turtle.
And it’s just — it’s like someone did some — found some LSD way, way back in the day.
So, there’s a little boy on the beach.
And he’s walking around and he sees some other boys.
And they’re bullying a turtle.
I don’t know what that means.
I think I guess that just means they’re playing with a turtle in an unkind way.
Maybe hitting it or turning it out on the back.
Doing bad things to a turtle.
And I think at that point, everyone is on the turtle’s sides.
Like, “Don’t do bad things to turtles.
” Turtles are cool.
This is why the straw industry suffered so
much when the straw went up that turtle’s nose,
because when you heard a turtle, the world unites against you.
So, you know, I don’t use straws.
I legit don’t use straws anymore.
I will only use paper straws.
And it’s because of that turtle.
Because turtles don’t hurt anybody.
Don’t hurt turtles.
So, he chases the boys off.
He says, “Don’t bully the turtle.
” I don’t know if he’s a scary person, but
anyway, he gets the kids to leave them alone.
And then she goes, “Thank you.
Come with me under the sea to a magical world.
” That’s a great invitation.
It’s almost like Disney should make a song that sounds very similar to that.
So, they go.
So, the boy in the turtle go together under the sea
and they go down to this like undersea castle world.
Somehow the boy can breathe, not asking any questions.
It’s magic.
This is magic.
The undersea kingdom is magic.
So, I’m perfectly skeptical of what’s going on here.
The boy attends a three-day party and he eats
food and he does like what Japanese people do.
They talk to fish.
He eats.
The thing is, if his Japanese kid was probably eating fish
and talking to fish, that’s got to be very uncomfortable.
It’s not exactly the cannibalism from the previous
story, but there is like an uncomfortable element
if you’re eating like a similar species while having a conversation with someone.
But he’s having a good time.
He’s having a party or maybe they’re just eating a lot of seaweed.
It’s been three days.
It’s time to go.
You can only party for so long.
So, the queen says come here.
I want to thank you for helping our turtle friend.
Here’s a box.
Don’t open the fucking box.
Already that’s a bit weird.
It’s weird as a present.
Like, don’t open the box.
Here’s a box.
Don’t open the box.
That’s it.
Now, get out.
There’s no explanation as to why you should open the box.
That is to me the biggest problem with the story so far.
So the weird present is given to the boy without any explanation.
It’s just the only thing that said is here’s a box.
Don’t open the box.
I’m assuming it’s a very nice box.
This is a gift from the queen.
He goes back to the beach and he’s like, I think it’s different.
This is feel different.
The beach looks different.
Maybe some of the buildings in the background kind of changed.
That’s weird.
And he figures out that time in the undersea
kingdom and time in the world he comes from.
Past differently.
It’s almost like interstellar black hole kind
of like time, fractioning gravity situation.
I’m not going to explain it.
We’ll just, again, it’s magic.
But he understands that now three days under the water in
the underwater party kingdom equals 300 years in the world.
Which means everyone he knows, his family, his friends,
everyone he’s ever, you know, everyone’s ever existed.
They’re all dead now.
Like 200 years ago at least.
They’re dead.
And so he has no home.
He has no life.
He has no sort of world to support him.
Because again, this is not an adult who made this choice.
This is a child.
And that’s another element that I think gets forgotten very quickly.
This is a child whose entire support system in the world is now gone 200 years ago.
He sits down on the beach and starts to cry.
And then he decides to do the only logical thing.
Maybe there’s something in the box that can help me
in this dire situation that I have been put into.
So he opens the box.
And when he opens the box, he immediately ages 300 years and dies.
What is going on?
So the box was somehow holding the difference
in time between the real world and the boy.
So once the box was open, that whatever magic was released.
And so his aging, it must have been incredibly painful for a few seconds.
Like he aged 300 years, and they don’t give a
time frame, but I’m going to say very quickly.
But that aging process must have been incredibly
painful and then just in a sudden death.
The only thing I can come up with is you have
a short-term reward, but at a massive cost.
But the moral of the story actually seems to be don’t help people.
Because if he hadn’t helped the turtle and left the boy to just bully the turtle more,
he wouldn’t have gone under seas, he wouldn’t
have spent those three days ergo 300 years.
Which means his family wouldn’t have died and
he would have been able to live a normal life.
He would have, he lost his life for helping this turtle.
And I cannot for the life of me figure out any aspect of this,
of having any sort of moral that makes any sort of sense.
And then the other question that I have more than anything
else is why didn’t the queen give him any sort of explanation?
If she had said, “Hey, look, time passes differently here.
” So if you go back home and you open this box, you’re going to
age in the difference the 300 years and you’re going to die.
So don’t open the box.
Then he would know what was going to happen.
She could have explained that to him.
But then he would have had the question of, “Well, why did you keep me here for
so long knowing that everything in my world was going to change and disappear?
And all my family was going to die, and I’m not going to have a life.”
And then it would have made more sense for him to just stay in the underwater kingdom.
Like there’s no, all the questions lead to you helped a turtle and lost everything.
The queen maliciously?
Because I don’t think there was any ignorance.
She knew, she knew to say, “Don’t open that box.
” So she knew what was going to happen if you opened that box.
She didn’t give him any way to go back to the
real world and actually have some sort of life.
She just dumped him and left him on his own.
So is that punishment for coming to the undersea kingdom?
Was that punishment for helping the turtle?
Was this whole thing some kind of weird strategy?
But that seems like mental torture for the kid as he sits there and realizes.
300 years ago, everything I know is no longer existed.
I don’t have anything in this world anymore.
I have no life.
My world has ended.
I went and asked some Japanese people what this means.
Like what is this story about?
And they said, “Well, it teaches you nothing.
It’s just a fanciful story.
” And it’s like it’s a fanciful story with one
of the most horrendous endings to his story.
For someone who has tried to be a good person, the whole time.
Doing good things might have short-term
benefits but lead to the loss in the long-term.
I spent months and months and months trying to figure out some kind of lesson or story
or moral or point to this boy in the turtle story.
And I’ve never been able to do it.
If you have an idea, please post it in the comments.
Please send me a message. or something.
Because I got nothing.
I’ve asked Japanese people, “They got nothing.
” They’re just like, “Oh, it’s just like a fun, weird story.
” I’m like, “No, it’s not.
It’s horrible.
” And it makes me question everything I understand about Japanese culture.