All Round Exploitation

I’d like to talk about
Bruce Boytation, which

is something I knew about inherently because
I had experienced it when I was young.

In the 80s, it was
very hard to find

martial arts movies, which
was a genre I had discovered.

I wanted more Kung Fu action.

I wanted more John
Wu style shooting movies

from Asia, and you had
to take what you could get.

After Bruce Lee’s
death, of course, there

became sort of a vacuum
of power, and nature

hates a vacuum, and so
what the Chinese did has

any approximation of
Bruce Lee that they can find.

So they found mostly
lookalikes, and they

gave them new names, and so just
to give you a sense of the extent.

So these are the ones that are documented.

There means there were dozens,
if not hundreds, more, of these.

But after 1973, we
had the launch of the

career of Bruce Lee,
who is in today’s movie, L.I.

Bruce Lee, L.A.I., Bruce Lee, L.E.,
Bruce Leung, L.E.U.N.G., Bruce Lee, L.Y.

, Bruce Bruce tie,
and Bruce Leung, L.E.I.

The hope was you would see the cover, you’d
see some guy who kind of looks like Bruce

Lee may be dressed
the same, and they’d be

doing in like a pose,
so it’s obviously action

packed, and you’d
see Bruce in Ulf, and

they’d just not even
bother to read the rest,

because now you’re too
busy grabbing the movie

and running to the
front of the video store.

Some other ones they
did were pretty interesting.

Bruce Lee, so B.R.U.T.E.,
L.E.E., Myron Bruce,

that one’s not very
accurate, Lee Bruce,

which I did enjoy the
creativity of that one,

Dragon Lee, and Bronson
Lee, which I assume

is the love child of Charles Bronson and
Bruce Lee, which would not be a good human.

I don’t know why I was going to end
up with that, not a good combination.

On that, they didn’t
just kind of, I want to

use the word parody,
but they’re trying to

copy, but they’re trying
to defraud people into

thinking they’re getting
a Bruce Lee movie.

Some of the movies that
came out re-enter the

dragon, which sounds
weirdly sexual, enter three

dragons, and I think what they did in
this one, they got like Bruce Leung, Bruce

Leung, Bruce Leung,
Bruce Leung, to all be

in the movie together,
Return of Bruce, enter

another dragon, which
again, I don’t know

where my heads are
where those sounds actually.

I don’t think, I guess I just enter is
one of those hot button words for me.

Return of the Fist of
Fury, which I have seen.

I don’t remember
anything about it, but I

know I have seen a
movie called Return of the

Fist of Fury, and the clones of
Bruce Lee, which I know I have seen.

I also again, do not
remember if I can find

those again, I will be
getting them, because

I know the clones of Bruce Lee again
has multiple Bruce Lee lookalikes in it.

Now to me, Bruce Lee’s whole martial
arts philosophy was the definitive feature.

So I think there’s this
look in his style and

stuff, but the definitive
feature of Bruce

Lee was not beholden
to the Kung Fu tradition.

He grew up, he learned Kung Fu, and he
said like these movesets are too limited.

You have to be more fluid, you have to
be more, you have to be able to adjust.

So like set forms are not
the best way to do martial arts.

And it’s why maybe he was a
step above other martial artists.

Most of the movies that I have seen on the
list, and that’s not a comprehensive list.

It’s just from the Wikipedia article.

Most of the movies I’ve seen on this list
of Bruce Lee clone movies, or rip-offs or

frauds, or whatever you want to
call them, use traditional Kung Fu.

So they’re traditional Kung Fu
movies, so there’s a lot of that.

That to me is a marker
of 1960s, ’70s and early

’80s Kung Fu, is that
there’s a single move.

It’s well coordinated,
but it’s a single

move, single move,
single move, and they both,

as they’ve practiced,
it looks really nice.

I have always enjoyed
the athleticism of go

Kung Fu, like I know, I would say that
Kung Fu is not particularly practical.

I’m sorry to hurt anyone’s feelings,
but saying that, it’s better than IKEA-DO.

Am I worried about hurting the
feelings of someone who does IKEA-DO?

Steven Segal, I mean, because IKEA-DO has
Steven Segal, there’s nothing else to say.

He ruined any opportunity for IKEA-DO
to be considered legitimate in any form.

That traditional Kung
Fu, to me, is the most

stark contrast, because I would say that’s
much easier to teach than what Bruce Lee

actually did, which is why,
again, Bruce Lee was different.

So let’s get on
to today’s movie.

This is Shameless Cross Promotion of Chunk
McBeaf Chest’s new YouTube channel, Seemic BIMDB.

For classic action
movies, jokes and reactions,

find it on YouTube,
link in the description.

When I was doing the
Ninja News Japan, I noticed

my air filter started
flashing red, which

means there’s stuff in the air.

Now, it’s blue now,
so it’s cleaned it up a

bit, but I’m weird, I’m going
to start sneezing any time now.

All right, let’s go with a Seemic B.
So I was walking Dave.

Anyone who follows this podcast knows Dave.

Dave is my constant companion.

He is my rescue poodle,
and did he rescue me?

Did I rescue him or did he rescue me?

My cold, broken heart?

