How to Raise a Murderer


So before we get started,
this is about a murder

and it’s very graphic and very
disturbing if you’re not into that.

You usually just stop listening right now.

So as we proceed from here,
there’s going to be some gross stuff.

It’s about a man who’s
decapitated and there’s some pretty

graphic details of what
actually happens to the body

because there’s some body
mutilation that comes later.

For those of you who are like,
“Ooh, I want to listen to this.

” Maybe think about
some stuff first.

So back in July, July 3rd,

a corpse was founded a love hotel.

A love hotel in Japan is a place
where people go to participate

and intimate activities
together for short term.

I’ve explained the love hotels before,

but what they are is Japan has
a lot of generational households

where you live with your parents,
parents live with their kids into old age,

so you might actually have
three generations in one house.

It means having intimacy in your
place sometimes isn’t always possible.

So they created this system of hotels

where you can stay for one
hour, two hour, three hours.

It basically paid by the hour

and entertain yourselves with your friends.

So in July 3rd, so July 3rd, staff went
to clean a room and they found a corpse,

but it was a headless corpse
that’s been decapitated.

Three weeks later, a
family of three was arrested

and the head was found in their residence.

So that’s pretty damning evidence

if they actually find the head
of the corpse in your house.

Runa Tamura, who is 30 years
old, who is the daughter of the family,

has been accused of murder, mutilation
of a corpse, and several other crimes.

Those are the two worst ones
that are going to get the most time.

The victim was a 62 year
old cross dressing man.

They met in the red-like
district of Sapporo.

Now, it sounds like they had had
relations multiple times in the past.

The motive of this murder
seems to be anger over

the unprotected sex they
had the previous month.

So it sounds like they
had had sex multiple times.

They had used protection, and
this last time, for some reason,

the guy didn’t use
protection, and Runa was

really angry about it, so
she decided to kill him.

They did an SNM session, where
the man, the victim, was bound,

and once bound was stabbed
in the neck with a folding knife.

Runa then decapitated the body,

and put this head in the
suitcase, and then took it home.

She was picked up by her
father, who is a psychiatrist,

who seems to have known what she did.

Now, what we find out
later is much more dramatic,

because you could actually say,

“Oh, the father didn’t
know what was in the bag.

” So he just picked up his
daughter when she asked for a ride

that makes perfect sense.

Once home, she started to skin the head

and remove the eyes she wanted
her mother to film her doing it.

So now we’ve gotten to
sort of the depths of depravity

that we’re actually
talking about in this story.

It is a lot.

The mother was arrested as an accomplice.

She denies doing this or
any guilt or any involvement.

The reason I started doing
the murder in Japan series

is because when you get the
actual court documents released,

usually this is from

com, which is an
excellent website.

It’s where I get a lot of my news,

or when I get a lot of
stories that I want to

follow up on, they
release court transcripts,

which is a very interesting
insight into the murder itself,

and the actual ongoing of
the Japanese judicial system,

which is something we
don’t get a lot of insight into.

So that’s actually honestly the part I’m
more interested in than the actual murder.

Like the murder is the
impetus for this thing happening,

but I really want the insight in
how the Japanese system works

when they’re actually
prosecuting or crying.

So the first part is about the mother.

So the mother says under oath,

so she takes the stand she’s under oath.

She says I only found out
about the damage to the head

after it was brought into the house.

There’s actually an implication there

that she actually knew that the
head was coming into the house.

It was the damage she
didn’t know about until after.

So it’s not true that I
allowed it to be hidden.

When I found out it was
already in the bathroom.

It was so abnormal that I couldn’t
say anything to my daughter.

I couldn’t blame her. I couldn’t accept it.

And I couldn’t say anything.

This seems sort of reasonable.

It seems sort of reasonable
because she’s essentially saying,

this is so beyond the pale off the chain

that I am just in shock immediately.

I was frozen. I didn’t know what to do.

I was just completely lost.

Runa wanted the mother to
video Runa doing the things

I’m trying to be gentle about.
I’ve already said it.

Runa wanted the mother to video her skinning
and removing the eyes from the head.

Regarding the videotaping, she said,

there’s a difference between carrying
out the videotaping and approving of it.

I wasn’t told what exactly
we were going to film.

I couldn’t bear it, so I asked my husband
to film it out of a desire for help.

I had absolutely no intention
of helping with the crime.

I had no intention of
helping with the desecration.

So she’s saying, look, my
daughter was doing this thing.

She asked me to video it.
I did not approve of the videoing of it.

I actually didn’t video it.
I gave it to my husband.

That doesn’t mean I
approved of what was going on.

But again, she’s kind of
saying she was in shock.

Her basic defense is
that she says she knew,

but she didn’t approve
of what was happening.

Therefore, she is not committed that
any of the crime she’s been accused of.

The father claims he didn’t
know about the murder until

Runa came home with the head,
but he did know about the S&M.

And that’s actually going to be a weird
little twist we hear about in a moment.

Details about the family
dynamic is that basically Runa

ran the house and she was
never punished for anything.

She was essentially sort of
the queen of this little family unit.

In a recording from October 6, 2020,
Runa yells abuse at her father in English

saying things like, “I want to kill you
and why don’t you follow my orders?

” So that actually gives
you already a sense of the

dynamic of what’s
happening in this household.

She’s saying like,
“I give you orders.

There’s an expectation
that you should follow them.

It doesn’t even make
sense to me that you don’t.

” The weird part to me is
that her father is a psychologist.

The father being a psychiatrist,
a psychiatrist, a psychiatrist.

The weird thing is that
her father is a psychiatrist.

He should be vaguely familiar with
the results of actually giving kids,

spoiling them and giving
them free reign, that

this is the kind of
person they grow up into.

But he actually seems to have had some sort
of deficiency and then fallen to this trap

that he has with his own daughter.

Now, there could be some other things
going on, DNA, genetics, who knows.

Like, I mean, there could be the bad gene.

Or it could just be, this is again a
nature versus nurture kind of conversation.

Did they raise her wrong and she
ended up a murderer or does she just like,

born bad and they did
everything they could to try

to make her a nice person
and give her a good life.

And she just like manipulated
all that as she grew up.

We’re actually never going to know.

Runa says in Japanese
on January 22nd, 2023,

“I’m going to get a little
stronger and kill you guys.

” That’s what I’ve always
thought my sister and I.

Now, the sister part is very interesting
because she doesn’t actually have a sister.

That same day, she says,
“I’ll kill everyone. That’s all.

” “Oh, some who responds,
don’t kill, I don’t kill any.

” Runa adds, “You’re not
even taking responsibility.

