I don’t podcast

(upbeat music)

So it seemed to be went on
a bit of an unplanned hiatus

and primarily because
I didn’t have any ideas.

And I realized like, to have ideas,
you have to have free mental space.

So at the beginning of
the month, I hurt my knee.

It just filled up with water.

I did a judo practice.

I didn’t injure it.

It just filled up with water.

I went to a doctor.

And he drained the knee
and he put in some stuff.

He said, come back in two weeks
and he put in some more stuff.

And then it still hurts.

I still basically limbs.

So I’ve been limping for a month.

That takes up a lot of mental
energy, puts you in a bad mood.

So I thought, what I did is I collected
a whole bunch of random thoughts.

None of these really
long enough to be an

episode, but then I
thought, I’ll want all to do.

Sit down, talk them through,
record them, see what happens.

Maybe there’s an
episode, maybe there isn’t.

I used to do episodes called randomitis.

And that was just, yeah,
bunch of five minute clips

that didn’t amount to
an episode on its own.

They generally weren’t
connected thematically.

But actually since I just
talked about a doctor,

I live in Japan, anyone
who’s watched any of the

episodes and listened to
any episodes knows that,

I’ve been in Japan for about 20 years.

One of the more interesting
things about Japan,

I’ve had a very positive
experience with doctors in Japan.

I got sick two years ago, I was in
the hospital, my doctor was excellent.

Because of the nationalized
healthcare system,

I didn’t pay that much money
because I had insurance.

I actually got money back.

I literally was out of work for a month

and made a profit because I had
employment insurance that I pay for.

So salary insurance, I
don’t know what you’d call it,

but basically I’d insured myself
or if I get sick and lose my salary,

this insurance will cover
that salary plus a little extra.

I had insurance for the sickness.

So I got that money and that
covered all the medical expenses.

So I basically made
a profit off being sick.

Now, I would rather have
not been sick, but such is life.

Since I was put in the hospital,
I didn’t get to choose my doctor.

In Japan, you run into
this problem regularly

because you have to
find the right doctor.

So I now have a knee injury
and knee problem and I’m old.

So I’m thinking I have two choices.

I can go to an arthritis doctor
’cause I’m an older person

and arthritis doctors must
deal with old people’s knees

all the time or I can go to a
sports doctor because it happened

right after exercise, which
I still try to do regularly.

So maybe they’ll understand better.

In the area where I live, lots of old
people, therefore lots of arthritis clinics.

In the city, just about an hour
in some away, but it’s a big city.

They have more hospitals,
which was they had a sports clinic.

So I went to the very,
very local clinic first.

He was actually the first guy
who saw me when I got sick now.

I pulled up my pants
so he could see my knee.

It was all swollen and full of water

and he kind of poked it
a little bit and he goes,

“Hmm, let’s wait and
see what happens.

” Which is 100% what
I didn’t want to do.

I very much wanted
to take care of this right

away so I could get
to the healing process

so I could get better so I
could get back to exercise.

Then I was talking, so
now I’m in the dilemma.

I have to pick a clinic not
knowing the quality of the doctor.

I don’t know if they’re
even the right person

because I have to make the choice.

Really, I wanted that
first doctor to recommend

a knee specialist or
someone that I should go to

to get my knee checks.

And he didn’t, he’s like,
“Wait and come back.”.

And I was like, “I gave
you 1,000 yen or 700 yen

“or whatever it is to just
go in and talk to the doctor.

“Did you get any medicine or anything?”

And then I’m like, “Okay,
well, that’s not what I want.”.

I was thinking the old people’s doctors

might be a good choice
because as I get older,

I’m more likely to end
up in there anyways.

And the lifestyle I have chosen for myself
having done Judo for the last 40 years.

I assume arthritis is just on the docket.

Like, it’s probably in there already.

I just don’t suffer from it.

Or I’ve gotten so accustomed to pain.

And this very much might be true.

