Examines AI art

(upbeat music)

♪ After the mind on the Academy ♪

♪ Shocked my pictures ♪

♪ Where the bastards of philosophy ♪

♪ Drinking a clutch ♪

♪ Brings above our skills ♪

♪ Like a sucker punch ♪

♪ Boy, come to see ’em, I’ll be ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, oh, see ’em, I’ll be ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, oh, see ’em, I’ll be, yeah ♪

♪ I’ll see ’em, I’ll be, yeah,
yeah, oh ♪ So we’re back.

We’re talking about AI again.

I don’t think we’re ever really
gonna stop talking about AI

because AI in itself does
not have any morality.

The morality that AI will
end up with will be something

that’s programmed by
people, but people are abusive.

And so this is it.

I think AI in itself is
inherently not good or bad.

Just like the internet is
not inherently good or bad.

It’s done some amazingly good things.

It’s done some awful horrible things.

It’s where scams come from now.

I have the same thing about AI.

A lot of scams are gonna happen because AI

and it’s some really wonderful
things are gonna happen

because of AI and it’s
up to us to control it.

The problem is the people who are often
in control don’t care about other people.

So this stems from
the second part of this

story, but let’s get
into the first part first,

where we get a little bit of sort of
irony or karma or something like that.

Where in 2022, this was the first
big story about AI who’s surfing art.

Like, is this okay?

We should think about this a little more.

A guy using AI to create an image, one
first place in a state fair competition.

And so he used, he says he
did a hundred hours of work

using different AI generators
and then Photoshop

and manipulating
everything to make this image

that he submitted, he
says he told the judges.

But the judges claim they didn’t know.

So they looked at this piece of artwork and
said, “This piece of artwork is amazing.

“That’s the winning
piece for this state fair.

” This of course then becomes a controversy
is AI generated art or is it not?

He’s claiming, again, a
hundred hours of work

went into this picture
that he says he made

but the problem is
mid-journey also contribute

to a Google AI at the
time contributed to it.

Photoshop contributed to it.

I know a lot of artists who
actually think Photoshop

is already taking away
from the idea of art,

from the actual handmade
feeling or aspect of art as skill.

Whereas someone in computers would be like,

“Well, you know,
computers are a skill in itself.

” I could see myself
making a piece of art

and then using Photoshop or
something to maybe touch it up.

But if it was going to be a big art piece
installation, like a picture I put up,

I think I wouldn’t want
that all to be handmade.

I wouldn’t want anything
in that generated by AI.

That’s just my instincts.

It’s not to say that I’m right or wrong.

It’s just my feeling about art.

It’s one of those things where
art is something you make

as a human being to
sort of express yourself.

After he won this competition and the
controversy comes out and the news comes out,

he says to the news,
and I think this is already

his first mistake, he
goes, “Art is dead, dude.

” If you want to make a
serious sort of statement

about the future, about technology
and stuff, you got to cut the dude out.

I say dude a lot.

If I’m being really honest,
my day-to-day conversation

is talking to people, I
actually say dude quite often.

I actually use it as an
expression of frustration.

I use it for both male and female.

To me, dude is gender neutral.

But if I was going to
make a serious statement

to the news about something that
I wanted people to take seriously,

I don’t think I would
throw a dude in there.

He says, “Art is
dead, dude, it’s over.

” AI won, humans lost.

So this to me is the first
irony, is that he’s a human.

So if humans have lost, he has to
actually include himself in that category.

So if he’s in that category, he
too has and is going to lose out.

And that’s maybe the first
step is he doesn’t see the irony

of what he’s doing to himself here as he
loses because AI in this case kind of wins.

So because he won and
this piece of art became

relatively famous, it
was all over the internet.

News outlets were showing it.

They were talking about it.

He tries to copyright
his piece of art, this image

so that other people
can’t, you know, steal it.

So despite the fact that we
know that AI to generate an image

has to be taking images off the internet,
learning from them, learning what they are,

so essentially stealing
other artists’ work to learn

to then add those elements into
the new piece of art it creates.

AI is stealing art on his behalf.

He’s using a sort of two,
three degrees of separation

to justify the fact that
he hasn’t stolen anything.

The AI is just learned,
it’s changed it, it’s modified,

it’s a new thing, therefore it’s
not theft in the traditional sense.

So he has this new thing that he made,

but he hasn’t actually made it because
AI has kicked in some effort there.

So his copyright application gets rejected

because they’re saying
as much as you may have

contributed to this, AI
also contributed to this.

AI has been stealing from other artists,

they don’t use those
words, but they’re

saying like, AI’s not
doing anything original.

You can’t copyright a non-original work.

It’s lifted, it’s copied, it’s
taken from other artists.

You can’t copyright that
without paying royalties

or giving kickbacks or
figuring something else

to give back to those
artists in the first place.

So they’re essentially
saying, because AI contributed

to this art, you as a
human cannot copyright it.

So his copyright claim has now
been, he’s now lost because AI has won.

He tried again and again and again.

And was rejected again
and again and again and again.

Now, if you go on Etsy,
people are selling this image.

It’s on cups, it’s on
t-shirts and other stuff.

They’re making money off it.

He’s not getting a taste
of any of that money.

He’s not getting a taste of any of that
money because he can’t copyright that image.

Since that image is now free on
the internet, other people are using it,

they might be making
thousands, hundreds of thousands.

Perhaps even millions,
I doubt it’s that big.

But he’s losing revenue
because he cannot copyright

that image because people
are now stealing the image

that he made from him, that
as we know, because of the

way AI works, that the image
was stolen from someone else

in the first place, they’re
not getting paid for that work.

So now in Colorado,
this guy is trying to sue

Colorado to force them
to create the copyright

because he has apparently
lost potential millions of dollars.

Now, the interesting thing to
me now is he’s actually too late.

So he’s already like the boom on
this piece of artwork is already gone.

AI art, generated art, state fair
art, isn’t the kind of long lasting art

that people are going
to review and see again,

and it’s not going to become
part of the consciousness

like the statue of David or something else,
or like even if you haven’t really seen it

or you don’t really care about it,
you kind of know what I’m talking about.

This isn’t going to do that, it’s not
going to have that sort of cultural impact.

If he didn’t get it right away
in 2022, he’s not going to get

it in 2024 by 2026, people
have probably forgotten about it.

It’s going to become a footnote in history
as the first piece of AI generated art,

and you notice every time they talk about
it, they don’t talk about his contribution.

They only talk about
the AI art contribution

of this piece of work because
that’s the only bit people care about.

Dave is just collapsed out of his bed.

He sleeps, he sleeps hard.

I mean, let’s just give him some credit.

So when we start looking
at back the history of AI

and how AI, how it fermented, how it began,
all the things that AI has or can do,

don’t probably be a picture
of his piece of artwork

in even textbooks or
Wikipedia and stuff in the future,

but what’s actually going to end up is
he’s never going to get a penny from that

because his contribution
is now less meaningful

to that art than the
contribution from the AI

like mid-journey, which
takes us into a second

lawsuit that’s going
on right now as well.

And it’s deep AI, the big big company
that is basically the AI company right now.

They are suing pretty
much the world to try to

get an exemption from
copyright across the board.

So the statement from the CEO is, we
can’t train AI on only public domain stuff.