No, he’s an annoying piece
of shit, but I love him anyways.

That’s actually just the
reality of pissy little dogs.

He’s like a little Prince
Archibald character.

He will not go out
in inclement weather,

which is very important
to the context of this story.

I was walking Dave yesterday morning, and
I was wearing noise canceling headphones.

Now, I am a not particularly
social person, and

I have found that the
world does not understand

what gigantic headphones
means on your head.

If there was any way
to send a message to

the world that I do not want to hear
what you have to say, go fuck yourself.

It would be giant headphones.

And then if you actually
know anything about

headphones, you know,
most of those big ones

are noise canceling, so you are
hearing nothing from the outside world.

I’m walking Dave.

And then I hear just this in the
background, no, I don’t know what it is.

So I turn around to check
because I don’t want to make

sure, like, you know, I have
noise canceling headphones on.

I want to make sure I haven’t
done anything wrong by accident.

I haven’t messed up someone
else’s day to turn around.

And there’s a older woman,
just her mouth is going.

So I’m like, oh, I think that
person might be talking to me.

So I am polite, which maybe is a failing.

So I take off my nose canceling headphones.

I shouldn’t have done that.

I realize this.

I realize I should be
slightly rude or, and

when I hear the, I
should just keep walking.

Don’t turn around.

Don’t check, but I
guess socially I have been

raised to believe that
I should pay attention

to other human beings,
which, you know, at this

point, I’m like, that’s
probably a mistake.

Now, let’s see, as soon as I realized what
this woman was talking to me about, I was


I don’t know if it was last week or two
weeks ago, but I talked about reactants.

And it was like when people tell you to do
something, there is an instinct in humans.

And I reason this
resonated with me is because

there is a significant
instinct in me to not do it.

So this woman starts telling me
stuff and it’s stuff I don’t want to know.

And I am furious.

Now, I’m not going to
do anything because

again, I’m socially responsible enough
to know you don’t beat up old ladies.

But the instinct of the desire to just
lay into her was right there, right away.

She said to me, so she
was speaking in Japanese,

so she said to me
that your dog’s a single

coat poodle and it’s fine in the
summer, but it’s too cold right now.

You need to get him a coat.

You know, I am not
raising a killing machine.

He is my confidante, so I am
very protective of my little friend.

This little fucking prince refuses to go
out if the weather is in any way inclement.

If it is raining at all,
he will not go out.

If it is too windy, he will not go out.

If it is too cold, he will not go out.

So basically I would
open the door in the

morning, I put him on the porch, and he
decides if he wants to go for a walk or not.

The thing is that morning
time is when he has to go to

the toilet, it’s the breakfast
kind of part of the day.

So I really don’t care if he takes a walk.

I want him to go out
there and do his business.

Now, he will look at me like the weather is
inconvenient for me to be pooping in some.

So I shall return inside
the house where it is warm

and comfortable, and I
will poop on your floor.

Is this agreeable to you?

And I look at him and I go,
“No, you little piece of shit.

You’re not pooping on my floor.

We have a whole toilet thing
set up for him that he will not use.

” A couple weeks ago,
inclement weather was raining.

He wouldn’t go outside and poop,
and I’m like, “I have to go to work.

I can’t leave him here.

He’s going to poop on the floor.

I knew he was going
to poop on the floor.

” We’d set up this
doggy pad area, and there

was a yoga mat out and
he pooped on the yoga mat.

He was like, “You piece of shit.

” Because you know what he did?

He pooped on the more comfortable thing.

I see how his little
fucking peanut brain works.

He’s like, “Oh, there’s those pads over
there where you’re supposed to poop.

” But then this yoga
mat’s slightly softer

and it’s more cushiony
on my sensitive paws.

And so he pooped on
that, and so my daughter

came home and she
saw poop on the yoga mat.

She’s like, “I don’t
know if I should clean

that or throw it away, but it
was an expensive yoga mat.

Again, little prince
of Persia over here,

pooping on the most
expensive thing he can find.

Don’t think that was accidental.

If I had my expensive shoes out, I guarantee
there would be poop in those shoes.

Those shoes.

I have my own negative
feelings towards my

little friend over here, my
little gray fluffy poof face.

But the reason I’m
angry and not going to

take any advice from
this lady is she had come

to the park with her
poodle in a coat and a

baby stroller with the baby
stroller completely covered in plastic.

So it was essentially a greenhouse.

She’s walking to the
park, starting telling me

about how I should
better take care of my dog.

You don’t even have a
dog, like what you have

now is a marshmallow
that is barely sentient.

And the way you’re
treating it shows that

you’re not actually
thinking like, “Okay, yeah,

I didn’t put a coat on
my dog because I know

if the dog is too cold, he’s just going
to turn around and go back in the house.

I do have a coat for him, we can’t
put him on, I can’t make him go outside.

” But I now have actually
come to trust his instincts.

If he’s not comfortable,
he’s absolutely

going to fucking let me know because I
don’t make decisions in this relationship.

I just follow orders, which has given him
this pissy attitude where he thinks he can

shit on yoga mats, but also Dave does
have the survival skills to back it up.

So the reason we got Dave, Dave
is a rescue and what had happened

to Dave is some piece of shit
out there, dumped him in a forest.