That I’ve gotten so accustomed to
pain that I just kind of ignore the pain.

Which brings up a weird study I read.

There’s two.

One, and it was about certain demographics
and how they handle pain and I, Irish.

It turns out gingers are
more sensitive to pain,

but then Irish people
are less sensitive to pain.

Which doesn’t make sense because
a lot of Irish people are gingers.

I am certainly on
the ginger spectrum.

I was like, well, I don’t think, maybe I
was sensitive to pain when I was young,

but again, I’ve endured so
much pain over the course

of my life doing Judo,
getting injured all the time.

That maybe I’ve just
grown accustomed to it.

But when they, what they did is they stick
your hand in super cold water, it hurts.

And they see which
demographic could hold in longest.

Irish people held out a very long
time compared to other groups.

And they said to them, what do
you do, like when it starts to hurt?

And then the Irish people all pretty
much universally said, I just ignore it.

So I just ignore my feelings.

I just ignore the feelings I’m having,

which to me was like, that’s a
very Irish answer to the problem.

And not to be even stereotypical, but
that is how I handle a lot of problems.

The problem comes up
and I’m essentially like,

I’m just gonna ignore that
and it’ll go away eventually.

That’s how I’m gonna deal with that.

There was also another study
with the same thing with pain.

And if you swear, you can last longer.

So if you put your hand in
ice cold water and you say,

oh gosh darn it, you have to pull
your hand out ’cause it hurts more.

If you put your hand in a hot water and
you go, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

And you say really bad words,
you can hold your hand there longer.

So there’s almost like a release
of some sort when you swear.

The funny thing was, the swear you
made had to be taboo to you socially.

So let’s say I drop F bombs all the time,

the impact of the F bomb is less for me.

So if I stick my hand
in the super cold water

and I drop an F bomb,
it will be actually be less

impactful than someone
who doesn’t swear very often

because it’s more of a, I
guess, shock to the system.

So you have to find a
word that you feel is taboo

that you should not say
and then use that word

when you put your hand
if you wanna endure pain.

Or you could just be Irish and ignore it

and just suffer, I guess,
I guess it’s just suffering.

You just allow the suffering to
happen because life is suffering.

It’s a very Buddhist
philosophy when we really think

you can get down to
sort of the core issues.

But I decided to go with a sports doctor

because this was immediately
following a sports injury

and what I really, really wanted
more than anything else was steroids.

I wanted my need to
be injected with steroids.

And I was pretty sure
the arthritis doctors,

they might have some other solution they
inject, but then it’s not gonna be steroids.

I don’t think it’s gonna go drop straight
to steroids where I was like, oh, a doctor,

if I can tell him like, I’m
not competitive anymore.

So, you know, I don’t have
to worry about steroids

showing up in my pee,
give me some steroids.

So I went to the doctor, I
did make the right choice.

I think he was very good.

He sent me to an MRI.

Now an MRI is a very expensive
process in other countries.

But as I said, a socialized
healthcare, very good deal.

I actually went to the
MRI place the next week.

And they were like, okay, we’ll sit down.

All right, are you wearing anything metal?

Do you have any like, do you
have a brace on or anything?

And I was like, no, no, no, no, no.

Do you have any feelings?

I was like, I didn’t think about that.

I don’t think so.

I actually had all my
metal feelings taken

out and replaced with
ceramic a long time ago.

So I was okay there.

So they put me in the MRI.

MRI, they like, a lot of
people get freaked out.

You’re in a tube and it’s very
noisy and it’s very uncomfortable.

I think I’ve now hit this peak
point of any time alone is good time.

So I actually for the last like five
minutes ’cause it’s a 20, 30 minute process.

He said, at least he’s gonna take about 20,
30 minutes when he put me in the machine.

For the last five minutes, apparently
I fell asleep, which I thought was okay.

So it’s going, good, don’t, good, don’t.

But I’m like, oh, there’s no kids around.