Just hurry up
and do it. You idiot.

” So this is again, the way she’s
talking to her father and the way her

father’s responding to her tells
you a lot about the relationship.

She says in Japanese
in an apparent reference

to the murder victim
on June 1st, 2023,

the other person thinks that he is
at my mercy, so I made him think that.

But I am the one in control. She goes on.

I thought it would be like a
contest of endurance because

I could pretend to be a
bitch as far as I could go.

But I don’t look like that kind of girl.
Don’t you think?

She’s basically saying, “I
look innocent, I see innocent, so

people don’t assume I’m capable
of this kind of level of violence.

” So then they put the
father on the stand and

the defense starts
questioning the father.

So defense, in one of Runa’s
statements, she said, “My sister, did

she have a sister? The father.
No. The defense. Who is her sister?

” The father says, “Runa. Runa’s
soul.” So when Runa refers to her

sister, she’s almost talking
about another version of herself,

it turns out that when she
talks about Runa’s sister,

she’s talking, that’s when
she sort of switches to English.

So we’re getting kind
of a feeling of a dual

personality thing
going on in the defense.

Who is the subject of the conversation
that says, “I killed my sister?

” The father, I think
Cynthia is the main character.

There are many other souls,
but Cynthia is the main character.

So now he’s talking about
multiple personality disorder.

Defense, who does
Cynthia’s soul want to kill?

The father, me and
Hiroko, the mother.

Cynthia thinks that Runa’s soul
died because of our response.

Defense, have you ever been
harmed by Runa? The father, no.

Defense, did she ever wave a
knife or a kitchen knife around?

The father, not directly at us.

So she has waved a knife
around in the past. The defense.

Regarding the fact that you
were forced to take photos of the

victim’s head, could the photo
session have been postponed?

The father. He only had one eye
left, and although it was Friday evening,

I had to leave for a business trip to
Kansai first thing the next morning.

If I returned on Sunday night,
I would be away for two days,

and I thought I would have to
ask Hiroko to take the photos.

He didn’t actually like even
conceive of the idea that you

don’t have to take these photos
that you should actually say no.

Just thinking about this kind of damage was
enough to send shivers down my spine. Hiroko could

not bear it. It may sound rude, but I thought
it would be better for this to end quickly.

On the night of July 1st,
2023, was Samu drove

Runa by car to Susuquino,
looking for the victim.

So this is basically where clubs may be the red
light district in Sapporo City. It’s a security

camera footage of Samu is shown inside the
club several meters from Runa and the victim.

So he’s driven her to a club where
the victim is. He’s dropped his daughter

off and he’s kind of hanging out in
the club waiting for them to come out.

The defense asks, what did you want
from the victim? I thought that if she

confronted him and there was an
apology, the situation could be repaired.

I thought that if he didn’t apologize, that would be an end
of it. So he’s just hoping there’s going to be some kind of

confrontation about this sexual relationship they had and it’s
just going to end that night after they have maybe an argument.

What were your thoughts
when you looked for the victim?

I hope that he wouldn’t be found
that she would just give up on it.

So he’s actually like the whole time going, I hope
she doesn’t find this guy. I hope we don’t have

to talk to this guy. I hope this doesn’t actually
work out the way I think it’s going to work out.

He knows something bad is going
to happen if she actually finds him.

The defense. I don’t think you
know anything about the victim.

So how did you look for places he might be? The
father. I didn’t get any personal information from

him at all. I heard his nickname and that he
often goes to clubs for older people on weekends.

So I looked for him based on those conditions.
The defense. When Runa went looking for

the victim, she called him Sheikah, which
is Japanese for deer on the line chat app.

How did she start calling him Sheikah? The father. When we were looking for the victim, neither my daughter nor any of the family knew him. So calling
him by his nickname didn’t sound good to my daughter. I guess she thought there were other ways to call him. My daughter asked me to call him Sheikah

just before we left. I don’t get the relevance of that. It’s an interesting point that they started talking about. This guy has a nickname in what
people should be calling each other. So Runa had bought the equipment. She bought a bunch of knives, several knives, and the father bought a suitcase.

And a saw because she told him to. She’s like, I want
you to get a suitcase that holds a hundred kilos and a

saw. And I’m not going to tell you what it’s for, but
we’re going to go see this guy that I’m really angry at.

The father and daughter
practiced SNM before the murder.

So that’s actually going
to be the bit that comes up.

Defense. Who is the one who started talking about
SNM practice? A father. From my daughter, after

making an appointment with the victim, my daughter
practiced saying I was attacked last time.

So this time I’ll be the attacker.
The defense. How long did it take?

I think it most it was one to two
minutes. Defense specifically. The father.

I was sitting upright with my hands handcuffed behind my
back and wearing an eye mask. And my daughter approached

me from behind touching me here and there. I remember
her asking me how it felt in interacting with me.

So she’s got her father tied up in an SNM kind of
bondage scenario. She’s taken a knife for some kind

of tool and she’s just touching him with it saying
like how does this feel? How do you feel right now?

And she’s trying to
figure out what the best

way of executing this
murder would actually be.

Osama’s internet history search
on June 25th, 2023 shows that he

researched the purchase of a large
black suitcase during questioning.

He said it was to be used for Runa’s
doll collection, which numbers over 100.

So she has 100 like toys,
stuffy animals, dolls in her room.

He’s saying the suitcase was for that.
The defense did Osama’s search for suitcase

load capacity 100 kilograms and suitcase
load capacity 50 kilograms. The father.

I don’t remember exactly, but I was asked to look
what could fit in it. So I did type it in myself

or click it maybe. How many dolls can fit in a
black suitcase? I think 20 to 30 can fit in it.

What about the 70 centimeter tall
ones? I think about 15 can fit in it.

How much do they weigh? Each one weighs
four to five kilograms. These are heavy.

So these aren’t stuffy animals
like I thought. These are big

heavy dolls and seven
decentimeters is about half my height.

So that’s like two three
feet tall. So if there’s no

cushioning or anything, it could
weigh about 50 to 70 kilogram.

Were you told to clearly
film the destruction?

I was told to film without being
told what was inside the bathroom.

So this is interesting a thing the defense is doing what they’ve
done is gone through. Did you buy the suitcase? What could

fit in the suitcase? And then switch immediately back to where
you told clearly to film what she was going to do to the head.

And he has to like pivot back and
forth. That might be to throw the person

on the stand off so that they have
to answer questions without thinking.

I’m just again, I’m interested in
the court proceedings and the

tactics that actually take place
when you’re actually on trial defense.