So he’s basically saying right now,
AI is allowed to go out on the internet,

find public domain stuff,
put that into their generation

or whatever they do to create the
AI, to give it something to learn on.

And he’s saying the problem is,

that’s not enough for us to make a
modern intelligent AI, which I agree with.

The problem is what he then has to do is go

to copy written material
and use that to train his AI

and then that will then generate
new iterations of that thing.

So we’re talking about artwork,
we’re talking about writing,

we’re talking about like actual
work that could be done by a person,

that will not be done by
a person if the AI does it.

So all those people who
created the source material

are saying, I’ve copy
written this work, you want to

take this work from me, then
you got to pay me royalties.

And they’re saying, well,
we can’t afford to do that.

And we’re like, well,
if you can’t afford to

do that, then you
can’t use that material.

He’s like, but we need an exception
because we need this AI stuff to work.

Otherwise, how are we
supposed to sell this AI

and how am I supposed
to make millions of dollars?

Ironically, the dude
already has millions of

dollars, but I don’t
think that’s the point.

I think the point for
him is to own everything

and have all knowledge at his
fingertips that he is then in control of.

This is actually my biggest fear is that a
single dominant AI actually takes control.

And that’s the one whoever
owns that is the one that Jeez,

at the end of the day, there’s
nothing we can do against it,

except create our own
internet that is not a part of.

Oh, I’ve actually said this a bunch of
times while talking about technology stuff.

We just need two internet.

We need the now more
commercialized internet,

which is going to be your
traditional key TV cable package thing.

It’s going to have Netflix.

It’s going to have all this stuff.

It’s going to have Facebook.

It’s going to have whatever
Twitter on and all this other bullshit.

That’s the one I probably
wouldn’t go on anymore.

That’s the one you can put
all the AI you want on there.

I would be on the second internet,
which doesn’t have any of this shit.

And it’s just people generating
stuff and making stuff.

And it’s to me, the good old internet.

And I’m a very old man.

So maybe I’m just my nostalgia’s kicked in

and I only remember the
good bits of the old internet.

But I do remember that it was all
people and it was all stuff made by people.

And I was always really, really impressed

by the creativity of people and all
the stuff that happened on there.

And that is the stuff I would
like to see a lot more of.

So really, what the guy
from this company is saying

is we want to take all the material that
people have made and put on the internet

and not pay any copyright,
not pay them at all.

And then take that material
so that our AI can generate

new versions of that and
put those people out of work.

And that way, they don’t
only not get copyright,

they no longer get to
do the work they love.

So let’s talk about
this podcast that I make

and I enjoy making
podcasts and AI comes in

and it can make a perfect Cmic
B or perfect Ninja News Japan

or a perfect Montana L Diablo or
a perfect daily affirmations weekly.

And it can generate one every single day.

That is the same if not higher
quality than the one I make, my quality.

Again, if I’m drinking lunch,
as the theme song says,

is pretty hit and miss
and let’s be honest today.

I had a little gin in my coat
while I was having my lunch.

It’s a very nice afternoon.

I’m probably gonna be sleepy
by the end of this podcast.

But that’s irrelevant.

That’s another thing.

AI can’t get drunk with you.

Can’t hang out and talk to you.

So you come to a stream with an AI thing.

It’s not had a couple cocktails
and has a sort of different attitude.

And it’s all a different kind of smooth
atmosphere to everything that’s going on.

No, it’s just AI.

And then eventually that gets boring.

But if it can generate the exact same
show I make, then it’s going to do that.

And I can’t keep up speedwise.

I can’t release an episode every
day because I have a full time job.

Now there’s no one
listening to this podcast.

And it just keeps generating
and generating and generating.

And I see it’s going to kill the name
because again, it’s going to hit this limit

of I haven’t made any new stuff
because I’m no longer making podcasts.

So it has nothing it can learn off of.

So now it has to go into repetition.

It has to go into iterations of
the same thing over and over again.

This essentially hit
the writer’s block of AI

when other people are not
introducing new ideas into the AI.

Now it could do some creative things.

Let’s combine two other things
I’ve stolen into one new thing.

So that one new thing is slightly
more interesting for an extended period.

But I think there is
a limit to the level of

creativity because it
can never go into left field.

It just can’t go out of nowhere
and do something unusual.

It can’t add in new elements without having
someone tell it to add in new elements.

Basically the future of AI is very boring.

It’s actually my biggest concern.

Like if you want to put everything into AI

and everything relies on AI
and AI is making everything,

it’s going to hit a point where
it just everything is boring.

And we’ve already hit that with like
formulaic movies and formulaic TV shows

and formulaic things and we have these
expectations and they’re never broken.

So we’re actually getting bored with a
lot of stuff because we’ve hit peak TV.

Like I have a dozen TV
shows like I know it’s good

and I want to watch it,
but it’s already too much.

Now if AI starts generating even more and
then I get to this point where it’s like,

well it’s just the same
show with a slightly

different name where it’s
a slightly different change.

They’ve just been ripping each
other off for like the last six years.

And I’m like, why am I even watching TV?

And I can totally see that
actually happening where that’s

one of the things that actually
kills television and movies.

So the next question in the court case is
how much money is your company made?

So of course it’s
millions, billions of dollars.

And then the second
question is how much have

you paid out in royalties
and the answer is zero.

So they’ve taken, they
knowingly have taken music.

They knowingly have taken like art.

They’ve knowingly have
taken just scripts and stuff.

A lot of comedians were suing AI
because the big thing for a little while,

it’s kind of gone away, but it’s gonna
come back, is can AI make jokes?

Can AI do something that’s
actually funny to people?

We had the initial stages of AI.

We were making stuff that was weird and we
thought it was funny because it was weird.

But again, that’s sort
of the confusing out

of left field stuff that
we never expected.

They want to make fully proper structured
jokes that delight and surprise people.

And the way they do that is to
take jokes from actual comedians.

I think Sarah Silverman was
one of the leaders of this lawsuit

saying, okay, you’re taking
my jokes, you’re feeding into AI.

It’s kind of removing and
swapping out elements,

but it’s really just telling
the exact same joke.

But now we’re in a situation where she’s
not getting any money from this company.

She’s not getting anything
to sustain her career.

And if they actually are
successful, her career ends

because why would I listen to Sarah Silverman
do like a one hour special once a year

when I can go to this AI
channel that does Sarah

Silverman jokes 24 hours
a day, every day, all day,

until I get bored of it and then
don’t want to hear about it anymore.

My full expectation as there will be
more lawsuits going forward on all sides.

So we have the artist suing
the Colorado government

to try to get copyright so that
he can make money off his image.

The image that was
fundamentally stolen from

other artists who are
not getting paid copyright.

So I think if he gets his copyright

and then these artists can
prove that it took elements

from their artwork, they
would be suing him next.

We have this company who’s
trying to sue for the ability

to not have to have any regard
for copyright suing the government

saying we need this to train
our AI to stay competitive,

to stay, you know, to keep in an
advantageous positioning in the industry.

They’re going to be stealing from artists
and writers and musicians and other things.

And then if they’re
successful, those artists’ writers

and other things are
going to sue them for

taking their stuff
without paying copyright.

They’re never going to
get that exemption, though.