No one’s bugging me.

This is quite nice and then I drift it off.

So they did an MRI and then I
walked out and I got ready to pay.

I got my health insurance card
out and stuff and I go to pain.

She’s like, no.

And because it’s arranged through the
clinic, it just becomes part of that process.

So I went to the back to the clinic.

I paid for an MRI, 6,000 yen,
which is probably like $50 American.

And that is, I know MRIs are expensive.

The interesting part about the MRI, building
itself, it was about four stories high.

And two of those stories, I believe,
were just rooms of MRI machines.

And they were just, you know, Ford Motor
Company, the original Model T assembly line,

running people through
MRI machines all the time.

They must be making so much bank.

And it makes sense.

Like if you are rich enough to put
together, let’s say 10, 15 MRI machines

and then hire the staff to just run them
all the time, you’re making so much money.

‘Cause the government’s
paying 70% of it anyways.

And you just make it as
convenient and fast as possible.

I had a good experience.

Go back to the doctor the next day,
given my MRI results, he stresses me out.

So he starts going through this.

And it’s like layers of your knee
and he goes, Oh, here’s an abnormality.

Here’s an abnormality.

Oh, this is not normal.

This is not normal.

Here’s an aberration.

Here’s an abnormality.

Here’s a bone spur.

Here’s an aberrant.

Five minutes, no exaggeration.

He’s saying here’s an abnormality.

And I’m getting, each time he
says it, I’m like, steal yourself.

He’s gonna say knee surgery.

Okay, knee surgery is coming.

This is, again, like arthritis, probably an
inevitability on the timeline of my life.

If I try to continue doing judo from
now until I am no longer functional,

five minutes straight of him
saying, here’s an abnormality.

And then he looks at me, he
goes better than I expected.

So I guess because I’ve
never had surgery on my knee,

everything’s technically
in the right place.

It’s just clearly been beat up.

He was like, Oh, you
know, yeah, there’s lots

of, it’s really jagged,
nothing smooth anymore,

but it all works and
it’s all in the right place.

So a way to go you.

And I was like, Okay,
so then he put another

needle in with some
more solution of some sort.

And then he gave me
some sort of exercises to do.

He told me not to stand up too much,

but, you know, I have one
or two teaching days a week.

You have to stand up
at the front of the class.

There’s no way you can avoid it.

Still limping, so I’m going back next week.

And I’m gonna say, so
he’s had two needles in

with some kind of solution,
which I think was to

make sure it didn’t like
the water that’s in there,

it didn’t clump up or anything.

And I’m gonna just start
whispering to him, sort of

a subliminal advertised,
just go, steroids, steroids.

I want my need to have a right rage.

I want steroids, give me steroids.

And then hopefully, ’cause he said himself,

if I give you steroids,
it’ll probably be healed

in a week, but there
might be side effects.

And I’m like, dude,
at this point in my life,

I’m not particularly
concerned about side effects.

I might even find them entertaining.

So that is essentially
what set me on this

hiatus of see me be
going silent for a while.

And it was because I, you get so
self-absorbed, you’re suffer so much pain.

I can’t think of anything to talk about.

I don’t have any view on current issues
because you become more self-absorbed.

I’m more worried about myself.

So the only thing I could
talk about was myself,

and I was like, no
one wants to hear that.

But also, if you stop long enough, you
don’t get back into the habit of doing it.

That’s what I today is.

Today is me forcing myself to
get back on it and do it again.

So I don’t lose that part and just end up

shutting down Seeming
Bee, ’cause I hate one.

This is like a podcast, just go silent.

But yes, so now we are going to dive
deep into randomitis and see what goes.

So I was talking to a friend of mine, whoa.

  • So you became a
    Republican temporarily, got it.
  • Oh, I wasn’t ready for that.

I think the fact that I
was still very pro-social

services, maybe I
haven’t gotten that far.

I could say, I probably went
further right than I am normally.