At what point did you realize that the mutilation of the
head would occur? The father I took the camera to the

bathroom and when I was shown the damaged bottles and other
things and I was told the eyes were still in the head.

I thought that the mutilation would occur. I didn’t
know until I got to the bathroom, but that does

indicate that he knew there was a head in there and he
hasn’t stopped this and he hasn’t called the police.

During the trial the prosecution’s explanation
of evidence revealed that before the incident

Osamu had searched the internet for fingerprints
can be erased with bleach. Very telling.

And suitcase load capacity 100 kilograms. For her part, Hiroko sent a line message to Osamu
asking, “By the way, will the GPS record of the car be saved?” She then deleted the message.

She’s asking like, “Is there going to be a record of where the car goes that night? Can
we delete that?” And then she deleted that message thinking that it would then disappear.

So then they get sort of switch topics and
they get into the weird SNM practice again.

Runa told me to sit upright in the
middle of the living room of our house.

Put my hands behind my
back and close my eyes.

Osamu told the
court as a witness.

I was told to sit as if I was
handcuffed and blindfolded.

I felt something moving
from behind and I felt

something touching my
cheeks and neck with a scarf.

So he’s saying there’s
some kind of binding material,

a scarf or something that
she’s touching him with.

Yeah, she’s testing to see what
his kind of reactions are going

to be before he actually goes
ahead and does this actual crime.

It turns out that a few more details
came out a couple days ago. There are

claims that she rented several horror
movies 10 days before the actual crime.

She rented the 2016 movie Terrifier.
She rented the 2017 movie Leatherface.

Both contain neck cutting scenes
which Runa recorded on her phone.

So she’s watching these horror
movies. She’s getting to these parts where

she actually like the murderer
kills someone by cutting their throne.

And she records that on her phone. We assume so
she can study it later. Runa and the victim had

sex multiple times. The last time there was no
protection used and she said you broke your promise.

The only other details
are about sort of her youth

and when she’s a child and
when she was brought up.

And it’s really just a question of how did she get to
this place in her life where she was able to command her

parents so freely where she was able to think that murder
was going to be an accessible solution to this problem.

Runa stopped going to school after middle school. She
never went to high school. She never did any schooling

beyond that. It sounds like she didn’t work. She just
stayed at home and ordered her parents to do things.

She already had control by that time over her
parents. Her parents raised their daughter

without getting angry. They bought her
everything she wanted the prosecution said.

They couldn’t scold her. The house was
overflowing with loonous things. Kidoko lived in

a small place and Osama had no place in the
house so he spent his time at internet cafes.

So because the house was full of her stuff, there was no
actual space for their parents. The father actually seemed to

spend most of his time outside of the house at internet cafes,
probably just surfing the internet reading and sleeping.

Kidoko would ask her daughter what she wanted and communicated with Osama
online. So basically she would say, “What do you want today? Maybe food?

Maybe a thing.” And then she would make that request to the father on a
messaging app and then the father would come home and just drop it off.

The mother called Runa young lady and spoke to
her in polite language. So in Japanese there is

familial language and polite language. There’s
different levels. There’s also very rude language.

That’s sort of the important thing you have to
learn when you start learning Japanese. When you

speak to your parents, you should be more polite,
just a little bit, but you’re still familiar.

In this case the mother is speaking to
the daughter like the mother is a servant

and then the daughter is sort of the master
of the house by calling her young lady.

Runa told her father to sell her
mother to a jukujo fusoku business, which

is a brothel that specializes in older
women instead of younger women.

And Osama was her personal driver. So like
when she went searching for the victim,

the father drove her around from place to
place so she could go hunting for this guy.

She made the father join all
nighters at game centers and other

places, Runa was selfish and
treated her parents like slaves.

So this is an ongoing case. There is
no resolution yet, but when we get to an

update, I will update on the actual
results, but it’s pretty clear she’s guilty.

It’s actually more interesting as to whether or
not the parents what they’re going to be prosecuted

with, what they’re actually going to be charged with,
what they’re actually going to find culpable of.

Because it sounds like in a weird way, once Runa took control over
the household, they were almost victims of her, but of course at

any point being adults, they could have called the police, they could
have looked for help, they could have tried to do something else.

But the father’s a psychiatrist is to me
one of the more interesting parts because he

fed into this as much as anyone else, but at
the same time, he should have known better.

So this is really just a statement for anyone
out there who thinks about having kids be strict,

do not let your children take control of
everything and do not be nice to your children.

I can’t stop with who will don’t be nice to your children. But
absolutely, this is a case for being strict with your children and not

giving them sort of that gentle, soft love and never saying no to
them like is actually a very modern trend of what is gentle parenting?

I’m not a fan of that. This is a very good example case of gentle
parenting and not saying no to your kids is not a good idea

because you could end up in a situation where you are driving your
child around looking for a victim and participating in the crime.

Which is going to get you arrested as well.

I think this murder in Japan series,
because this is the third one, if it keeps

going, should be Ninja Ninja Japan
specials, which is almost self evident.

But I’ve hit basically writer’s block.
I’ve been doing so many other projects

that I haven’t had any ideas for
things to talk about for a seeming be.

And I don’t want it to just die. So I think
that’s actually why I did it this way. I

kind of just took what would be a special
Ninja Japan and made it into a seeming be.

I was trying it out though, and I do like it.
There’s a lot less commentary a lot more just like

reading and passing on facts. I think this might
be one that’s better to do with someone else.

Like I go through this stuff and
then talk to someone about it.

Examines Murder in Japan

(upbeat music)

So on Ninja Ninja Japan, I
don’t generally talk about things

where people die, because the feeling of
the show is supposed to be very flippant.

Like I make fun of whatever
I’m talking about, I give advice

to criminals and stuff, so I
don’t tend to talk about murder,

but that doesn’t mean murder
doesn’t have an inch of pen.

See me be on the other hand, this
is where I talk about whatever I want,

it’s experimental, I do
weird things, that’s great.

There have been two
murder cases recently in

Japan, and I thought
they were very interesting

and getting into the details
of these have been kind

of fun, so I thought it’d
be worth talking about.

In 2021 in November, at midnight, a
man made a call to emergency services.

And he said, there is a centipede in the
room, and someone isn’t serious condition.

And what he meant was, in Japan,
there are centipedes in their poisonous,

so if you actually get bit by one,
most of the time is not gonna kill you,

but there are people who have
reactions to any sort of venom,

so like people who are
allergic to bees and whatnot,

it can kill you, so this is
stronger than most other things.

So this guy was saying, I
have a friend in the room,

he’s in bad shape, he
was bitten by a centipede.