And then we have this
guy trying to get copyright

and getting refused because,
well, you contributed to it, yes,

but also the person
you worked with, the AI,

also contributed as much
as you did, if not more,

and you’re not paying them,
therefore, you can’t get copyright.

The AI cannot be given
copyright on a fundamental

grounds that they
do not own anything.

And that’s actually an interesting problem
is that if AI doesn’t own anything itself,

it’s going to be very hard
for AI to claim copyright.

It’s going to be companies on their behalf

and then they’re going
to immediately go to that

company and go like,
where did this come from?

How did this generate this information?

Can you trace it back to its source?

What was the source?
Have you paid that guy?

And that’s actually what it comes down
to, is they just don’t want to pay anybody.

The Hollywood strikes, I
did a whole episode on that.

And it’s because they had
some insane things in there.

What they wanted to do, one of the stories
was they wanted to take this script.

And it was this woman’s
essentially life story.

They said, we’re going to pay you
like a million dollars for this script.

But in the contract, it says,
we can feed your script into AI

and then from that, we’ll
be able to develop movies

and series based off what
the AI spits out afterwards.

And you’re not going to get any of that.

And she’s like, well, why
would I take a million dollars

when they’re going to try
to make 20, 30, 40 million

dollars per episode,
let’s say, of this TV show

that extrapolates from my information,
my life, and my script and my writing.

Like, it doesn’t make sense
to give that up to you anymore.

And there you can see sort of
the fundamental failure in Hollywood.

What’s going to happen is
you’re going to have people

who write, and they’re not
going to bring it to Hollywood

because like if I bring it to Hollywood,
I’m selling my soul, I’m giving it away.

They give me what is
a lot of money initially.

But a million dollars now
is only worth so much.

Like when I was a kid, a million
dollars, you could live forever.

Now a million dollars, you could
live for a long time if you’re a frugal.

But if we’re being really
honest, a million dollars

isn’t going to sustain
you until your old age.

I mean, it depends when you
start if you give me a million dollars.

Now, I probably could live the rest of
my life on it, but you’re a young writer.

You’re 20 years old, you’ve
written this amazing script.

They offer you a million dollars,
but then they’re going to put

you out of business right
after that because anything

you write is actually already
been written by the AI.

Now, of course, I have a certain
amount of faith in humans’ creativity.

That’s the whole point of this.

I think humans could come up
with a new and different story.

But then after you get
burned to that first time,

would you take it back
to Hollywood for them to

give you, let’s say, a
second million dollars

that then they would then
generate a billion dollars

worth of content out
of that you get nothing.

You don’t get a part of that.

If they were offering a
percentage, I think it might

be more amenable, because
then at least I get paid.

So if I could write
something really, really good

and they put it in an eye
and they make a billion dollars

and I still get 10 million
dollars, 15, 20 million dollars,

maybe a hundred million dollars,
I would be a more okay with that.

But it’s because these
companies want all the money

and not to pay the people
who actually do the work.

So what they’re trying
to do is scam people now

into like create work,
give us full copyright

forever in perpetuity,
you don’t get anything.

And then we don’t need
to hire writers anymore

because we have
everything in our little system.

And that again is when these TV shows,

these movies, they get
so boring and repetitive,

’cause this is the exact
same thing I’ve seen before.

They also had four actors.

If you’re a background
actor, you had to sign a waiver

that they could own
your face in perpetuity.

And my example was I am
a very, very young Brad Pitt.

I’m 17 years old and I’m
trying to get into movies.

I want to be an actor.

I’m trying to get my first shots.

And then I am in a crowd seen in a movie.

And then in a different
company, I become popular.

And then I become, you
know, 30, 40 year old Brad Pitt

and I’m making 20 million
dollars in movie easy.

Well, this other company still
owns my face from when I was 17.

So they slap that face onto another actor
and make an action movie with my name.

It might not even have my name
on it, but it has my face on it.

Now they’re making movies with
my face and I don’t get a piece of that.

I don’t get any say over that.

They start doing horrible things.

This is where deep fakes and revenge
porn and all these other things come in.

Because now maybe there’s a
porn company that’s associated with

that other company that I was
a background actor in the crowd.

And they’re now making porn with
my face in it from when I was 17.

And, okay, maybe I find that immoral.

Maybe I don’t, but then if I
don’t, I should still get paid.

Like I should get a piece of
that money and they won’t

give it to me ’cause they
own my face in perpetuity.

So you can see that
would be a huge block point

for any sort of negotiation going
forward because you don’t want a company

to own anything of
yours in perpetuity forever

and they can do whatever they want
with it and you never get a piece of it.

The final part of this is terrifying
because it’s AI in warfare,

which is another sort of total left,
like we’ve just taken a huge left term

for what I was talking about before but
it was AI and it’s in the news recently.

60 countries have ratified this idea

and it’s re-aim and it’s basically how AI
will be used in warfare because in Ukraine

they’re using a lot of
drones and some of them are

autonomous and they’re
worried about terminator.

Like we’re gonna make drones that go around

and just do strikes on
any living thing in the area.

It doesn’t have any morals,
it doesn’t make any decisions.

It just sees something in this area.

I’m gonna kill that thing.

Or they tell the thing, we
don’t want you to kill that child.

And then the AI goes, nah, but I
kind of wanna, and then it does.

One of the first experiments
I read about never saw

it actually happen was,
luckily it was never physical.

It was only within a computer
model but they had an AI drone

and they basically
were like, well, how do

we get the AI to
understand what its goal is?

And so they’re like, well, we’ll give it
points for destroying enemy targets.

And then the AI’s like,
well, I get enemy targets.

Well, I wanna get as many
enemy targets as I can

’cause I wanna get as many points as I can
because that’s what you programmed into me.

Then they’re like, well,
don’t hit this target.

Hit this target.

He’s like, but if I hit both
targets, I get more points, right?

And that’s what I wanna do.

And they’re like, well, no, no, but this
one is not the target we want you to hit.

So then the AI shut off communications.

And then it was free to do what it
want because it wasn’t getting told

that it’s not allowed
to hit things anymore.

And again, this was all
within a computer simulation

but the very first thing the
AI did is when people were

saying don’t do that, don’t
ignore your initial programming.

The AI was like, now, I’ll
figure out a way around it

so I can then continue
with my initial programming.

Which is very 2001 space odyssey
where the computer had its mission

which was superior to the
mission of the men on board

and that’s how you
got the guy locked out in

space and the robot
wouldn’t let him back in.

If you haven’t seen that movie
and don’t what I’m talking about,

it’s a pacing has changed a
lot since that movie came out

but conceptually, it’s
a very, very interesting

problem because the
robot AI in the spaceship

has its own set of criteria
and things that are important.

It’s own priorities that don’t necessarily
include the humans on board the ship.

So we have this 60 countries
ratifying this agreement

and they’re saying like, we
don’t wanna put AI into things,

we don’t want AI making arbitrary decisions,
we need people, we need oversight,

all this kind of stuff that would make again,
trying to keep the reins on a conflict.

And then you have China and China
has said, we are not going to ratify this,

we’re not gonna join in on this agreement
which immediately takes the whole thing

and shoves it out the window
because if you have one country

who’s like, we are refusing
to follow the rules of war,

well then you actually
end up in a situation

where no one should be
following the rules of war

’cause it’s the only way
to actually get things done.