I am a liberal Canadian.

A liberal Canadian is probably in America.

The most socialist devil you’ve ever seen.

But yeah, maybe.

So I was talking to
a friend of mine, Mr.

warm hands, we talked almost every
day because we play video games

together and he brought up the question
and it apparently come up on Reddit.

And it was, if you commit a crime,
that crime will never happen again.

And so of course, people all
like, if I rape someone, then rape

will no longer happen in all
the remainder of human history.

If I murder someone,
murder will no longer

happen in all of the
remainder of human history.

And of course, everyone
starts thinking about

the most atrocious crimes
that can be committed.

And then talking
essentially about the morality

of if I do it to one person,
but that saves millions

of people going forward,
is that not worth it?

Could I bring myself to do it?

I think that’s the conversation
they’re trying to have.

It’s essentially a morality
one of am I willing to sacrifice

my morality for a moment in
order to save people down the line.

I immediately had the
thought in a different

direction because this is,
to me, the Batman problem.

‘Cause Batman is very rich
guy and he dresses up in his suit

and he goes around and
someone snatches a perch.

He finds someone who snatches a purse

and then he beats him up
and he gives the purse back,

but he doesn’t really
solve the core issues.

So I was, my first thought was
like, what you should actually do.

I had murder a pedophile if it
meant no more murder ever.

No problem.

So, Jade, I’d murder a pedophile if it
meant no more murder ever, no problem.

I actually understand.

So what you’re saying is
you find the right victim to

commit a crime to or on and
then that would stop murder.

But I was thinking of like,
really, you could create a more

systemic system because why
doesn’t Batman use his money

to uplift society,
Gotham City in particular?

And I was like, what I
should do is go into corporate

America and commit
corporate crimes, tax fraud.

So then all these corporations
suddenly start having

to pay their taxes, go into politics
and start committing political crimes,

like take bribes and stuff, so that all
these politicians suddenly become honest.

And then if you have honest
politicians and honest companies,

I think the fundamental base of society,
again, this is very socialist kind of way

of thinking on my part, would be lifted up

because money would
go into social programs.

Taxes would get paid.

That money would be
available for all those things.

Then, perhaps there would be
less murderers overall anyways

because now people are not in a
situation where they lose everything.

They’re not in a situation
where they become desperate.

I guess I assumed I’d go to jail.

I guess I assumed I’d go to jail.

That actually is a good secondary
question because if you go to jail,

then you can’t continue
to commit the crimes.

You have to actually plan out
the crimes very, very well at first.

But as we know, corporate
criminals don’t tend to go to jail.

So that’s almost even like a double whammy.

Like not only can I commit these crimes,

I can probably commit these
crimes and get away with them.

Commit these crimes and get
away with them and increase.

Like what I’m thinking is like
the tide that lifts up everyone.

And then as you get, so now you’ve fixed,
let’s say a fundamental aspect of society,

then you could go commit
the more visceral crimes.

I think the question
originally, people naturally

focus on the visceral
because they have to feel it.

But my first thought was like,

well, what would create the
largest benefit the most quickly?

And murder isn’t actually it
because if we’re being really honest,

there’s a relatively low
amount of murders in the world.

And as we’ve moved forward in society,

the number of murders
and crimes is going down.

I know news makes it
seem like it’s going up all

the time and you should
be afraid all the time.

But realistically, that’s not actually
what’s happening statistically in the world.

So what we need is to
have the world improve.

And if we can improve the world, then
the natural increase in social welfare

will be another natural
decrease to violent crime.

And then, sure, when I get to my old,

when I get to, after I’ve done all this
other work, I’ve done the social work,

I’ve done the political work, I’ve done
the industrial work, that kind of stuff.

‘Cause yeah, I would go
and dump some chemicals.

And then if that never happens again,
’cause that’s essentially your crime,

then these companies can’t dump their
chemicals improperly, I could go join a company

and then just commit a
couple of environmental crimes.