Paramedics arrive, there are two men
in the room, one who’s in cardiac arrest,

and then the other one who was the caller,
who claimed to be Diesuke Numba’s brother.

He had both health insurance cards, and
he showed them to the ambulance group.

Now health insurance cards in
Japan, they’re just a blue card,

they just have information on
them, they don’t have a picture.

So it’s not like a driver’s
license, it is sort of

identification, but it’s not
quite the same identification

as like a driver’s license or something
else, because it has no picture on it.

So it’s very hard to
connect this to people.

They took the patient to the
hospital, and then they called his family.

Pretty reasonable thing to do.

So the family shows up, the mother comes in

and they want them to check
on their son who it has died.

And the mother says,
immediately, this is not Diesuke.

So there’s already now a
significant suspicion in the case.

Numba had taken a
600 million yen insurance

policy out on himself
a few months before.

The victim, his name was Ando, and they
had met through religious solicitations.

So this Ando guy came to his house
and said, like, come join our religion.

There’s actually a lot of
sort of small cults in Japan,

so there’s actually kind
of thing happens fairly

regularly where they come
and they come to your house

and they say like, “Hey, just come
out and hang out, have a good time.

” It doesn’t mean much.

And then they find out you
want to paint everything white.

There is a group in Japan, and they
believe that the solution to every problem

would be to paint every surface,
including all of nature white.

So if you paint all the trees
white, they’re not going to die.

Everything will improve afterwards.

So that was one of those ones that’s
been on the fringe as far as I’m concerned.

They were hanging out.

They became friends.

The articles I read refer to them
as brothers and they’re not brothers.

So I think they were
brothers in the religious sense,

but not brothers in
the actual familial sense.

So this guy came up with a plan.

I’m going to take an
insurance plan out on

myself, and then I’m
going to have myself die,

and then I’m going to
collect the insurance plan.

Well, wait a minute, that doesn’t work.

I’m going to need something
else to happen here.

There was a lot of other
things that were also suspicious.

So this Ando guy, when they do the autopsy,
they find like he’s full of liquor.

He didn’t drink.

The police think that while Ando wasn’t
conscious, he was injected with vodka.

So it seems like they had had
some sort of drink or something else.

He’d put sleeping pills into the drink.

The guy’d fallen asleep
while he was unconscious.

He injected him with
vodka, which is why he was

essentially, his blood
alcohol level was so high.

The death was unrelated
to a centipede bite.

So there’s another sort of
question that actually didn’t

answer was, was there a
centipede in the room at all?

So did the actual, did
the guy actually get bitten?

Did he go through all the steps?

So he wanted to make it
look like this was an accident.

Like a centipede had bit this guy.

He had a negative reaction and he died.

He’d clearly hadn’t done the research.

And this actually comes up in the
court case that comes up very soon.

Because first of all, you
would want a centipede there.

You would want a centipede bite.

You would want to make
sure that the reaction looked

like an actual centipede bite
for this plan to go through.

You also would need to make sure
that they don’t immediately identify

it’s not your body if
it’s your insurance plan.

The reason he wanted it to be a
centipede bite was because for some reason,

the insurance would go
from 550 million yen to 630

million yen if it was a
death by centipede or wasp.

So there was some claws in there.

If it was like a bug bite that
kills you, you get more money.

Pay out from the insurance.

This plan was sloppy.

We can actually say this pretty fairly

because the judge actually
called it a sloppy plan.

Number was found,
the guy I actually did it.

So we’ll go back to my other point.

He wanted to make it look like the guy
had been bitten by a centipede and died.

So he injected him with vodka.

Anyone who’s watched CSI,
which I watched like 13 seasons

of that, you would know that
injecting someone with vodka

isn’t going to show up
as like death by centipede.

Having a bunch of sleeping pills in
your system is also very suspicious.

Doesn’t imply death by centipede.

What he would need to do was go and find
out what does death by centipede look like,

what does it do to your
body and try to recreate that?

The sleeping pills actually
would have been fine.

‘Cause you say, oh, well, he
has a lot of trouble sleeping.

He took some sleeping pills.

He went to sleep and
then the centipede bit him.

You could get away with that.

Injecting him with vodka is
not going to have any effect

like you would actually want if you
wanted to mimic a centipede bite.

The police did a search of his computer.

It was found to have a search
history of identity switch, life

insurance, autopsy, sleeping
pills, double murder, untraceable,

wasp, death, insurance
payout, alcohol, lethal dose.

So I don’t know if those were exactly
in order, but when the police searched,

they actually just found
like essentially a grocery list

of if I want to fake a merch, if I want
to murder someone and make it look

like something else,
here’s the laundry list.

Here’s the list.

It’s the difference between
a laundry list and grocery list.

I shouldn’t have said that.

Now my brain just went to that.

But his search history
was essentially a list

of all the things you would
need to search for to try to

fake death by something else
after you’ve murdered someone.

The suspiciously close
timeline of getting an insurance

policy also would have tricked
the alarm bells across the board.

This guy clearly did not
come up with a good plan.

He bought the insurance plan.

He didn’t have any plan to change the face.

So I’ve seen the movie face off.

It’s a pretty old movie.

But like that’s the thing.

Once the body goes into the hospital,

they’re going to get someone
to come in and identify the body.

Like let’s not just ignore
it, like you can throw his

wallet away so there’s
no like picture ID and stuff.

They’re gonna get a family
member to come in and say,

yes, that’s my son or
no, that’s not my son.

So if you’re going to do it, if you’re
gonna try to pretend that you just died,

you’re gonna need your mom, or
your husband or wife, your partner,

or someone in your family, to
come in and vouch that this body

that is not you is you for
this plan to even move forward.

But if your mom comes in and
immediately goes, well, that’s not my son,

then you’ve already hit
your sort of first roadblock.

And that actually shows
like how sloppy this plan was.

I do enjoy that the judge called it sloppy,

and that’s why that phrase
is kind of stuck in my head.

He was assigned to 30 years in prison.

He wasn’t given life
because he wouldn’t have

received the payout
because the plan was so poor.

So essentially his sentence was
brought down from life in prison

to 30 years because he was
so bad at planning a murder.

And he was never gonna get the money.

Japanese legal system
is different philosophically

from the ones in
the West, that I know.

I don’t know much about the
UK, but I know America from TV,

and I know the Canadian one from
living in Canada for a very long time.

They would never pay like emotional damage.

So you see all these cases
where it’s like this happened

and it caused my first thought
was the McDonald’s burn.

So the lady put the cup of
McDonald’s coffee in between her legs

and she drove away
and spilled it on herself.

She got third degree, like super bad burns.