If we’re gonna end up in a conflict

and you’re gonna cheat,
then I kinda have to cheat.

These are some of the interesting
questions that the AI is presenting us

because you end up with,
again, on the very small scale,

you have a guy who made
art with AI and he’s saying

like, I’m losing money
because I can’t copyright this.

I can’t copyright this
because AI contributed

to it and the AI stole
it from other people.

You have company saying, we
should be able to ignore copyright

because if we have to follow
copyright, then we’re stuck

in this situation where we
can’t get enough information.

We can’t get enough information to
use because we don’t have enough money

to pay everyone we steal from and
then you have the companies going,

we wanna buy your face, we wanna buy
your content and then never pay you again,

but we get to keep all that stuff
and generate more and more content

where we make money
off it, no one else does.

So there’s that sort of greed
where I get all the money

from my company and no
one else gets to share in it.

I get all the control and the power,
which extends to this country level

where it’s like we wanna make sure
that war doesn’t become this terminator

to kind of dystopic future and
then there’s a couple of countries

that’s like, no man, we’re kind of
on board with the dystopic future.

If we think we can win and
that’s clearly the fault of humanity

and you can see this is, again,
where I’m talking about morality.

The AI itself has no morality in this.

It is not good or bad, it is
the people and the countries

that are using it that make
these moral and immoral decisions

that lead us to where we’re
going to be in the future,

which very much looks like
it’s going to be a dystopia.

(upbeat music)

♪ After the mind of the academy ♪

♪ Shop my pictures ♪

♪ Where the bastards of philosophy ♪

♪ Drinking the clutch ♪

♪ Brings rubber skills
like a soccer punch ♪

♪ Won’t come to see ’em my beat ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, oh see ’em my beat ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, oh see ’em my beat ♪

♪ Yeah, oh see ’em my beat ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, oh ♪

CMcB Examines Gravity

The Internet has been telling me,
men think about the Roman Empire a lot.

I didn’t until the Internet started
telling me that people did, and I wondered

why I didn’t. I realized
I am more interested

in Genghis Khan, because
he is the con of my heart.

Then I started
thinking about other

things I don’t think
about, and it got confusing.

Once when I was in
university, I went to a

judo training camp.
These aren’t competitions,

but the coaches there
might be the coaches who

decide if you are worth their
time, so people fight hard.

The last match of the day, my opponent
decided he was going to make a move and

did a double ankle grab
and flip me backwards.

I took a hard fall and
hit the back of my head

against the mats. Hard.
I don’t know if I blacked

out, but I woke up confused
and with a very wiped memory.

This was like cartoon stuff, except
it was real, and therefore very scary.

There are scenes in movies
where people wake up in the

confusion of battle. This
was that, except everyone

was wearing white.
I was wearing white.

Somehow from this singular
piece of information I was able

to gauge my safety,
we were all dressed the

same, so we were all
probably in the same group.

I got up and wandered
around the edge of the mat.

A few people came up
and checked if I was okay,

I just waved them off,
because I didn’t know who

these people were. I was
terrified and didn’t trust anyone.

The workshop was finished, and I didn’t
know what stuff was mine, so I wandered

around some more, got
water, loitered there until

there was only one
bag left. I grabbed it and

looked for a wallet.
Somehow I knew my own face,

but not my name. I recognized
my ID, and I read my own name.

I had one piece of
information. Progress.

I changed and still
avoided speaking to anyone

and wandered up
to the parking lot.

There were a few cars left. I
had keys my bag and looked for

a matching symbol. The only
Volkswagen there was mine.

I got in the car
and just sat there,

finally able to
breathe for a minute.

I felt a bit safer now, because
maybe I was sort of in control

of my environment. I
sat there in memory,

started to come back,
with no semblance of order,

random things that I
knew to be true, but did

not have any context
for. It was confusing,

so I started to drive.
Anyone with even a passing

sense of medicine knows
that every decision I am

making is the wrong one. Head injury,
not telling anyone, not seeking assistance,

driving while in a
mental fog. These are bad

ideas, but the thing
is, I didn’t know anyone,

and everything was scary, so I
did what I thought I needed to do.

My body, luckily,
naturally turned

me in the right direction to go
back to the city where I lived.

By the time I got
back into town,

I was back to normal,
I think. That is to say,

I could remember stuff
and people and things.

I take a certain pride in
the fact that I did not panic.

I may not have made
the best decisions,

but I handled myself.
Many years later, I told

someone about this as
amnesia and television came up,

and I could tell people
what it was really like.

I had it for about 20
minutes, but it felt like days.

After this above story
was recounted, very

possibly with some
flourishes, a coworker asked,

“Is there anything you still don’t
remember?” I wouldn’t know, I said.

That is an interesting concept.

You wouldn’t know what bits
are missing because you wouldn’t

know they were missing.
Like my third birthday.

I don’t remember
my third birthday,

and I don’t know if
that’s because it was

uneventful, or because it
got knocked out of my head

in a training session
that I paid for.

Evolution has assured us there
are many things we don’t think

about, like you can’t
see your nose, or that the

color purple doesn’t
exist. If you close one eye,

you can see your
nose. If you change eyes,

you can see your nose.
If you close both eyes,

you can’t see your nose,
and if you open both your

eyes, you can’t see
your nose. It’s still there.

Your brain just doesn’t
need it in the way all

the time, so it just
sort of erases it.

Your brain just makes the
decision to delete your nose all

the time, and we don’t
think about it at all.

The color purple isn’t
really the color purple.

It’s more the absence
of green, which we cannot

comprehend, so our brains create purple as
a filler so we can just go about our day.

Scientifically, purple
is not a color because

there is no beam of pure
light that looks purple.

There is no wavelength
that corresponds to purple.

We see purple because
the human eye can’t tell

what’s really going
on. Therefore, it is not

considered a real color,
sort of the same way that

royalty doesn’t exist. We
just accept that it does.

So it’s there, which makes it interesting
that purple is associated with royalty.

How do you become royal?
You claim a bunch of land and get

people to back you up
with swords, and then you

have some God-given right
to all the swans or some shit.

Owning all the swans is
what really gives it away.

That part is clearly made up.

So we evolved not to see
our nose and to make up

purple in so many other things. Evolution
is a complicated process, like Pokémon.

A variety of factors determines
if a Pokémon will level up.

The Pokémon’s level,
when friendship is high,

at certain locations or
regions, while holding an item.

Some unique conditions
may impact a Pokémon,

like Pancham evolves
into Pangoro, starting at

level 32, if there is a dark
type Pokémon in the party.

Inge involves into
Malamar, starting at

level 30, when leveled
up, while the game system

is held upside down
and feedback evolves into

Miletik, when leveled
up with its beauty

condition at 170 or above.
I have not encountered

any of these conditions,
so I assume this has

stalled my evolution. If
we are in a simulation,

as someone suggests.
One way to tell is if the

system is held upside
down, and your friend gains

immunity to psychic attacks.
Well, there’s your confirmation.

All of this so far is
impacted mostly by gravity.

As we are on a
planet, gravity is with

us all the time. So much
so that our evolution

into what we are is
more of an influence than

having 999 Game of
Google coins in your bag,

and a golden go.
Yeah, I know. It’s big.