Now people are actually
probably gonna have to take care

of the environment because
they have to do it properly.

I would commit all of
those as quickly as possible.

And again, probably no jail time.

Just be BP is a very
good way of looking at it.

BP probably has an
invertantly committed murder.

‘Cause if you’re dumping
chemicals and it kills someone,

that’s murder, and then
you could actually, again,

commit a murder without
actually the visceral

part and get away
with it and not go to jail.

So you can keep committing
these social pro crimes,

which is weirdly what
I’m gonna be calling it.

And then overall, the
crux of society improves.

So I’ve been streaming for a long time.

I’m not particularly popular,
but I’m okay with that

because I actually stream
primarily to capture video.

So people come in and there’s
a very common thing on Twitch

and it’s trolls or scams.

Eventually, you’d be known as
the last guy to do all these crimes.

That’s an interesting point
because historically speaking,

would they realize this guy committed these
crimes and then it never happened again.

So there was a
connection or would they be

like, this guy is so
horrible and horrifying

that society at large changed
because he was so awful.

Like you wouldn’t be seen
as the hero or would you?

‘Cause again, if someone figured
out, oh, this guy commits that crime.

This guy does this thing and
that doesn’t happen anymore.

Like all of society changes.

They might realize you were doing it
on purpose or trying to improve society.

But let’s talk about Twitch.

You get a lot of people with scams.

And the first one I experienced was
the guy who wants to help you grow.

And what they do is they
talk to you in this really buddy

buddy way, which I really
already very off-putting for me.

And what they say is like,
I’ll get you more viewers.

And what they probably
do are just get some bots

and get those to join in after
you give them some money.

I got attacked by bots once.

And I got like 2,000
subs in like two minutes.

It was ridiculous.

But I’ve tried to figure out different ways

to handle these so that it’s
still entertaining for myself.

So I put in my rules.

If you try to sell me a
service, I just ban you.

But that’s actually
too easy and too boring.

So then I started talking to them and
they would always ask, what’s your goal?

So they go, hey buddy, may I ask
you, have you reached affiliate yet?

I’m like, yes, yes, I
have reached affiliate.

And they go, so your next goal is partner.

And then you go, no.

Because they are banking on you
want to make streaming your job.

They want to bank on you are
desperate to become a famous streamer.

And you need that audience.

And this is your dream.

And they can help you
make your dream come true.

That’s how scams work.

They feed on your deeper
desires and dreams and wants.

So when I say no, I do not want
to become a partner, they ask why.

And I say, oh, I use Twitch primarily
to capture video for my podcast.

And then they go, oh, but
if you have a bigger Twitch

audience, you’ll have a
bigger podcast audience.

I go, oh, my podcast is huge.

So I don’t need a bigger audience.

I actually don’t want a bigger audience.

And I don’t want that much chat
because I don’t want to be distracted.

And then they have nowhere
to go because since your dream

doesn’t align with their,
with they assume your goal is,

they have no more thing they
can try to dangle no, no carrot.

They can try to put in front of
you to get you to give the money.

So that worked.

I essentially was saying
my goal is not to grow.

And then they would
have nothing to work with.

And they would just give up.

Then I started doing
the denial that I stream.

And this could actually
happen in chat in real time.

So I was playing a game.

And someone came in and says,
hey, buddy, can I sell you something?

Or do you want more followers
or all this stuff like that?

And then I would just look at
the chat and go, I don’t stream.

And then they have to go
through the mental dissonance

of trying to convince me that I’m
doing the thing I’m actually doing.

So they’d go, yeah, you are.

You’re streaming right now.

And you just look at it
and go, no, I don’t stream.

And they go, well, then
how am I talking to you?

You’re talking to me through
the chat while you’re streaming.

Oh, no, I don’t stream.

Well, how am I seeing the
game you’re playing? I don’t know.

I guess on the computer.

Yeah, because you’re streaming.