Now, a pretty little dog, you think,
not going to survive in a forest.

My first thought was always,
he did it without thumbs.

I have thumbs, so I
can do things and make

things and grab and
dig and things like that.

I would die in a forest pretty
quickly like I wouldn’t make it.

Let’s just face facts.

I got a skill set, that skill
set is designed for a modern

society where pretty much
everything’s taken care of for me.

Put me in a wildlife situation
and I am not wildlife, I am food.

Dave, for an entire
month, survives in a forest.

I don’t know what he’s eating.

I assume it was grass and bugs because
he’s not catching anything, he’s too slow.

He survived, he’s a
poodle, so his hair just

grew and grew and grew
and grew, so he looked

like this giant sheep, he was
underfed, but that’s how we got him.

This dude is a survivor and
how he ended up with us with his

life where he’s now like, I will
only shit on yoga mats, okay.

He’s paid his, he’s done his time, this
woman with the fucking dog and a baby stroll

or pissed me off so much because I’m
like, you are so far gone the other way.

You should not be telling
anyone how to live their lives.

And she’s acting like I’m ignorant.

I’m like, no, it’s still an animal,
it still needs to walk by itself.

You don’t put in a fucking
baby stroll or you fucking psycho.

You make it walk from
your house to the park.

You make it do things, like I’m just
thinking it’s hearts can explode really soon.

I do get, you want your
animals to be comfortable.

My dog sleeps on a bed
on my bed, it’s double

bedded, but I also
know if I stick that

little fucker in a forest, he’s going
to survive for at least a month.

And he’s earned the
right to have this chill

time where you and
your animal absolutely

have not talked a lot
about capitalism and

seeming to be for the
last little while because

it’s new stories
that come up and it’s

capitalism, something
I’m finding very interesting

on late stage capitalism is
something we talk about a lot.

It seems to be an
experiment that is widening

the gap between the
rich and the poor, which

is going to lead to a problem sooner
or later, ironically, for rich people.

And that’s the bit I think they
don’t get, like this gap is bad for them.

But it’s also leads me
into really weird stories,

just stories of companies
overstepping because

it’s rich people thinking they can do
whatever they want and get away with it.

And when they can’t get
away with it, it’s always

a bit of a come up and
so there was a woman

and she had a newsletter
and in her newsletter,

she talked about eBay
and an eBay Amazon

lawsuit specifically 30 minutes after
publishing this story in her newsletter.

The CEO of eBay sent a
message to another executive

saying, if you’re going to
take her down, now is the time.

So my first thought was,
CEOs don’t do very much.

There was someone
pointed out that Elon Musk is

the CEO of seven
companies and that’s supposed

to sound impressive,
but it actually makes

you think the CEO clearly
doesn’t do that much

if he can be CEO of
seven companies at the

same time, like he’s not
making real day-to-day decisions.

He’s not really like
guiding the company if he

can do seven or eight
companies at the same time.

So the more company someone is the CEO of
actually means, in my mind, they are less

effective as a CEO,
but this CEO sent this

message to the security
director and he sent

a message out and he said, this
bias to troll needs to be burned down.

So what did they do?

And this was to me the more important part
was like, what did this meeting look like?

So you have the security director.

There’s two people actually are doing
jail time for this right now and two people

are still kind of having
it worked out like

what their participation in this was
because this was organized harassment.

The actual crimes, let’s put the crimes
out there first, obstruction of justice.

So pretty obviously they were trying
to not help the police catch them.

Witness tampering.

They were using intimidation tactics
as part of their harassment campaign.

So the idea that
they would do witness

tampering is not actually
out of it and at all.

Stalking, interstate travel
stalking and online stalking.

So what were they actually doing?

So the security director
seems to be primarily

responsible for
these current actions.

The CEO who said, like, go get this
lady, he quit before this was finished.

And then the current CEO
was like, oh, sorry, it wasn’t us.

It was the previous CEO and now he’s
not involved, so he’s not getting arrested.

I wasn’t involved.

So I’m not getting arrested.

This seems like a very
CEO oriented style trick.

And I think everyone should
get a little something out of that.

Oh, she actually said, we continue
to extend our deepest apologies.

And then we’ve had new
leadership since then, and

of course, we’re doing
our better to train people.

Do you have to train people
to not harass other people?

That’s a very good question
that should be put out there.

But first of all, it started
with online threats.

So the people, the security people at eBay
were sending threats to this person who had

a newsletter talking
about a lawsuit between

eBay and Amazon, which
actually makes me think

that’s one step away from it.

I’m doing right now.

I talk about companies suing
each other and stuff all the time.

I guess her newsletter
was more popular than my

podcast, makes me
feel a little sad right now.

They surveyed their home using employees.

So imagine in this
part, you’re working at

eBay, you’re just a
security guard, I assume,

because this security
guy would have sort of his

purview would be over
the security personality.

He’d be like, you got a
special mission for you.

And I was like, wow, does
eBay have special missions?

You’re going to go and do a stakeout
and like, dude, I’m a security guard.

I like walk around the hallways.

I do not do stakeouts like, no,
no, you’re going to do a stakeout.