And then she sued McDonald’s.

Now the suit in Japan would have been
for the injury, and barely anything else.

The suit in America,
millions and millions dollars

for the emotional damage that was done
because you were burned and now you don’t feel

safe going to a McDonald’s
or something like that.

So that’s one of the
differences between the court’s

illegal systems is that if
you sue someone in Japan,

you can get your money,
you can get the base funds,

you can maybe get a little bit more
for the trouble you went through.

But at the end of the day,
that’s all you’re gonna get.

So the payouts in Japanese
court are much, much

smaller than they would
be in other countries.

So it’s something to be aware of.

And that sort of helps
with understanding

this punishment of
30 years instead of life.

Because he’s like, he
wasn’t gonna get any money.

He wasn’t gonna get any
of the stuff he was gonna do.

He wasn’t gonna be successful.

30 years in prison for
the murder itself, that’s it.

But as I’ve sat on Ninja
Ninja’s Japan when we do

almost any crime story, planning
is the most important part.

And this guy was clearly
just not a good platter.

That’s not the only murder
that’s happened in Japan.

There was a girl, she’s about 17 years old.

She takes a picture and a
ramen shop and she posts it online.

One of the girls in the picture
who’s like 2021 at the time,

she’s angry that this other girl
posted a picture of her that’s online.

I saw the picture, it’s
not particularly offensive.

It’s just her slurping noodles
and some guys around her.

You know, flash in the
peace sign and being goofy.

Basically just being young
adults and having a good time.

She was very angry about this.

And she said this was an unauthorized
picture that she had posted online.

So she started contacting this
girl, essentially threatening her,

trying to bully her, trying to get
her to come and give her 100,000 yen.

So she demanded 100,000 yen
compensation for the picture.

She tried to get her to transfer the
money electronically, but that failed.

A lot of things have like a limit.

So I wouldn’t be able to
from my phone transfer,

let’s say more than
50,000 yen at a time.

So they ended up meeting
at a roadside station

that were three girls
together and the victim.

There was a 20 year old, a
19 year old, and a 16 year old.

The 20 year old is the leader.

She’s actually known as
kind of a local gang leader,

or she at least has
influence in these circles.

They put the 17 year old
into a car and they drove

her to a remote area
with a suspension bridge.

They get her out on the
suspension bridge and then

they start taking videos
over her with her phone.

And they get her to get down and do
the kneeling bow as a, say, I’m sorry.

This is a very Japanese thing.

You get down on your
knees and you do a bow.

You say I’m sorry.

She’s crying.

She’s terrified.

They make her take off her clothes.

They get her to balance
on the suspension bridge.

So she’s basically
sitting on the edge of the

suspension bridge with
her legs on the outside.

There is no indication that
she was pushed, but suspension

bridges, I mean, they’re
essentially just ropes.

So she’s balancing on that, precariously.

And then she falls.

She falls to her death.

And then they throw the phone after her.

And I think this was an
attempt for them to try

to get rid of the evidence
that they had filmed

of them making her strip
down her clothes, making

her get down and do the
bowings to say I’m sorry.

Then they disappear.

Now it turns out there’s a
whole other side to this story.

So you got detectives.

The detectives, you know,
they got a decompress.

We’ve all seen the movies with detectives.

There’s cop bars.

And so cops in Japan aren’t that different.

They all have cop bars.

There’s a lot of bars in Japan.

So there’s going to be a
lot of people going to bars.

There’s going to be bars
close to a police station.

A lot of cops go to that bar.

A lot of bars in Japan, they hire
young attractive women to flirt, talk to.

This is a very normal thing in Japan.

So there’s a bar that’s
very popular with the police.

And there’s a detective that goes there.

And he starts to drink with
a young 20 year old woman.

He starts having a good time with them.

And they get intimate.

And this is married man, has a family.

But this 20 year old is offering
him a whole level of excitement.

Maybe he doesn’t know in his life.

Now, the fact that there’s a
bunch of cops go to this bar.

And this guy is getting very, very
personal with this 20 year old girl.

So it’s clearly struck
a chord with someone.

Like someone was like, “Ah,
something’s a little off here.

” So someone videoed him
drinking with the young girl.

Now that itself, she’s 20.

That’s legal drinking age.

There’s not actually a problem there.

But it’s suspicious in one of the
cops is like something’s off here.

So I’m going to film it.

Now, this 20 year old, it’s not by
accident that I’m talking about it.

This is the girl, this girl from the bar
is the girl who committed this murder.

Now, how it works in
Japan is the first division

of Japanese police,
investigates murders.

The second division
investigates financial crimes.

This case, this murder
case, was assigned to

the second division,
the financial crimes,

with the detective in
charge being the detective

who just happened
to be hanging out with

this random girl at the random
bar where the police hung out.

So that was very suspicious already.

It’s actually weird that they even got this
far before someone actually said something.

It makes me think that Hokkaido,
this all happened in Hokkaido.

Hokkaido being its own
individual island and being so small.

It makes me think it might actually
have its own sort of internal set of rules,

and it’s sort of like the police
protect the police and stuff.

So the second division,
which investigates financial

crime, was taking care of in
charge of this murder case.

Now, what is actually happening
here is, is the guy covering it up?

Well, he’s not really able to cover up.

They found the smashed phone, and it
has video of the girl being stripped and

being forced to
apologize, and it seems like

they threw it off to try
to destroy the phone.

So there’s too much
evidence to actually deny it.

But putting this detective who has a personal
relationship with the 20 year old girl

in charge of the case means
it’s now at risk at court.

So in court, it could all
be thrown out because

this guy essentially
has tainted the case.

This girl might get off because
she helped this cop get off.

And it’s very, very weird sort of situation
because every single step of the case,

every single step of this thing is like
you would go like, how is this not noticed?

How is this not become an issue right away?

How is that guy who
doesn’t investigate murders?

How has he even put in charge of a murder?

He does financial crime.

Why has this happened?

Why didn’t no one asked why this happened?

So I think there was a lot of
cops keeping their mouth shut.

But then there was at least
one who was like, uh, this is

already just him drinking
with his girls already a lot.

And then the murder comes out.

Now it’s all blown up.

This case is ongoing right now.

So I’m actually trying to keep track
of this to see where it actually ends up.

If the policeman actually
gets in trouble, if the

girl actually gets arrested
and gets in trouble,

if she actually gets punished for her crime
or if this whole case just gets thrown out

because she had an intimate
relationship with a police officer.

But then it also means
that that police officer

probably went out of his way
to get that case assigned to him.

So he’s clearly he should go to jail too.