Oh, no, I don’t stream.

And I just would hold
on to the I don’t stream.

And the frustration as–
because they now have to choose,

do I spend my time trying to convince
this guy that he is actually streaming?

Is he such an idiot?

He doesn’t realize what streaming is.

Or do I just give up?

I actually had one where
the guy was doing it.

And he was like, no, I went– he
sent me a link to my own stream.

So twitch.com/chungwithveefchest.

I bring my perspective to the world.

I don’t stream.

And he dropped that into the chat.

And my viewer at the time
only had a couple of viewers

at the time, they started
adding into the chat.

He doesn’t stream.

He doesn’t stream.

And then we just repeated that.

Jay just put in the chat, I bring
my perspective to the world.

I don’t stream.

That’s actually pretty nice phrase.

I might actually make that
my tagline from now on.

Then recently– so I’ve done
that one a couple of times.

I think that might be
the most entertaining one.

But there’s one more I want to try.

I was joking around with a friend.

And he actually suggested this.

I’m going to try this next time
where they go, oh, your viewer–

your content is so good because
they have to try to build you up.

Your content is so good.

Why do you think your
viewer numbers are so low?

And then I’m going to agree with them.

I’m going to go, yeah, my
viewer numbers are really low.

I suck at streaming.

I’m going to quit.

And they go, no, no, you shouldn’t quit.

This is my prediction now.

You shouldn’t quit.

You should keep doing or do my system
or whatever and you go, no, you’re right.

I’m going to quit.

And then just hold on to that.

I’m going to quit and see what they say.

I don’t know if that
one’s going to be worked.

But I do like, personally,
the denial of doing the thing

I’m literally doing right
in front of you right now

as a tactic to stop these
guys or waste their time.

But I think the one that’s most
entertaining for me is the, I don’t stream.

So I think that might be going forward,
at least for the next little while,

it’s like I’m up with a new
idea how I handle these guys.

You try to sell me services
or try to sell me followers.

So there is a company
in Korea called Pputi.

So it’s P-P-U-R-I, so I’m
assuming it’s Pputi or Pputi.

Being Korean, I bet it’s Pputi.

And there’s been a scandal recently.

And it turns out that one of
the key framers or animators.

is a feminist. And all my, what she
did is what, I think a lot of animators do.

She threw in messandrous
gestures into the animation.

Now, I didn’t know what this gesture was.

Apparently, this is a Korean thing.

So this is why it was kind
of exciting for me to learn

about another culture, another
aspect of another society.

There is a forum called Magellian.

I think I’m saying right
that it’s not Mega Leon.

It’s Magellian, I think.

And we support Magellian, your
change is what’s on the screen right now.

And there is a hand.

And the hand is doing a gesture.

As if you were measuring
something very small.

You could say, oh, it’s
only a couple of centimeters.

It’s only an inch.

You would put your hands up.

And you’d make like a little duck.

That is the hand gesture.

Apparently, this hand gesture
in Korean is actually small penis.

And these feminists are
using it to attack men.

And so this animator, this key artist,
for the anime was Dungeon and Fighter,

Dungeon and Fighter
Mobile and Blue Archive.

In almost individual frames,
this artist, this animator

has been putting in these gestures.

So I don’t think it’s this one.

So right now there’s a big purple guy.

He has two hands up.

But I think this one here, his right
hand is doing the pinching gesture.

And then right here, there’s
another picture from maybe

a different anime where he’s
also doing the pinching animation.

So this company now has
to go through all their anime

and scrub through
individual frames trying to

find the pinching gesture
to try to take them out.

So Studio Pupuri, I would really
like to learn how to say that.

So Studio Pupuri has
been deleting all tainted

videos after combing
through their catalog.

And he showed an apology
for the feminist hand gestures

saying that the key animator
who was called into question

for being a feminist will no
longer work on their videos.

Which I really enjoy this because men have
been doing this kind of stuff for years.