You’re going to go to this person’s house.

I don’t even know if
this is actually accurate.

I don’t know if it was a security personnel
or if this security director was just like

any staff, he’s like, I want you, IT
guy to go stakeout this lady’s house.

And the IT guy’s like,
well, leave the office.

That sounds great.

There are a lot of questions there of how
this went down, which is these fundamental

details are the most interesting part
to me because they don’t give them out.

I’m actually, I construct
them in the head in my head.

You can actually see where I’m going, but
so he has a conversation with something.

I want you to go and
survey this person’s house.

You can do a stakeout.

You’re going to watch when they come
home, when they leave, you’re getting paid.

You’re getting your
paid, your salary to role

play as a detective
or a cop or like, some

of them hero you have from a movie.

So someone was on board with this.

They surveyed their house.

They tracked their
movements and then they’re

like, okay, we’ve got to do some
harassment because of course.

And they’re like, okay, so they must have
had a meeting and they’re like, okay, so

they have a meeting, security director sits
down with some other guys in the office.

These are all office personnel, okay.

We have this woman,
she sent out a newsletter

and we’d like to make
sort of a response

to that that eBay is
not particularly pleased

with how she’s presented
us within this new

letter, newsletter,
within the construct of

the newsletter she’s created,
there’s a lawsuit going on.

We don’t think she
should be talking about it.

We don’t really appreciate her opinion.

So we were thinking a great
idea to send her some live spiders.

If I was in a business meeting
and that came out, I’d be like, what?

No, you can’t send someone live spiders.

That’s not a good thing to do.

He’s like, no, no, okay.

Live spiders and second package,
cockroaches, live cockroaches.

How about we send them
some live cockroaches?

And again, I’d be saying to me,
I’m going like, this seems unhinged.

This seems like a bad idea.

This seems like not the way we should forge
forward into a new future with our company.

Sending people we don’t like
live cockroaches and live spiders.

Oh, we’re not going to stop there.

We’re going to send them a bloody pig mask.

Now I’m going to go ahead
and guess the blood was not real.

The bloody pig mask was sort of the
description of the mask, the whole mask.

So I actually at that
point was like a free mask.

I mean, that’s not so bad.

Live spiders live cockroaches, I don’t
want that in my house, bloody pig mask.

Halloween’s taken care of, I guess.

And then finally, a book on
recovering from the death of a spouse.

So a slightly veiled
threat that your spouse

may or may not die
soon and how you could

get over it should this
incident happen coupled

with pig mask, live
spiders, live cockroaches.

Something a message that
the harassment is quite clear.

The punishment for eBay was $3 million
fine, which I feel like that’s not enough.

I feel like company like
eBay is a big company.

These two guys did jail time, but yeah, I’m
just like, did they, I guess I don’t know

the fallout for the actual
people who were being harassed.

But that is organized
harassment by an online retailer.

And at some point,
they thought this was

okay, they were going
to get away with this.

This is a good thing to do.

So thankfully, I have never and
I’m never going to shop at eBay.

I was just about to
say I was never going to

talk about eBay, but I just, I’m
sure they don’t want that out there.

So I get some live
spiders actually not that,

you know, because I’m assuming
the spiders were in a package.

So like they didn’t just like scurry out
like they wouldn’t know horror movie.

Like that would be bad because
that have spiders all over my house.

I would have to catch them.

I wouldn’t be as
freaked out the pig mask,

free pig mask, the book,
I don’t know, depends

how well it’s written
to be honest, but

capitalism, you can
see, I actually blame that

on the high level C
suite executives feeling

they can do whatever they want to,
whomever they want and get away with it.

Well, it turns out in communist
countries, same problem.

So it’s not inherently
capitalism that’s the issue.

I guess you could.

Maybe this is capitalism as
well or this is capitalist attitude.

I’m not sure.

But this is in China, a Chinese advertising
agency said we’re going to move our office

from the city, fairly large city to
a countryside and remote location.

And there is some
suspicion that they did this

on purpose to try to
get the employees to quit.

So let’s give you the whole story.

They moved from the city to a
mountain with limited transportation.

Now what does that mean?

It’s a two hour commute one way.

So basically if you don’t
have a car, there were

almost no options to
actually get to this office.

If you had a car, you had to drive two
hours and the company saying we’re not going

to pay you for the wear and tear on
your car, the gas or anything like that.

There was a bus every three hours.

But if you even managed
to catch the bus and

take it to the location,
you still had a three

kilometer walk from the
bus stop to the office.

If you took a taxi,
you could take a taxi

from the train station
to the office, but the

company wouldn’t cover
the cost for the for the taxi.

So they were like, all the
burden is on the employee.

They’d say that sounds
pretty bad because

they’re making this
commute miserable, they’re

making it impossible for
you to come to the office.

That was not it.

The building itself had no women’s toilet.

So if you were a woman
and you worked for

this company, you had to walk to
the nearest village to use a public toilet.

They said that this was made worse
because the straight dogs made it unsafe.

And after dark, it was worse.

I guess the dogs get buffed after dark.

It’s like those zombie
movies where the

zombies are bad during the
day, but at night, they’re worse.