I actually think he
should be punished almost

to the same degree as
the girl who murdered

because he’s trying to cover
up the murder and get her off it.

I keep using the phrase
get off and I gotta stop that.



Future Law

If I have Dave on my lap, I can aim that
camera down and you get way more Dave time.

But it means the microphone is
a little farther away from my face.

That looks alright, yeah?

Let’s try that.


So I’ve… The theme for
this episode is sort of law.

And some interesting
laws or issues with law

that have come up recently
and things, you know,

you should be aware of how laws work
and how the world works around you.

The first one being a very interesting law.

But the court… This came from the
court of the King’s Bench Saskatchewan.

And Canadian law sounds cool.

I mean, that actually… I’m sorry,
the court of the King’s Bench…

I mean, the bench
isn’t the most exciting

part, but you know, all
the laws in Canada are

still representative of the King,
so that’s interesting in itself.

The court of the King’s
Bench and Saskatchewan

oversaw dispute between a
farmer and a grain buyer in 2021.

That seems like a very
mundane issue, Peter.

Why are you bringing up and seeing people?

We’ll get there,
because there’s a modern

twist on this ancient,
ancient issue of farmer

selling their grain to grain buyers
and they’re being legal disputes.

So this guy wanted to
purchase 81 tons of flax.

And then the farmer was like,
“Here’s an image of the contract.

He sent it to his phone.”

So the guy looked at
his phone and he saw the

contract and he sent a
thumbs up emoji in response.

The defendant said he sent
this thumbs up emoji as a

receipt of the image, not as
an agreement to the contract.

The farmer says the thumbs up emoji
said that he agreed with the contract.

The sender sent a picture
and a text, “Tec-no.”

The sender, the farmer
sent a picture and

text asking for confirmation
of the agreement.

So he didn’t just send an image of the
contract and the guy sent a thumbs up.

He said, “Here’s an image of the contract.

Do you agree to this contract?

The buyer sent a thumbs up emoji.”

The court acknowledges
that the thumbs up is

a non-traditional means
to sign an agreement.

Under the
circumstances, it is a valid

interpretation, which means
if someone sends you a

contract in Canada,
specifically Saskatchewan

at the moment, and you send a thumbs up
emoji as response, you are agreeing to the

proposed contract held
in that text message.

In the past though, there
was precedent for this.

It wasn’t just like a one-off thing.

In past the two, so
the farmer and the grain

buyer had agreed to contracts and
the buyer had posted looks good and yep.

The emoji being just
one step away from what

he had sent previously was then
considered an acceptance of the contract.

But if you’re accepting
contracts with yep, this

is obviously something
you do fairly regularly.

It’s obviously something you
two have worked together before.

Unless the contract
had changed significantly,

it seems weird that he
would be disputing this.

I’m assuming something
else actually happened.

The defense though, they actually started
talking about the precedent that this would

set, which is again the more
interesting part of this court case.

The court, because
he’s like, “You could send

an emoji and then the
emoji has interpretations

to it and then once you’ve interpreted
the emoji, now anything can be accepting a

contract, I honestly don’t think you
should be sending contracts over text.

I think you still should get a signature on
it, but again, modern technology has made

that maybe that’s an
antiquated way of thinking.”

So they’re saying like, “You’re going to
open the floodgates for court cases now.”

The court was like, “Laul 100
fire emoji times change fam.”

That’s not exactly what they said.

But that is the message they sent.

They said, “Look, technology
is changing the way we do

interactions, interactions, legally
or not have to be considered.

So going forward, we have to take these
communications as legally binding or not.”

And we are saying that these
communications are legally binding.

Some other interesting
Canadian law specifically.

Back in May 2006, British
Columbia introduced the Apology Act.

This was because
Canadians naturally say

sorry so quickly that people were starting
to say, “We’ve had a car accident.”

He said he was sorry, therefore
that’s an admission of guilt.

That admission of guilt means he
is now responsible for the accident.

Now this, again, because
this is sort of just

a natural aspect of
Canadian conversation

in speech, they actually
enacted a law saying

that an apology does not
constitute an admission

of guilt and cannot be used
as evidence to prove liability.

So basically you get
into a car accident and

then one of the guys
goes, “Oh, sorry, eh?

Oh, sorry, this happened.

Oh, I’m so sorry.”

That doesn’t mean he’s saying
he’s responsible for the accident.

He’s saying he’s sorry
the accident happened.

Maybe he’s still
saying he’s responsible,

but he’s still sorry that
this thing happened in itself.

It is classified specifically as an
expression of sympathy or regret not guilt.

Most provinces have
since introduced similar laws.

So if you say sorry after an accident,
it cannot have any bearing on your case.

So if you do get an accident in Canada, you
feel free to get out of your car and say

they’re sorry to the other driver,
but you’re not saying it’s my fault.

You’re saying, “I’m sorry, you’re so stupid
that you actually cause this accident.”

The insurance adjuster
will not base their

decision on what you
say, either a party, but

on all available evidence,
so they’re going to

go with CCTV, they’re going to get witnesses,
they’re going to try to do other stuff.

But what I say should not impact what the
insurance adjuster thinks in what you say

should not impact what the
insurance adjuster thinks as well.

There are two other
Canadian laws, which I think

is very Canadian in representing
the way the country thinks.

It is illegal to scare the king.

So if I jump out, the
king, that’s the king

Charles is in Canada,
and I jump out of a closet

and I go, “Boo,” and he’s surprised,
that can get me up to 14 years in prison.

So the fact is, yeah,
if you’re in Canada

and the king is there,
don’t scare the king,

be really careful because
they take that really seriously.

Scaling the king, I guess
there is a secondary

thing like Queen
Elizabeth was sold when

she died and King Charles is
quite old as he’s taken the crown.

A good scare could kill
them, could give them

a heart attack and kill them, so this could
be some kind of regicide defensive act.

So just getting murder
aside, just scare in the

king or queen in Canada,
I can get you 14 years.

If you then intern scare
them and they have

a heart attack and die, you
might be charged with regicide.

I don’t know what the time is for that.

I’m going to assume it’s a lot.

I kind of messed up my middle bits anyways.

Another thing is illegal.

I’ve actually read this
online where someone

gets a bill and they
don’t agree with the

bill and they decide
it’s sort of a malicious

compliance thing
and they pay the pill.

They pay the bill in pennies, thus wasting
the person’s time or it’s incredibly heavy.

Well, actually there’s a law in
Canada saying you cannot do that.

So it is illegal to make a
purchase with too many coins.

What are too many coins?

Well that has to be defined.

So that was the interesting bit to me.