Golden go, give a Google
big. The big bang happened.

Surprisingly, the beginning
of the big bang would

have been small. The rapid
expansion was the big part.

I am suspicious of the
bang bit, to be honest.

Sound, vacuums, and
all. It’s hard to hear

anything over a vacuum,
so maybe there wasn’t

any sound, and then
the big bang, and then an

actual bang, a little bit
after. This created all

the building blocks of
the universe as we know it.

Hydrogen and epoxy.
The problem was stuff was

everywhere, so to make
things stick to other things,

which is what the epoxy is for.

But it can’t stick to anything
if there is nothing to stick to.

The irony of being a sticky
substance with nothing

to stick to at the
beginning of the universe.

Attraction became
the fifth element.

The movie of the same name
from 1997, which was two hours

and six minutes long, much
longer than the moment

the big bang happened,
but shorter than the

entirety of the universe
existing, would have

you believe that the
fifth element is love,

but they are being dramatic
for the sake of the story.

The preceding file
elements would be earth,

wind, fire, and funky
beads. Every function

of your body is subtly
regulated by gravity.

So much so, you don’t even
realize you are a machine

that depends on it.
Probably your pesky brain

making decisions for you
again without your consent.

If you truly broke
the bonds of gravity,

the universe would do
what it does to everything,

make you into a sphere.
It would take time,

but the universe has
so much time, it doesn’t

even worry about it. The
universe never rushes.

It slowly pulls and
molds you, softening your

insides so you can be
gently pulled in all directions

at the same time.
The height of universal

evolution is Kirby.
Kirby, for all his cuteness

and ability to suck, was
not really a character design.

What you see in a
Kirby game is the place

holder 4, probably some
Mario rip off or something.

After working with the
pink blob, they decided

not to change anything
and just use Kirby as

is. The universe accepted
and approved of this,

because it wants you to
see what you could become.

If only you would forget
all about that being

bound to a planet nonsense.
None effects of long-term

residents in space are decreased
bone density, muscle atrophy.

The universe is softening you up,
so it can slowly mold you into a ball.

That, or it is waiting
until you become the

perfect stake, modeled
and soft. You are just a

sliver of wagyu to the
universe, where you could be.

It is impossible to know the
ways of the universe at this stage.

We do not have the technology or ability
to find out if our ultimate destiny is

to be Kirby, or wagyu
humanity. Perhaps to the

universe, they are the same
thing. I guess we will know

when the furthest flung
stars are finally observed

to just be barbecues warming
up and waiting for our time.

This is why barbecues are so universally
appealing to us. It is part of the core

atoms that make up the
universe as we speed away

from the big bang, so
shall we return to the

singular fire as the most
expensive cut of meat,

blobs of fat dripping
into create more planets,

but who shall consume
us. When Azathoth wakes,

the universe will end
because the universe is a

creation within the
dreams of Azathoth.

Thus, when the awakening
occurs, there will be no more

dream for us to exist
in. Azathoth is said to not

understand its own dream,
which isn’t that unusual.

I once had a dream where
death was standing at

the end of my bed
holding a bowl of ice cream.

Death, the very classic version of death
and a hooded cloak was scaled in hands,

was holding a bowl
of vanilla ice cream.

Upon my realization within
the dream that death was in my

room holding a bowl of
ice cream, I became very

aware that there was a task
that needed to be completed.

Death communicated to
me, death communicated

to me, but I can’t remember
if there were words,

or just a feeling sent
into the deepest part of

my soul, that if the ice cream were to
touch the floor, everyone I know would die.

Death then started to curl the
gnarled knuckles and twists so

that the bowl was
rotating ever so slowly, but

would eventually
succumb to gravity and fall

from the bowl to inevitably
hit the floor, causing

the ruination of
everyone I had ever known.

Talk about pressure. I
had a large, flat piece

of wood that I used
to put paper on to draw,

and I would draw on
the wood. I pulled this

large, awkward thing from
the corner and tempted

to position it, where the ice
cream was destined to fall.

It was while doing
this that my father

entered the room and
asked me what I was doing.

Apparently, I gave a
fairly incoherent answer,

as I was in a bit of
a panic attempting to

save the world and did
not have time for the

nonsense of explaining
the situation of someone

who would not
understand, but know this.

I was working in his
interest. As a thought,

just had to be kept asleep
by drummers keeping a

peaceful beat, giving me that
over death ice cream any day.

Even men in my childlike nightmare
as gravity played its part, gravity, a

function I did not
understand scientifically,

was so naturally a part
of my psyche, it was

elemental in the dream.
Otherwise, the ice cream

would just have floated
away, along with the

specter of death, along with
me. I mean that seems kind of fun.

So many other aspects of our life are
governed by gravity in ways we are not aware,

sleeping with a blanket,
the security that it offers.

The comfort that
comes from the fact that

the blanket is being pulled towards the
earth via gravity, and therefore has weight.

Some people even buy heavier
blankets to increase this effect.

Basically, they are
blankets that are more

receptive to gravity,
and bring us more comfort

and security as a result.
Pooping and its various

functions are all encouraged
centered around gravity.

In space, poop particles
are a real problem,

with real astronauts
making real complaints

and justifications that
the poop invading the

mission is not theirs.
Astronauts, despite being

elevated from earth
and freed from gravity,

are still people. They would blame it
on the dog if there was one in space.

The following is an actual
transcript from Apollo 10.

Oh, who did it? Tom
Stafford asked at one point.

Confused, young
and certain in replied.

Who did what? Sernan.
Where did that come from?

Stafford. Get me
a napkin. Quick.

There’s a turd floating
through the air. Young.

I didn’t do it. It ain’t one
of mine. Sernan. I don’t think

it’s one of mine. Stafford.
Mine was a little more

sticky than that. Throw it
away. Young. God Almighty.

I do like that the
astronauts had to give

each other instructions
to throw away the poop

as opposed to let’s
keep it in study it.

Most of your bodily functions
function as a result of

being developed with the constant
force of gravity behind them.

Our science fiction dreams have us walking
on spaceships with artificial gravity.

But the real and foe do not
provide the same comfort.

It’s as if our bodies
know the constant

of gravity is real. Six
months in microgravity

created on the ISS
showed a significant decline

in cognitive functions.
This is obviously

as of the author work.
Confusing our minds the

way their mind is confused
by the entirety of the

universe contained
within their dream.

Manual dexterity is decreased.
Motion perception and decreased

ability to operate vehicles when
compared to ground-based controls.

Essentially, the longer someone is in
space, the worse they get at video games.

Simulated gravity has also
demonstrated a decrease in positive

emotions, abnormal
mood swings of fear and

anxiety, and short-term
memory was impaired.

So when the astronaut
loses the game they are

playing, they will react
negatively. This is one of

the primary drivers for me
not having any astronaut friends.

The ultimate loss
of gravity would

mean that we, as stated
before, would become spheres.

We would float out into
the vastness of space,

but then become attracted to each other
again, spinning and bumping into each other,

sticking to each other
because someone broke

the bounds of Earth with
some epoxy in their pocket.

Our Kirby-like
bodies would stick

together, become more
dense, and then collapse to a

point where we initiate
another big bang all over again.

Then someone would say,
“Look at all the hydrogen.

Makes me realize that
Seth Meyers was really

good at his job. And
feedback evolves into Militech.