There were 20 employees
and 14 after only a few days.

It was four days later, 14
of the employees had quit.

So then the company
moved back, their

headquarters back to the city and immediately
put on an ad looking for new employees.

The employees were like, hey, we
don’t think this was a sincere move.

We think you move the office to
try to make us all uncomfortable.

So we would quit so
that you could, instead of

firing us because there
is within the contracts

in China, you have
to, if you fire a group

of people or you do
something like that, you

have to compensate them and you
didn’t want to pay that compensation.

So you moved to an
office, not sincerely and

you waited for us to quit and then
you moved right back to the city.

That’s what we think happened.

The company’s like, we’re
going to sue you for slander.

That is not what happened.

We moved to the countryside because we had
to and yes, there were no ladies toilets

and you had to walk through wild dogs to
get to them, but that was not on purpose.

That was not part of our plan.

They said rent was high and the
new office was being renovated.

So we temporarily moved
there from where we were before.

Now the employees
were told that the new

location was a headquarters
for at least a year if not more.

So what they’re saying
is like, oh, we knew

this was only going to take a
couple of weeks for renovation.

But the employees are saying,
that’s not what you said to us.

You said, we were going to be working
there for potentially years in China.

If you change location
without employees’

consent, it is actually
a breach of contact.

And so this company is now in trouble.

I don’t have a lot of access to
Chinese news if I’m being honest.

I do want to follow
up in this story and

see if the company
gets in trouble, how much

they get sued for and
stuff, but it’s not going

to be like the eBay thing where
everything’s on the internet and available.

It’s going to be a lot
harder for me to get.

But it seems like the
nature of companies be it

in a capitalist or
communist society is exactly

the same and at the end
of the day, we’re all fucked.

But most importantly of all, don’t
listen to crazy ladies in the park.


Dystopian Terms of Service

I did a story on Temu a few weeks
back and it’s because I had never heard of

Temu it came up as like an advertisement
and it was selling a keyboard and

that’s super super cheap and I was like
that’s got to be weird and I like to try

things to see if the real and I tried
it I didn’t know this was a massive

company it’s actually already a
massive company then I found out that the

people who are essentially the coders
for Temu are also the people who created

an app previously that got delisted
because it was harvesting all your

information and selling it on the web
so I was really weirded out I deleted it.

I’m really torn because if it’s like
a big big massive company is it still

doing these nefarious things yes because
that’s what big big companies do but

it’s weird because if it’s like a group
stealing your information let’s say

like ten guys that seems weirder
and scarier than Amazon stealing your

information but the reason it came up
again is I was a little torn because I was

like if it’s a big company I might have
some protections against it because

the issue really is what kind of
guarantees are in place is the government

oversight because if you have a
little criminal organization like five ten

guys they’re going to take everything
they can and run a company Temu that is

internationally recognized is going to
have a much harder time doing that so

there might be some protections there
so I was like should I try to get as many

deals as I can before they rip me off
so badly and get all my information and

go somewhere else and sell it to someone
you know nefarious I don’t know then

the story came out that they’re suing
shine the shine is a company I had heard

of but I’ve never used so it’s a fast
fashion company I think you can tell from

what’s presented in front of you if you
watch the YouTube video fast fashion is

not my thing I’m into very old fashion
what am I wearing now I’m wearing a

sweater like a hoodie that I don’t
like but it is the problem is that it’s so

comfortable it is the most comfortable
piece of clothing I own so I don’t

really like giant labels and it has a
giant roots label on the chest if that

if it didn’t have that I’d probably
be okay with it but the thing is the

core issue is I actually don’t like the
way it looks but it’s like wearing Jedi

pajamas all day which I’m a big fan
of I’m super comfortable I have an old

champion Henley underneath and a
t-shirt under that and ever last so it’s

just like different sports brands layered
on top of each other and I have a hat

with a slightly racist character
on it so fashion is clearly not my

forte I buy stuff primarily based on
comfort so I’m not the target audience

for shine I had heard that shine was
getting the influencers paying them to

try to make themselves look better
because they had a bad reputation

Temu is suing shine saying that shine
is using intimidation on merchants who

list on both sides so if I have a
product and I listen on Temu and I

listen on shine that shine will come
and try to intimidate me to take it down

from Temu now these are all shit
companies I wouldn’t trust any of these

companies but when they get into
intimidation mafia tactics we are now.

getting into a new stage of capitalism this

interferes with them is business so
shine has also it tried to interfere with

them is business by issuing thousands of
copyright takedowns 63% of the copyright

takedowns on Temu are actually
claims from shine they’ve also claimed that

shine has imprisoned merchants who
list with Temu and confiscated their

devices so basically I’m a merchant I
want to sell some stuff on Temu and

shine maybe Amazon the shine representatives
will be like oh come meet with

us in his office and they’ll lock me in
the office and take away my cell phone

and they don’t want to let me go until
I agree to take all my shit down from

Temu this is the dystopia that fiction
talks about like if you think about all

the science fiction and video games
and stuff what you end up with is two

three four five companies that become
company states and they run everything

and they compete against each other but
then of course it gets to this level where

they have private armies and militaries
and it seems it’s a dystopia thing

they got like ninjas and assassins
and robots and stuff and then they kill

other people but again the police are
useless because they don’t have the

same power as the company state that’s
now in place so you end up working for a

company you work for that company for
the rest of your life until you die that

is I mean this is dystopia you have a
company that is intimidating kidnapping

people to try to get them to stop
working with another company they’re using

tactics that are clearly illegal I’m
wondering how this is going to get

proven though because if this is
actually proven then shy and actually has

people who should go to jail weirdly
because Temu is making the accusations

it makes them seem like the good guy
but like I said when I started I’m pretty

sure the programmers for that are
a group of scam people who actually

like created software that collects
your information and sells it directly to.