In the law, this has
been defined in Canada.

You can pay with up to 25 pennies.

100 nickels.

It’s actually quite a lot of nickels.

3/4, 25 looneyes, which is the $1
coin, 22 nickels, which is the $2 coin.

In a single transaction.

So you couldn’t know someone by paying them
in these sums of money every single time

you do a transaction with
them and they can’t say anything.

But you can’t go over
this in a single transaction.

There’s no penalty.

So there’s no legal recourse.

But the restaurant, the business,
whatever, has the right to refuse service.

They have the right to refuse
the acceptance of these coins.

And you go, “Well, this is legal tender.”

Well, tough ship dipshit.

You’re actually kind of breaking a law.

Again, it’s a law that
doesn’t come with a

punishment, but I can’t be
punished for refusing you service.

So an interesting sidebar.

We have the right now, the writer’s
strike and Hollywood is going on.

So the writers and actors are saying,
“This actually has a lot to do with AI.”.

The studios want to
take the ideas, let’s say

I’m a writer, I’m in a
writer’s room, I create

a bunch of ideas,
they want to plug that

into AI and then have
AI generate more ideas

off that, but not pay me for
any of the ideas the AI generates.

One of the things
that came out that was

really, really interesting to me is what
they’re trying to do with background actors.

So basically, extras.

So they want to be able
to, part of the contract,

is scan background actors
for use and perpetuity.

But then I, as the background actor,
only get one day pay, no residuals.

So if they use my face again in the future,
I don’t get anything off that either.

And they get your image forever.

So here we have me, most background extras,
actors, they want to be famous actors.

I think that’s pretty fair
to say, maybe they’re out

there just having a good time
one day and they don’t care.

But a lot of those people are trying to get
into the industry, they’re trying to get

in with other people who are into acting,
they’re trying to get producers, directors,

whatever, to know them,
they want to do a good job.

The studio is saying, like, oh,
we’re going to scan your face.

And then if we need another scene in the
future, we can use your face in that scene.

Let’s say I am the next Brad
Pitt, the next Bradley Cooper.

I’m starting my career
and you have a scan of my

face that you’re allowed
to use in perpetuity.

But that means I quit, I don’t
get a job with your studio.

I get famous working
with a different studio.

Your studio still technically owns my face.

Now I’m famous and you decide, well,
let’s make a movie using this guy’s face.

But they don’t have to pay me for it.

They don’t even have to pay me for the
right to use my face in a second project.

So they use AI.

They stick my face
in another actor, that

other actor does a terrible movie
that I would never be involved in.

They make that movie,
clearly my face is on it.

So they’re selling it using my
face and that movie’s terrible.

So it damages my reputation.

What happens now?

I’ve actually signed
away my rights in

perpetuity because I was
a very poor background

actor who needed whatever,
like the $200 I would

have got that day for
standing in a crowd scene.

Now, a tiny percent
of people will be

successful, but that’s
what they’re banking on.

The percentage of actors
who will be successful

at some point in the future are going to
be these extras in these background scenes.

They still will own that face.

There’s also the secondary
issue of the writers and then

the AI learning that writer
style, so a Sam Raimi movie.

Let’s say he or every script has the twist,
but then the AI learns how to do a twist.

We don’t need Sam Raimi anymore.

We start just generating scripts.

I don’t think that’s
going to be a successful,

I think it’ll be so
boring independent

movies would actually get things,
get like sort of more traction.

But the problem is,
the reality is these big

budget movies are already
kind of cookie cutter.

Like Marvel films, hero films.

I mean, there’s no
surprises in them really.

Like if someone dies,
that’s the biggest surprise.

And then they might just come back later.

The AI can learn how to do that.

That’s problematic.

Studios basically want you to work one day
and then be able to plug that work my face

or my writing into AI and have AI generate
new things off that and give me new money.

I actually did read
about, there was this, I

assume a writer she
had written a show about

her life and she was
shipping it around in

Netflix, wanted to pay
her a million dollars,

which sounds really
good, but they wanted to

own everything which meant they could then
take her story, plug it into AI, do spin

offs, take her writing
style, make more shows,

more episodes, use her face, take
her face and put it into other things.

And she refused in good honor.

I mean, a million dollars is pretty hard
to refuse, but it’s nothing compared to the

entirety of your career
if you’re successful.

Now, am I never going to be successful?

That’s fine, but I want
to make sure that at

the end of the day, I
own everything I create.

So this podcast, this face, the
dog I got right here, it’s all mine.

If you want to use it, you
need to pay me money to get it.

But I think that’s fair.

And this is what actually a big
part of what the strike is about.

If you read the news
recently, they cut down,

the studios cut down all the trees so
that the strikers would have no shade.

And of course it’s summer in
California making it really difficult.

But it turns out they were like, oh,
well, this is just like a routine thing.

We have to cut down
the trees a certain amount.

We have to prune them every year.

Turns out they did it the
wrong season at the wrong time.

They did it illegally.

So of course they’re
going to have to pay

fines, but those fines
are going to be nothing.

But really, this was
just punitive to try to

punish the people who are striking to
make striking less comfortable for them.

And it just shows the level of
shittiness these companies are going to.

There’s a couple of
studios in Japan and they

want to use AI to
generate manga scripts.

Manga already is one of
these most abusive industries.

They have people working
incredibly long hours

making animation and drawing
and they get paid very little for it.

If AI can do that, that’s
going to be hugely problematic.

And already AI, already
anime is really formulaic.

Sticking that into AI is just
going to make it more formulaic.

Which means the good
ones just, they’re going

to be flooded out with
the absolute tons of crap

that come with AI
generated scripts and stories.

So the most recent bit of news is the Italian
courts have caused an uproar in Italy.

And it’s they’ve decided that groping for
less than 10 seconds isn’t really groping.

So this actual story is
there was a high school girl.

She was going upstairs and it
says she was pulling up her pants.

Now, I’m assuming
that they actually kind

of mean adjusting her pants or maybe they’re
loose pants and she was pulling them up.

A janitor walked up
behind her, slid his hand

down into her pants
and then grabbing her

underwear and lifting her up,
essentially giving her a wedgie.

He claims it was a joke.

Now caressing her
butt ox is pretty sexual,

but giving someone a wedgie
I would actually say is not.

So it’s a reasonable defense.

I don’t believe it’s true.

Let’s just get out there really clear.

I’m not on the janitor’s side on this one.

I think he should be punished
for groping a high school girl.

He says it was just a joke and it
was so brief it couldn’t be sexual.

Well the Italian court
accepted that because

it was less than 10
seconds to commit this act.

It is no longer considered groping.