And feedback evolves into
Militech. Militech? Milotech?

And feedback evolves
into Militech. Milotech?

I think the fuck you
that is not a hard word.

And feedback evolves into
Militech when leveled up.

And feedback evolves into Militech.
Fuck you.

Should I try to memorize these and
then read it? I bet that would work better.

It’s because I’m not doing a practice run.

Poop Politics

(upbeat music)

  • There’s a story that caught my attention
    lately and I’m finding it fascinating.

And only because of
the, wow, it’s North Korea.

North Korea is always fascinated me and
then I kind of check in every now and then.

They shoot missiles over Japan
a lot, so they pop up in the news.

In the past South Koreans
have sent memory sticks

with music, Korean dramas, food, medicine,
and money over the North Korean border.

So what they do is they
connect it to a balloon and they

float it up in the air and
the wind will carry it over.

This is often led by North Korean defectors,
so people who lived in North Korea

have defected to the South and they’re
trying to get other people to understand,

you know, there’s a different
world, a different way they could do it.

They should defect too.

So if you’re North Korean
and a loyal North Korean,

then this is, you know,
what would we call it?

This is the worst kind of propaganda.

Showing people that
there’s a different life

outside of North Korea
that might actually be better.

I remember a story of two North Korean,

basically high school boys
who were sentenced to prison

because they were
watching episodes of Friends.

They were watching episodes of Friends

because they got their hands
on one of those USB sticks

and they had some friends
on it and they watched Friends.

So they watched an English American show,

not just a K-drama, and that got them sent
to prison for who knows how long, right?

This is North Korea, so the
sentences are quite arbitrary.

Last week, North Korea, well,
they must have had a meeting

of something and they’re
like, you know what,

we’re gonna send something
back over the border.

We’re gonna send a message.

And that message is gonna be really clear

that you don’t wanna do this,
you shouldn’t do this anymore.

So they were like, we’re going to
send balloons back over the border.

The military explosives unit was
dispatched to check on the balloons.

There were more than 260
balloons that were dropped

onto the dropped through
to North South Korea.

They had plastic bags attached to them.

So these plastic bags,
there’s a question of,

what did North Korean, this was done
officially, this was done by the government.

What are we gonna put
in these plastic bags?

So if you were at the meeting, you’d
have like a North Korean general maybe,

and he’s like, what
should we put in the bags

to demonstrate the resolve
and the might of North Korea?

And then for some reason,
there was a five-year-old

in the room and the
five-year-old went, poop.

We wanna, the North Korean
general then looks around

the room and goes, we want to lure South
Koreans from their decadent lifestyle back

to the North Korean family they should have
known reunites the North and the South.

What would represent North
Korea’s desires in that way,

the best, what could we put
in that to send that message?

And then the five-year-old
speaks over again and goes, poop.

And then everyone around the table
went, you know he makes a good point.

Who let the five-year-old in?

If you ever watch any of those
old movies, 80s movies did this a lot,

where you had kids for the main
characters and then it somehow

involved the military and
then at some point in the movie,

there’s a literal military
meeting with kids in the room

and they’re like giving
comments and advising

these adult generals
on what should be done

in this situation, usually
it was the aliens and stuff.

It was very silly to look at,
the more you think about it, the

more ridiculous it is, but it
does make sense for this situation

’cause how would you
get a group of military

leaders to go, you
know what we should do?

We should put poop in bags, attach it
to blooms and send it across the border

and that’s gonna send some kind of
message The message to me is a bit garbled.

I’m a bit unsure of what
it actually should be.

So what actually was in it
was plastic trash and manure.

The reason we know that was
manure and not human feces

was because it must have
been someone’s job to test it,

so the explosive unit rushes
out, so these are like very

serious military guys, they
know how to defuse bombs.

They get these bomb disposal
guys get to these balloons

and there’s again, there’s
two hundred in CCMs,

there’s a lot, so
there’s like no time to

waste, they have to check
them and analyze them,

make sure they’re safe, make
sure they’re not gonna hurt anybody,

and they, you know,
gonna have to go through

a lot of procedures
to open them carefully

and they open them one after
the other and spread it out,

so they would have had
to find all the particulate

in it, so the plastic, the
papers and the manure,

and then they have to send
it back to labs for testing,

and so that is how we know there is no
human feces, it was manure from animals.

And I just think of
there’s something poor

guy, that’s his job,
his job was to test it.

North Korea stated that
balloons from the South

were dirty things and a
dangerous provocation.

Mounds of waste paper and
filth will be sent in response,

so what they’re saying is view send
balloons over the border to the north,

we are going to send balloons back
over the border full of garbage and manure.

On 2014, the North tried shooting the balloons
down, I do like they use the word try,

’cause that means they weren’t successful,
so they have a, these are big balloons,

like these are supposed to
carry the contents for miles,

and they’re shooting at them, and
maybe they’re not very good shots,

I don’t know, it’s ’cause I hear
stories about how the North

Korean military, all they do
is train so they’re very good,

but then you also hear
they also have no food,

so how can they be
very good at anything?

They got a lot of complaints of
people who live near the border,

so those people were saying like,
please don’t shoot down the balloons

or try to shoot down the balloons anymore,
’cause their guns are going off all night.

In 2021, the government in South Korea
said, we should put a ban on these balloons,

it’s provoking the North, we don’t
want that, it’s gonna cause trouble,

we don’t want some of
the shooting at balloons,

and then the bullets come
down somewhere in South

Korea and actually injure
someone by accident,

that could accidentally set
off a war, we don’t want that.

But then a court said,
well, telling people they can’t

send messages to North Korea
is a violation of free speech,

so sending the balloons from South Korea to
North Korea is a protected writing Korea,

which is a very interesting piece of
legislation that had to be discussed.

But again, they’re trying
to send medicine, money,

they are sending USB sticks with like popular
content, K-pop and K-dramas and stuff.

Kim Yojin, who’s North Korean
leaders, sister, who is kind

of poised to take over and
she’s very serious looking.

She said, we will make it
clear that we will respond

with 10 times more the amount of filth
to what the South sends in the future.

So what they’re saying is for every balloon

that send, they send
over the borders of the

North, they’re gonna
send 10 times that amount

of balloons to 10 balloons
back, full of garbage and filth.

Two days ago, as of this recording,
90 more balloons were sent.

So there’s 260 in the first
batch, 90 in the second batch.

They were full of paper,
plastic, and cigarette butts.

So you got Korean soldiers and generals,

and just be like, well,
keep throwing in these

trash bags and we’re
gonna tie these trash bags up

instead of throwing them
away, disposing of them.

We’re gonna send them
over to the Southern border

as a message to our Southern
compatriots that we’re better.

I don’t know what the message there is.

I mean, I guess the message
is to stop, don’t send this stuff.

But, I don’t know, I don’t think it’s that.

There are real world ramifications of this.

So I kind of gloved on to this story
because the idea of sending poop

from North Korea to South
Korea as a message was

interesting ’cause in my
head, in my heart, my dreams,

what is the message they’re
actually trying to send?

Well, they’re trying to say
that the stuff you’re sending us

is dirty, we’re sending you
something even dirtier back.

But the real world ramifications are
that there was a treaty signed in 2018

designed to ease tensions
surrounding the border.