you I would even assume shine at
this point shine has then gone back and

accused Temu of getting influencers
to say negative things about shine and to

promote Temu but that was dropped
so it’s not that they didn’t do it it’s

that they couldn’t prove it and then
shine is trying to go public in the US

so this is a big problem because it’s
very hard to go public if you have like

court cases pending they have
labor practice issues copyright merch

controversies but I mean this is all
just the same for Amazon I’m wondering

where it’s gonna end up like you
have Amazon is the dominant online

retailer Temu got my attention
because they sold stuff really cheap the

keyboard that I have right here they
sold it to me for about four dollars now

it’s a thirty forty fifty dollar
keyboard and so they’re selling things at

like ninety percent discount to get
you into their system and that’s where I

realize oh maybe that’s how they
get your information but if they want to

keep their company going they actually
have to make a profit they actually

have to sell and like I said it is a
giant company it’s it’s weird now that we

have giant companies in the Internet
space that I’ve never even heard of like

I had not heard of Temu until a few months
ago and then after I bought something

from them I saw a report on them and
I it keeps popping up because now the

algorithm is caught that I’ve actually
bought something from it keeps popping up in

the algorithm and I get emails from
them and stuff but it was just completely

off the radar for me and I was wondering
is that me am I not connected in that

way anymore shine makes sense
they don’t sell products that I really care

about so there’d be no reason for me
to know about them all I knew is that

there was controversy with labor
practices because that is something I’m

interested in that shows where my
brain is as someone who basically makes.

podcasts and just reads the news all
the time but I’m looking at late stage

capitalism and dystopian novels and
seeing a lot of the stuff they’re talking

about like if they’re actually
physically intimidating people if they’re

actually going so far as to imprison
people in rooms for periods of time we

really are approaching a point
where we need an international police

organization to monitor the behavior
and actions of international companies

because local police won’t be able
to do it but then now we’re getting into

like literal it’s just dystopian we’re
getting into these literal novels where you

have private militaries going at
each other stealing information and.

stuff and it’s it’s at that point where
he’s like is this the world I want to

live in and of course about
10 years ago I realized it wasn’t.

Opera GX has come out with a new version
of their browser which is fine I mean

I use a couple of different browsers
I have one that I use primarily just

personally so like all my regular surfing
stuff is chrome and then I have one

that I keep separate from everything
else so if I ever want to do something

on Twitch on stream or anything and I
want to throw something up I don’t want

there to have any sort of naughty websites
remembered in the in the cookies or

anything so I use a completely different
browser I use Vivaldi for that so if

I ever throw up like a page I’m gonna
do it in Vivaldi and then if I click a

link it comes up in edge I haven’t
changed that yet so I essentially have

three functional browsers on my computer
at any time but Opera GX has always

been one that I’ve used it and then
dropped it and then used it and then

dropped it’s kind of like Firefox I’ll
use it and then drop it and then use it.

then drop it the new one though has
a panic button which I really enjoy this

innovation so if you hit F12 so you’re
let’s say you’re looking at a naughty

naughty website in your mom or dad
comes in the room if you hit F12 it will

mute play back immediately and I’ll
switch to a new window you can pick the

website that it will go to to be your
safe site so you could just pick something

really nice like a CNN news site or
something like that something that would

make your parents happy a study site
something that would be very you know oh

you know he’s looking at how to improve
his language skills he’s looking at.