I think they just let them go.

What happened was Italian comedian went on
TikTok and started like going, “Ahhh, ah,

if I can find that I’ll
plug it in but I don’t

know enough for telling
it to maybe to type it in.”

With a 10 second
countdown and then saying

after the 10 seconds over if that wasn’t
grossly sexual and I don’t know what is.

And this is started this
huge trend on TikTok

in Italy where everyone’s groping
themselves for less than 10 seconds.

Sort of in support of
this poor girl who got

groped and then the interview with the girl
is like, “I do appreciate the amount of

support I’m getting but at the
same time this is all very, very gross.”

And the last one is shines
copyright infringement.

It’s so egregious that
instead of just like

going after and suing sort of, and
again they’re using sub-compens to do it.

Instead of using those companies to go
after them, they’re using the United States

Rico laws which were
designed to catch organized

crime who were using
fraud and what not

to, as the basis of
their lawsuit, they’re so

aggressive that it’s actually
considered racketeering.

It’s called dishonest and
fraudulent business dealings.

So shine has grown rich committing
individual infringements over and over again.

They actually basically have a system where
what they do is they’ll have a company that

company steals a designer’s
picture and then they’ll

put it on clothing or
a t-shirt or something.

They will steal clothes
from other designers

and producers and they will
throw it into their systems.

These sub-compensies do the theft and then
feed it up into the shine system because it

has to have so many
sub-compensies, even if

they sued the sub-company,
they’re not actually suing shine.

Shine could just say, “Well, we’re going to
shut down that company, start a new company

tomorrow and it will actually
damage our business at all.”

They produce 6,000 new
items a day using multiple

companies to rip off
artists and designers.

Three companies directly have accused shine
of ripping off their designs, be it like

art or the actual
designer they’re clothing.

Having said, we will
vigorously defend ourselves

against this lawsuit and any
claims that are without merit.

If you actually dig down
into that sentence a

little bit, you get a
little interesting thing.

We will vigorously defend
ourselves against this lawsuit.

So we’re being sued by
these three companies,

we’re going to defend ourselves
and any claims that are without merit.

So any claim that is without merit, we will
defend ourselves against and this lawsuit.

So what they are
inadvertently saying is that

this lawsuit has merit,
which I don’t think

is what they mean to say,
but it is what they actually said.

Shine is trying to go public this year.

The Rico Act being
used against them, I’m

pretty sure is going
to make it so that they

can’t go public this year,
which is really, really good.

I didn’t know about
shine until very recently.

I read the news about
the TikTok influencers

going to the being
paid to go to the shine

factory and just go, oh,
oh, this is so wonderful.

It’s also clean.

It’s also modern.

All the workers look so happy.

They are also being
accused of having factories

where they have like
essentially sweatshops.

What is it?

The Urgar people in China.

They’re being focused for abuse.

So shine seems to be really abusing all the
laws and then using everything you can do

to get people to shine that turd for
them so it doesn’t look as bad as it is.

There are accusations of forced labor.

So I guess that’s just sweatshops.

We know in China, forced labor.

I mean, it could be if you
don’t hit a quota, you die.

It’s important to know the
laws in different countries.

So the Canadian laws
sort of introduce a

sense of some of the
differences in how law is

handled in Canada, which may
have an influence on other countries.

We always get our law from
essentially American media.

And that gives us a weird view
of how the law works because

in America, specifically, they
talk about individual rights.

Individual rights take the forefront
in American law quite often.

And I’ve actually found
it one of the reasons

why America is so
lawsuit happy, sue happy.

It’s because if I
have individual rights

and you have individual
rights, those cannot

exist in the same space
without there being

some kind of conflict unless
we agree perfectly on everything.

But if I have my individual
rights on the most

important thing and
your individual rights

are the most important
thing, then they cannot exist.

So the protections
of individual rights in

America causes a lot
of the problems because

this is the easiest way
to be like you have a

conservative in a Democrat
and they are in the same space.

Well, if my individual
rights are the most

important thing, then
you must be inherently

wrong because you don’t
agree with me and vice versa.

So that causes an
escalation of conflict

because you’ve been
taught your whole life that

what you believe is
the most important thing.

Canada’s rules actually protect groups.

There are rights to personal
liberties to a degree, but the

actual individual doesn’t take
precedence over the group.

So that makes it much harder to have
the same attitude as a Canadian citizen.

You can see like this
malicious compliance of

paying back money and
coins, they put a limit on that.

Yeah, you can try to
be a dick, but you can

only be so much of a
dick because you’re going

to be inhibiting another person’s
business if you’re too much of a dick.

The writer’s strike actually plays
into the thumbs up emoji as well.

The thumbs up emoji is a
new way of saying I agree.

I agree to this contract.

It is now legally binding in Canada.

Specifically in Saskatchewan, but I
bet other courts in Canada follow suit.

What the studios in
America are trying to do

is say we want to take
something from you,

your face, your writing, your art and
hold on to that aspect and perpetuity.

Never pay you again, but if you get famous,
if you get popular, we use that with AI to

create new products that we
profit off of that you get nothing from.

So basically they could
take all these podcasts,

put them into AI
and learn how to write

an engineers Japan
episode, a C-McBe episode.

And then if I get popular and they had paid
me that money in the past, they could make

new spinoffs, Italian news Japan, American
news Japan, not a ninja news Italy.

We have to be in the UK.

So we have a ninja news Japan.

I’ve just doing this joke
on the flies and possible.

I have to actually go
back and riff it a bit.

We have ninja news Japan, so we
want to have pizza news America.

Because that’s me, cliche
hamburger news America.

I’m on, that doesn’t work because
then I can’t use pizza news Italy as well.

I’m going to have to go
back, I can’t do it right now.

I would have to go away
write some vaguely racist

things, some stereotypes from the different
countries and then news in that country.

But they could do
with AI, a spinoff in a

ninja news Japan that
does all these things.

They could do a spinoff of C-McBe that uses
this writing style talking about different

topics and then make
a purely anime oriented

channel using my
style of speaking, doing

a purely news related style
linking all these stories together.

AI could put that together.

AI could use AI to
generate a million daves

and make it a movie and it would
be the best movie in the world.

But then I wouldn’t get any money
back, Dave wouldn’t get any money back.

Dave needs his million dollars.

I need my million dollars.

That’s just how it works.

So be afraid of big
corporations like shine,

of companies wanting
to use your image, your

art, your creations
and perpetuity like the

studios and be careful
about new technology,

not just AI, but how
you use new technology

because that could
actually end up you agreeing

to a contract that you don’t
necessarily intend to agree to.