So they’re like, we’re
gonna sign this treaty

and the South is not going
to do military exercises

close to the border, it
makes everyone nervous.

The North is going to ease off the border
’cause that’s what makes everyone nervous.

And they don’t want a war to kick off.

But, because of these balloons being friends
sent from North Korea to South Korea,

they’re now talking about
suspending this agreement

and they start doing
drills close to the border

because again, this is where
the balloons are coming from.

It’s sort of invading their country.

A Korean general said
he will take sufficient

and immediate measures, but
no clarification is what that was.

So it could be that we’re gonna
try to shoot down their balloons

so that the manure from their
balloons falls on their border

and doesn’t get to us so they
have to pick up their own garbage.

So far, no one’s been hurt.

Now, these balloons
have like a timer in them

and they think the timer is
supposed to pop the balloon

when it’s over a city
center and then drop the

balloon into the city,
something like that.

That could fall on someone and hurt them.

Again, this is problematic because this
is how a war could kick off in the future.

My biggest concern, North
Korea is testing missiles

all the time, they shoot
missiles, they go towards Japan,

over Japan, into the
Sea of Japan all around.

And it is you get missile alerts on
your phone, like we get that regularly.

And then one of the problems
is new people come to Japan

and I meet them and they
hear about missiles being shot

and they like freak out
and I’m like, no, no, no.

That’s like literally a
weekly occurrence in Japan.

It’s just North Korea shooting missiles.

My concern though, so they
tend to just fall into the water

and then it’s just a test is
my actual concern is they hit

a fishing vessel or
something else by accident.

So they don’t actually right
now intend to do anything

but it’s a show of force,
it’s intimidation, intimidation.

But if they hit a boat and
they hit that boat by accident

and kill some Japanese
or South Korean fishermen,

citizens, the government
has to respond.

There’s no way you can
actually just let that go.

Like you killed five, 10, 15, maybe 20,
30 people depends how big the boat is.

You can’t kill that many people
and then not have a response.

North Korea being the way it is,
they never admit to any wrongdoing.

So they’re not gonna apologize, they’re
not gonna say they did something wrong,

they’re not gonna try to
make any amends for that.

They’re going to stick
to their guns and say,

well, you shouldn’t be
fishing in our waters,

even though it’s not their
water, something like that.

And that’s where the
problem is gonna arise.

So right now, sending poop across
the border is actually quite funny,

but you can see it escalates
and these small escalations

tend to have real world problems,
which actually could be an issue,

but still, maybe they should get
that five-year-old out of the room.

This is something I’ve
maybe talked about in

the past and it’s Kung
Fu fights to the death.

And I talk about Kung Fu a lot.

I like this kind of genre of stuff
and I like fighting movies and stuff.

But Kung Fu movies had
a thing that I always found

was illogical and it was
the fights to the death

of the best of the best to prove
which style was the best style.

Because the problem is, if you have
the two best Kung Fu guys in the world,

let’s say there’s a group of 10 there,
the best Kung Fu guys in the world.

And two of them fight
and one of them has to die.

Now that guy who died,
that means you now only

have nine of the best
Kung Fu guys in the world.

And it’s not like someone
just moves up into that

position, there is a
skill gap that is created.

So if those 10 guys all have to fight
each other until there’s only one left,

that means those guys
who are all the best

in the world don’t get
to teach anyone else.

And that means that
lowers the overall quality

and skill level of Kung Fu
in the martial arts world.

And this is always bug me.

It’s one of those things that’s
illogical to fight to the death in a film.

If the whole point is to prove
that your style is the best.

I guess maybe what they wanna
do is have the other styles die off.

But my other thought is,
even if you win the fight,

these two of the best fighters in the
world fighting means you’re gonna get hurt.

Like you just get hurt.

That’s what happens when you fight.

They don’t usually show that move.

Movies you recover really quick.

People get shot in their shoulder
and they just keep running and stuff.

I’m sure I would at least have
to lie down if that were to happen.

I watched Doom II recently and
there were a couple of elements

that struck me as
really, I don’t know, old.

Off putting way back in the day.

I don’t know, like in ’80s kind of thingy.

When I was young, I didn’t
think about it very much.

But now as I’m getting
older, I’m seeing it.

And it doesn’t sort of
fit in movies anymore.

And it’s when the bad guy lashes out

and kills an underling
standing too close to him.

So this, maybe the most
iconic ones were Darth Vader.

Now he would kill people he
would like crush their throat

when they failed or when
they didn’t do what he wanted.

But in Doom II, you have the
young Harkonan leader guy.

And basically someone standing next
to him and he says, “Let’s go over here.

” And that guy goes,
“Oh, we can’t go over there.

” And he slashes his throat.

And the guy dies.

And you think that would
only happen once or twice

before people will be like,
“You know what, I’m going to do?

I’m not going to stand with
an arms reach of that guy.

” But the problem is they should be promoting
competent people to these positions.

This is an organization.

So they should be promoting
people into these positions.

We have a certain skill set.

And if because they have
to deliver information to you

that you don’t like,
that you actually kill

them in that moment,
well, that’s problematic.

Because you’re out now
taking these skilled managers

and workers around
you and getting rid of

them is which means
they have to be replaced.

And then select the
guy who has to look at

the screen for you and
to deliver information.

You have to replace that guy.

So the guy who gets
promoted in that position

maybe he’s not ready
for that position yet.

Maybe he doesn’t have those skills.

Maybe he is smart enough to
stay out of arms reach, though.

That actually would
be an interesting thing.

But I’m concerned that the overall level
of competence is going to be minimized.

Because anyone with any real
competence is going to realize,

like, I don’t want to be
promoted to the point

where I am within arms
reach of the head bad guy.

Because when the bad guy
gets upset, he kills people.

And I came up with this kind
of like four solutions to this.

And one is you don’t
stand within arms reach.

This doesn’t work with
Darth Vader because

he was using the force
so he could choke you.

He actually did one where he
choked a guy on another spaceship

because he was looking at
him through a view screen.

And he promoted the
guy standing next to him.

But that, again, I was like,
that guy standing next to him.

He might be standing next to him for a
reason because he wasn’t actually very good.

Be quit the job.

So they’re going to promote
you to stand next to the bad guy

who’s going to kill
you if you get so upset.

And you’re the guy who
has to deliver bad information.

You know what’s going on.

You know what?

I’m going to quit this
organization earlier retirement.

I’m out.

Because that’s the end of your career path.

The end of your career path
is you stand next to that guy.

You have to tell him some real information

that he should be able to act on
and then he slashes your throat.

The ones that are more realistic,
though– so you’re in this situation.

You’ve been promoted this position.

Let’s say it’s a military thing and you
can’t because it’s desertion if you run away.

You would end up not
giving him the bad news.

So you’re given bad news and you’re like,

if I deliver this bad news
to him, he’s going to kill me.

So I’m either not going
to deliver the bad news

or I’m going to reinterpret the
bad news so it doesn’t sound bad

so that I can survive,
which means this leader

is now no longer getting
accurate, like a faithfully

accurate information
for him to act on properly.

Which is what crumbles the entire
organization at the end of the day.

I actually would like to
see a movie made by that.

It’s actually the
underlings, the subordinates.