different courses he could he could
audit at different universities what a

great young man then you hit F12 again
it brings back your penguin porn with the

full sound regaling you instantly the
interesting thing you can do though so

let’s say you’re a parent you’re on
the other side you walk in to your kids

room and you see them hit the keyboard
really quick I have to just walk up and

press F12 and see what comes back up
on the screen if they’re using the Opera

GX browser I do like this as an innovation
though because you should have an

the ability to keep certain stuff sort
of personalized and private and you

should have an emergency escape thing
I used to run a blog when blogging was

relatively popular and you know big
long essays with pictures and stuff and I’d

made a second version of it and what
I did is I skinned it to look like a word

document and I also had it so it would
not load any of the pictures so if you

really wanted to just sit in your
office all day and read my blog you could

actually just click this link on the
main page and it would take you to if you

hit full screen it looked like a full
screen word document it had the ribbon

across the top and then all the text
was loaded into times new Roman as a

document and you could just scroll
down and read all the stuff you didn’t get

the pictures but that’s fine I wasn’t
particularly good at pictures anyways

but I already had the same thought
I’m like there are situations where you

don’t want other people to really
know what you’re doing in this case I

wasn’t doing anything dirty on my
website but it was entertainment and if

you’re in your office you want to read
entertainment I wanted to facilitate that

because I wanted you to have a fun
happy good time at your workplace and I

wanted you to come back to my website
so I’m actually thinking about trying

opera GX not for the panic button
because again I’m now at a stage of my

life where if someone walked in and I
was looking at porn I’d be like excuse me

I’m looking at porn please get out
of my room I wouldn’t I wouldn’t be

particularly ashamed of that I did get
the scam email and it’s the one where

they go we hacked your webcam and
we screen-shotted you while you were

masturbating to porn and then they
always throw in a little joke like you

have good taste or something like
that and it’s funny because even if I

believe they had done that they’d
picked the wrong target of course they

don’t pick the targets they just like
blast out an email to everyone in the

planet I was jokingly telling my wife
about it that I got this email and she

said yeah but if you got that email
and because what they said is if you

don’t pay us whatever one hundred
thousand dollars in Bitcoin send it to

this wallet we’re gonna send everyone
in your Facebook or your links or.

something an image of you masturbating
to porn and my wife went but you

wouldn’t care I was like yeah at this
point in my life if they sent a picture of

me masturbating to porn to everyone I
know like everyone in my my friends list

on various websites I think everyone
knows me would find it just as funny as I

would find it myself so that’s ineffective
because essentially if you want to

shame people you have to attack people
who have shame the last big piece of.

news that I want to talk about because
I’m just trying to again I’ve talked

in the last episode that I haven’t
been very productive with seeming be

initiative Japan kind of runs itself
as long as news is coming out and it

always is I can just gather news and
then talk about it but seeming be I have to

have the ideas or have a new source or
something I heard my knee about a month

ago and it’s meant that I am not
having any creative thoughts I think it’s

Maslow’s pyramid of needs and so
down at the bottom is all your basic needs

and if you want to get intellectual
thought is at the top so basically at the

bottom you have to have food you have
to be able to go to the toilet and you have

to have comfort and then the next one
up is going to be comfort like you have

to have a place to live and be able to
survive and you know wear clothes and be

warm and then you can get to eat good
food and have entertainment and then

get to the next level the next level
on the top level is you can actually take

time to have intellectual thought but
as something goes wrong in your life it

actually drops you down a level so my
knee causing me discomfort means I’m not

thinking about the world I’m thinking
about my knee which actually means injured

people are dumber because not of their
own fault they’re just so focused on the

pain they feel they’re not having any
other thoughts the example that I really

enjoyed was let’s say you were a
member of a peace treaty group so you’re

sitting down you’re trying to get you
have two warring factions and you’re

going to try to get those two warring
factions to sign a peace tree and this is

like lives are on the line and so
you’re in the negotiations and you really

have to poo this is a great example
of what it’s talking about like it doesn’t

matter how smart you are if you are
distracted by a physical need you’re not

going to be able to maintain any
sort of level of physical or intellectual

thought so if you don’t take care of
those base needs first you won’t be able

to achieve that level of intellectual
ability that you’re capable of so

because I haven’t messed up me and
it hurts all the time I’m not capable of

having intellectual thoughts anymore
so I need to pull from the news because

I’m not having any ideas my only idea
is got my knee stiff God my knees hurts

oh geez I wish I could use my knee
again that kind of stuff but the most

recent news I use Twitch I record this
podcast on Twitch I use to capture the

video I capture the video I download
it I edit it I extract the audio make a

podcast that’s the original source take
whatever’s left over which is the video

put that on YouTube in some other
places so you can watch the video edited so

you don’t have to listen to me cough
and sneeze give Dave a little second in.

back there so you can settle down
okay let’s walk Dave’s butt oh he’s pulled

up his his own pillow and he’s trying to
tear it apart because of course what’s

more comfortable than a torn up pillow
just getting his butt right in the screen

good job buddy one no not torn up enough
I’m gonna kill it get two three turns

come on man four oh there you go
finally Dave is my hero okay so the news so

I record this on Twitch and some news
came out on December 13th and they

decided that they wanted to put a
warning essentially on your boobs before

anything sort of sexual was not
allowed but sexual and stuff this is the

problem with porn and art is how
is it defined and it’s very difficult to

define so people don’t know what it is
Twitch allowed people to I mean people

were already pushing the limits I
had watched a couple and I don’t watch

them for any sort of sexual gratification
I just kind of shocked as I just

stare at it it’s very very much like a
car wreck so there was key he got a

kitty and she just puts oil and sparkles
on her boobs and pushes where it’s

like a push of bra and basically does
nothing and then just recently someone

showed me Asian bunny X who has
got a ridiculous body it’s very cartoonish

but I noticed she actually spends a
significant portion of the stream not on

screen so I mean maybe that’s part of
the technique so she’s wearing a string

bikini and everything’s hanging out
but that’s fine as long as it’s rated

for adults well they came out with
a new thing it was sort of a mature

content sexual content kind of
thing they will now allow deliberately

highlighted breasts buttocks and pelvic
regions which means the bikini would be

perfectly acceptable whereas before it
would be up to the content moderators to

decide if this was acceptable or not and
again this is comes down to opinions which