And here’s an opportunity.

I don’t, I guess, if a guy did it
and got caught, he would get fired.

So if a girl doesn’t, she gets caught.

She should probably be fired too.

But I don’t know.

Somehow the feminist fighting
back in the exact same way

has really entertaining to me.

Here’s this hands being circled, the hands
being circled, the hands being circled.

So like these characters
all are pinching their

fingers, it’s really hard
to see on the screen.

That’s hardly worth doing.

So I’m interested to see where this goes
and how much of this happens in the future.

If you are watching anime of any sort

and that anime has animation
that comes from Korea,

something you’d be on the
lookout for is a small pinching thing.

And you will now be seeing
that you will now know

you’ll have a better idea that what you
are seeing is some misandrist gestures.

Did I say that right?


I think I get that wrong all the time.


It’s because we don’t use that
word enough ’cause it doesn’t happen.



I should practice that.


Because I’m now going to do
my Andrew Tate style podcast

where I attack women and
talk about their misandrist.

But weirdly, I honestly quite like this.

I think it’s because the
animator is essentially

because the primary audience
of anime I think cliche-wise

is the nerdy guys.

And that’s who she’s like
attacking and making fun of.

She’s literally taking the thing
they love and putting this in it.

And again, it’s a couple frames.

They’re not really going to see it.

But she’s kind of like
doing a little shout at them.

I’ll be interested to see where this goes.

So I’m actually going to follow this story

as much as I can and
see where this ends up.

All right, and this is going
to be the final story for today.

And it was the Sailor Moon
anime director Kunihiko Ikuata

has received multiple
emails from a woman claiming

that Sword Art online and Sailor Moon were
both her concepts and they were stolen.

And this is actually a
story that has come up

a couple times in Japan.

There’s the kill any.

So what happened was this
guy said, I made this story.

You stole this story
and you used this story

yourself and you didn’t
get made in credit.

So he went to the kill on his studio.

This is a couple of years ago.

And he basically lit it on fire
and killed a bunch of people.

He’s on trial right now.

He has shown no remorse
because all he does when

they say, like, do you feel
bad about killing people?

He’ll say, like, do they feel
bad about stealing my ideas?

Do they feel bad about
not paying me the money

I deserve for having
come up with this idea?

This is something I talked about
on Ninja News Japan a little bit.

And it was primarily because
the fundamental concept

as an idea is very broad.

So we have giant anime
robot and it has to fight

other giant anime robot
from a different planet.

We have girl who transforms into a hero

and fights monsters but has
to keep her identity secret.

These are not original ideas.

Where the artist take them to, hopefully,

is original, that was
what would make an anime

special or interesting
or something like that.

But realistically speaking, the
overall concepts are very broad.

I tried to come up with an original
idea from Montana, El Diablo.

And what I actually did was I’m
going to take a lot of the tropes

and throw them into a
choose your own adventure

and then tried to make
each decision go off

on such a weird tangent,
go so far into left field

that every decision
had a significant impact.

But also it would maintain a
certain amount of originality.

But honestly the fundamental
ideas I came up with

and used in broad strokes
all had been done before.

And someone else could
have claimed very easily

that they were their ideas.

And this is what the
director is talking about.

So Sword Art Online creator
Reiki Kawahata discussed on Twitter

just how hard it is to conclusively
prove the originality of one’s work.

So a long while back, this is the message

that they posted on Twitter
translated into English.

A long while back, I received a message

from someone claiming
they were the original author

for Sao Sword Art Online.

But they weren’t angry, they
were more confused on why

their original work was
published without their realization.

And I had no idea how to deal with them.

Because probably they
had either written this down

or sent in something but that
thing they sent in got ignored.

I did an internship at a publishing
company at the end of my university career.

And the publishing company
I interned at only did poetry.

And we received 30 to 40
manuscripts of novels every single day.

Because people don’t think
about what they’re doing.