And they’re like, OK, we
have to deliver this information.

Like we’ve found the rebel
base or the rebels are still alive.

And they’re like, OK, but
we have to say this in a way

that makes it sound like we’ve won
or we’re not going to have a problem.

And in that way, maybe we can
remain living for an extended period.

So it’s them manipulating
information all the time.

And that’s how the empire would collapse

because none of the
information would actually

get to the people who are supposed
to act on it or give instructions.

And the last one, very
simple, I would run away.

And this is probably the most realistic one

is like, I guess a technically
counts the same as quit your job.

If you could quit formally, that would make
more sense and be probably a better idea.

But realistically speaking, you’re
probably not– you don’t get that option.

So you just start to run.

You’re like, I’m going to get out of here.

I know if I don’t–
he’s just going to kill me.

And the alternative is you get
caught and get killed anyways.

So there’s no real downside to just
bailing on the whole situation altogether.

I don’t see it as movies as much anymore.

Maybe this is because
Dune 2 is based on a book.

I think it’s from the
’80s, maybe even the ’70s.

And so they still were doing this thing.

Like the whole point of the bad guy
just lashing out and killing someone

because they heard bad news,
which is show how bad they are.

But I think we’ve now gotten to a point

where you need a different
reason or a different way

to show that because it actually makes
less logical sense to kill your underlings.

And going on with movies, like I’m just

tired of people being all shady
and sarcastic to each other.

I started playing a video game
called the Calisto Protocol.

And at the beginning, it has the
two guys, the pilot and the co-pilot.

And they’re just being
snippy to each other.

And I’m like, not in a friendly way.

Not like two friends
who are like bantering.

They were just annoyed
at being with each other.

And I was like, how do these guys
actually work together in a successful way

if they’re so annoyed with
each other all the time?

It doesn’t make sense.

And so I think writers, if
you’re going to write movies

and you have a bad guy, you want
to show how bad the bad guy is,

lashing out and killing
someone that is not the answer.

That is now a trope
and it’s now off the table.

I am now disallowing that as an option.

See him on the beach.

Okay, last little bit.

I accidentally quit caffeine.

It’s about two weeks ago now.

So I just woke up and I was really
busy and I had a rough day ahead of me.

So I just went out and I got
out there and started going.

And I went to work and then I
went halfway through the work.

Maybe a couple hours later, I
started getting the headache.

And I was like, oh, I actually
had the headache before.

It’s a caffeine headache.

But I’m busy and I’m
working so I can’t stop.

So I started popping medicine
and that sort of helped.

But I actually went through the sweats.

I had the headache.

I felt pain.

I felt like exhausted.

It was awful.

It was a terrible, terrible day.

And I was like, you know what?

I know that caffeine addiction kind of
gets out of your system in a day or two.

You still get the cravings and stuff.

But the worst part is already over.

I’ve already suffered through it.

So I might as well quit caffeine.

So then I just quit caffeine.

I was like, not going to drink anymore.

Coke, I never drank coffee.

But anything with caffeine,
I’m going to try to stop.

I do get allergies though and
I was still getting headaches.

So you still get headaches for a while.

And the headaches are
the worst part because I

get headaches for a
lot of different reasons.

I’m very sensitive to headaches.

So what I thought was, okay, I’ll just
take aspirin until this all goes away.

And then I started looking
at like buffer in stuff like that.

Look to the ingredients
list because I remembered

that almost every drug that you can take
over the counter drug has caffeine in it.

Buffer in plus, which is the
one that I was getting before,

has more caffeine in
two pills than an entire

bottle of like a 500
milliliter bottle of Coke.

And I was like, oh, so
if I actually quit caffeine

and then take headache medicine
to get rid of the caffeine headache,

it might be the fact that
I’m reintroducing caffeine

to my body that is actually getting rid
of the headache and not the painkillers.

So then I had to go start
looking for other medicines.

I started looking at everything.

So I take allergy medicine and I
looked at the box, has caffeine in it.

Caffeine makes it get into your blood faster,
makes it work into your system faster.

If it has a drowsy effect,
it’ll make you not drowsy.

So caffeine is really, really
beneficial to have in drugs.

An interesting side note is in Japan.

They always tell you to
take medicine with water.

And so I used to take it with Coke.

Like I would drink a Coke, down
some medicine and drink some Coke.

And my Japanese friends and
family would all be like, don’t do that.

You’re not supposed to do it.

You should take it with water.

And I’m like, why?

And they’ll go, why are
you taking it with Coke?

And like, Coke has caffeine in it.

Caffeine makes it get
into your body faster.

It means it works faster.

And they’re like, oh, no, that’s not true.

They weren’t using any science on this.

And I go, we’ll go get the
box and look at the box.

And it has caffeine on the box.

And they were shocked.

‘Cause I was like, you should take it with
caffeine ’cause that makes it work faster.

And sometimes even work better.

But I went online and I was like, why
do I need to get rid of the headaches?

And I looked for some options.

And it was like, you know, make
sure you drink enough water.

It was pretty much standard stuff.

And it was ways to quit caffeine.

So it was just wean yourself off it.

Why’d I already done the cold turkey?

I’d already done it hard and fast.

So I might as well just keep up.

Going back and weaning
myself didn’t make sense.

And it did warn about like medication,
often has caffeine at that kind of thing.

So you gotta be careful
of all these things.

One of the pieces of
advice was just don’t give up.

Because caffeine is so prominent
and it’s such a big part of people’s lives.

There’s absolutely no reason
to give up on it anyways

and your life will just
be easier if you don’t.

Which to me was really awful thing to put

and sort of a guide
on how to quit caffeine.

If you came to this page, it’s
because you wanted to quit caffeine.

I technically already had.

But if you wanted to quit caffeine,

hey, just give up on the
idea of quitting caffeine,

that didn’t seem like
really good advice to me.

So maybe it was big caffeine
that was actually behind it.

Is there a big caffeine?

I’m sure there’s big drug
companies behind everything.

It’s gotta be big caffeine,
there’s big pharma.

That’s all the same.

So I’ve quit caffeine, I found the
sugar-free, calorie-free caffeine-free Coke.

This is the Coke with the gold band on it.

So I kind of drink that one.

I get a craving for cola.

And it’s done pretty well.

I found that Tylenol, all Tylenol
products do not have caffeine in them.

So if I get a headache,
I’m now taking Tylenol

or I get any sort of pain or injury
from judo or something, I take a Tylenol.

But I went and looked at the
medicine section of the pharmacy,

the over-the-counter stuff, and I
went and looked at basically every box

and every single box
except Tylenol had caffeine

and some of it had
a lot of caffeine in it.

You could actually be
like dosing yourself to

caffeine way the more
than you think you are

if you’re taking headache
medicine on a regular basis.

And I’m not gonna give up.

I’m not gonna take like just give
up, giving up as a piece of advice.

I’m not gonna do that.

♪ After the mind will be a kad of me ♪

♪ Shut my pictures ♪

♪ Where the bastards of philosophy ♪

♪ Drinking the clutch ♪

♪ Rings of upper skills ♪

♪ Like a soccer punch ♪

♪ Won’t come to see ’em my beat ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, see ’em my beat ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, oh, see ’em my beat ♪

♪ Yeah, oh, see ’em my beat ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, oh, oh ♪