is hard because we’re supposed to be
following rules stuff like that but then

what does that actually mean highlight
can I basically have a black room with a

spotlight on my boobs and the other
thing is they made it the same for art

streams because art streams you
know art is often sexual or has sexualized

themes so they wanted to do that I
actually thought this was a very nice idea

they’re like we want people to be able
to express themselves and then another

person suggests maybe they want to
bid it at only fans money but because they

have no way of tearing out people like
how do you make people make sure that

people are adults like only fans for
all the bad it may be you need to I

think you need a credit card to join
it which means you’re at least an adult

enough to get a credit card or you can
steal it from your parents but that way

at least they are trying to make sure
only adults are in there whereas Twitch

isn’t set up that way like I actually put
my streams on adult because I swear a

lot or I want to feel free to swear
but I’ve had but kids come in like they

come in and they say hey I’m 12
years old and I’m just like kid I actually

don’t think you should be here they
also said erotic dances are okay so

twerking grinding pull dancing but
that was already okay so what erotic was

beyond twerking I don’t actually know
so I’d be interested in actually seeing

with that what I guess they needed
they needed a video with examples which I

never saw and I think that actually might
be a big problem for a lot of rules is

what you really need more than anything
else is examples of the rule so you

can understand what is too much and
what is not enough the too much bits as an

example would actually be really
interesting pre streamers that said the

previous rules were confusing but I
actually think the new rules still are they

said no sex games and no porn but if
you use this tag you won’t be on the

front page anymore so I think that’s
fair so then came the Tsunami of

boobies and it’s not me a boobies meant
that on December 15th they rolled back

what they had already said so it’s
officially too much and rolling back the

artistic nudity changes and I mean oh
my god it was not artistic at all it was

just boobies everywhere the irony being
that over those two days I didn’t even

get a chance to go look around and see
if I could see any boobies I didn’t get to

see any more boobies than I would
normally see on Twitch the comments from

the the company we’re interesting though
much of the content created has been

met with community concerns so
they’re actually saying people who use the

website were the ones who were concerned
about how sexual it had gotten and then

in the art they said AI deep fakes
might be used might be difficult to discern

from real pictures so they’re basically
saying like if we allow people to do

artistic renderings nudity people
will start deep faking celebrities and

stuff and saying look I have this picture
of celebrities the CEO of Twitch said

he didn’t really understand or he
didn’t really believe how realistic AI

art could be the irony for me being that
we have people who go on art streams on

Twitch and they can draw it takes a
long time but they draw photo realistic

pictures so if you ask them to do
something sexual they can do a photo

realistic sexual picture it’s I mean
people have that skill physically if they

have that skill physically that translating
into computer aided or AI art is

going to be actually very easy at that
point a lot a few streamers made fully

nude avatars or overlays with nude
images in them which was already actually

not allowed you’re not supposed to do
that but then of course they’re like we

have to find out what the boundaries
are the only way to find out the

boundaries is to actually like push them
ourselves and test them so a guy drew

Michelangelo Michelangelo
as a peepee and when

he got to that he
actually got a three-day

band for it oh no yeah Michelangelo is
David not Michelangelo Michelangelo was an

old man although he had a peepee too
so I guess at the end of the day if you

drew him naked it would have been the same
result but no he didn’t draw Michelangelo

he drew Michelangelo’s David that being
a famous piece of art is a famous piece of

art acceptable to show on stream apparently
not three-day band so the CEO said

we went too far and then I actually
ended up entering that is don’t be nice to

artists because they’re
always gonna push the

boundaries and see
where they can get away

with which isn’t the right message I
mean it’s just sex cells so much so Asian

Bunny X again she’s not even on stream
and she’ll have like 14 15 16 thousand

peoples sitting there looking at an
empty room waiting for her to come back

that’s his horny kids and I sit there
sometimes I watch it and it’s like a

tragedy because here I am I want to
do something interesting I want to do

something that is maybe informative for
people and yeah you know I get like three

four viewers I get about 800 people
listen to the podcast I’m actually pretty

happy about that to me that is my core
audience which is why the audio should.

always come first but in the same
vein I once got super super disappointed I

went back to Canada to visit and of
course the jet light hit and I couldn’t

sleep so it’s like two o’clock in the
morning ended a TV show on and it’s

reality TV because that’s the only thing
on it like two o’clock in the morning.

again and it is super-sized my pool and
super-sized my pool made me so depressed

because this was a terrible idea for a
TV show but it actually got made into a

TV show whereas if you gave me the same
amount of money to make a production of

Ninja News Japan or Seamick Bee and then
I could hire a couple of writers and we

could work together and we could brainstorm
and have ideas I think I could make

a really good really good informative
show that’s entertaining and a lot of

fun I don’t get to do that because I
don’t have a big pool or boobies that I

can show on screen I don’t know where
that leaves me because intellectually I.

want to I don’t even know what I
want to say intellectually what do I want I

want to be true to myself and so
I want to keep going with hopefully

interesting commentary on different
things but I realized with a fucked up

knee I’d do a lot better if I just had
big boobs I was the wrong song that’s

again sort of the state
of mind I’m working with