They’re just like, I’m going to
scatter shot, send it to everyone.

This was pre-Internet, really.

Like I had the Internet existed and stuff.

But if you’re going to send a book,

you still sent a physical
chapter with a cover letter

and a self-addressed stamped
envelope and all that other stuff with it.

So it would have been very easy for me.

Let’s say to pick up some of those stories

and use those stories and create my
own version that would then be my book.

And then am I stealing that story?

Am I using it as inspiration?

Am I using the tropes
they use to create my own?

Have I just not even read it?

Because half of them
went straight to a garbage.

Like because we didn’t publish novels,

we didn’t want to spend
time looking at chapters of

novels to give any sort
of feedback to the author.

So we often just sent a form letter back
that said, this is not what we publish.

But then if we did come
up with something similar

to what they had sent in
previously, the accusation

that we’d stolen it would
have been valid in some way.

And so I thought then
from an objective standpoint,

it’s surprisingly not
that simple to prove

that you are the creator, creative
rights holder to your own work.

Of course, you can register
your copyright with a government,

but that doesn’t prove that
you are the creative rights holder.

So they’re saying, like, you can
register your brand or your characters.

But that doesn’t actually
mean you came up with them.

If someone started a lawsuit with
me saying that Sao is a stolen artwork,

I can show my 2002 home page
to easily testify to the history,

but proving the work itself is original

takes quite a bit of
documentation and effort.

If only there were
some sort of certificate,

like a patent is what I think
sometimes, but if such a system existed,

it would be misused in
its own manner as well.

But this sort of trouble seems like
it’ll only increase and not decrease.

So I hope that there will be a measure.

So I hope that there will
be measures implemented

in the future to reduce
the amount of work

and stress for creator, that’s all.

And as someone who, like, again, I
did try to do my own original works.

I published a children’s
book a little while ago.

I’m starting to work
on Montana, L.D.A.B.O.2.

I’m trying to do creative stuff.

The idea that someone could come
in and then accuse me of stealing it,

even though I’ve never
seen any of the ideas,

is problematic because you do have
to take the time to defend yourself.

And this is someone,
like the creative director

of a large franchise
who works for a company,

so everything’s documented,
everything’s clearly

legitimate, still has to
have those thoughts.

And the kill anything where
some guy just lost his mind

and decided to commit violence towards other
people because of this perceived slight.

I mean, that is also
something they probably have

to worry about and you
have to increase security.

But since what we’re talking
about is original art works,

please go to Amazon and
get the not very scary monster

by Peter Martin and you will
have at least three minutes of joy.

Let’s look at some of the artwork.

I didn’t do the art by Christine Hall.

It was very beautiful.

You can see that on the cover.

That’s the character.

Me being me, the character’s name is Doug.

And let’s just get all probably
one of my favorite pictures.

The monster leader.

She did a great job with that.

The monster leader is
one sexy, sexy monster.

Doug scared everybody in the city so
well, the monster leader was impressed.

Is that a spoiler? I don’t know.

You’ll have to pick
up the book to find out.

Montanel diablo two.

Written like four pages, five pages.

It’s more of a structural
thing at the beginning

when you do a choose
your own adventure.

So that might be a year
if not longer in the making.

So that might be something
to look forward to in 2025.

I am currently
planning over the winter

vacation to transcribe
the first Montanel diablo

and make a physical book that
you could then hold and read.

We’ll see how that works out.

But I have no idea how
long that’s gonna take.

So this is the problem with wanting
to make 50 projects at the same time.

It’s never ending.

What have I done lately?

I just released a movie channel on YouTube.

This is Seamick B IMDB.

This is my latest project.

There’s actually three videos
gonna pop up there soon.

Basically, I’m watching
old primarily Kung Fu

movies, but any sort of
action movie or something

from when the 70s, 80s, 90s,
and I’m making fun of them.

So if that seems like it’s up
your way, feel free to take a look.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)